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chapter eight: What the ***?

Rose’s POV:

“Vic! VIC! VIC!!!” I screamed at him as he backed away from me and headed out the door. I was so confused with what was going on. He threw up next to his car and despite my desperate calls as I chased him to the driveway, he got in his car and sped away from my house.

I was left in the driveway with the wind lightly blowing my hair and the mint colored dress I’d put on. My hands were at my sides with my palms facing upwards in a confused manner, and my jaw hung open in shock.

“What the fuck?...” was all I could manage to say. What the hell is going on? I was so upset that he wouldn’t just talk to me; I didn’t care if we couldn’t go through with the plans of the day anymore. What had me upset was the fact that he treated me that way. He roughly pushed me away and ignored me, not telling me anything.

I lifted my left hand to my forehead, pressing the heel of my palm firmly against my temple. I wanted to scream and cry all at the same time. I drew in a long, deep, shaky breath and turned on my heel to head back to my front door that was left wide open.

I hurried to my room and ripped the dress from my body, still angry with Vic. What the fuck was that all about? The least he could have done was explain himself. None of this was making any sense. I was so happy to be spending the day for him. I even threw on a little make up for the occasion.

I retreated to a baggy t-shirt and sweat pants, throwing my usual messy bun atop my head. I walked back into the den and angrily finished cleaning what was left of the mess we’d made after breakfast this morning.

I went back to my room and plopped down onto my bed while drawing in a deep sigh. I was so upset at Vic. I really didn’t think he had it in him to act that way. I just wanted to know what was going on.

I replayed the words he said in my head. He said that he couldn’t do ‘this’ right now. What did he mean by ‘this’? Did he mean us? Did he mean introducing me to the guys? Was it something I did? He had just told me how he felt about me. Now all of a sudden he’s out the door pushing me away. Nothing was adding up quite right. What was the problem?

I glared into the eyes of the elephant he had won for me at the fair. Suddenly, a sense of worry washed over me. Maybe I wasn’t being fair about this. There could be something seriously wrong with Vic, and I was being very insensitive to that possibility. I was too wrapped up in my own feelings.

My phone began to violently buzz with a call from Vic. Despite my feelings of worry, I sent the call to voicemail, having no intentions on speaking to Vic anytime soon. I need to cool off first. At least now with his call, I knew that he was somewhat okay.

He called three more times, and each time I sent the call to my voicemail, hoping he’d get the fucking picture. I don’t want to talk to him at all right now. My phone then began to ring with a call from a number I don’t have saved in my phone. I figured it was Vic still trying to get me to answer, so I again sent it to voicemail and turned my phone off completely. I was so annoyed.

I knocked the elephant off of my bed and onto the floor and buried my face into my pillow. I silently listened to the steady blow of the air conditioning filling the house. I nervously chewed on my lip as I lay there, still trying to take in everything that happened. I couldn’t really get the way Vic’s face looked out of my head. His eyes seemed to be so stricken with fear and sickness. I just wanted to understand why he did that. But again, I didn’t want to talk to him right now. I needed to collect my thoughts first.

About forty five minutes went by, and I was shaken from my dazed state by an aggravated knocking at my front door. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and rose to my feet, unsure of whom it could be. I hesitantly peered through the door’s peephole, revealing a rather tall man covered in tattoos. A lip ring hugged is bottom lip and a dermal rests just under his nose. He was dressed in a loose tank top with a hat turned backwards over the length of his hair that hung about his neck.

“Who is it?” I asked, afraid to open the door. I had no idea who this person is, and he looked rather intimidating considering his height and plethora of tattoos. I wouldn’t stand a chance if he decided to attack me or anything like that.

“Uhh, I know this is weird, but I’m Mike. I’m Vic’s brother. This is important” A deep voice called back to me.

I rolled my eyes with a sigh, but with a confused expression. I unlocked the door and pulled it back slightly.

“Hi, could we talk for a second? I know this is really weird, but I can explain everything if you’d let me.” He said hurriedly.

I pulled the door back further, allowing him to come into the foyer.

He extended his hand to me, reintroducing himself. I chuckled a little when he told me he was Vic’s younger brother. He was much taller than Vic and was plastered in tattoos, while Vic was around my height and settled with a simple nostril piercing.

We sat on my couch where Vic and I had sat earlier, and he propped his elbows on his knees as he faced me, preparing to tell me whatever he had to say.
“First off, it’s very nice to finally meet you. But, I think something is going on.” He said in a shaky voice.

I tilted my head encouraging him to continue.

“There’s a lot to explain, but long story short, I think Vic is in some serious trouble right now. I’m really, really, worried about him.”

“What’s going on?” I asked impatiently.

“Well, I can explain everything that happened but I need to you to help me find him, please. I’m desperate right now. He left his phone at our house so I have no way of contacting him. I saw that he was with you this morning, and you messaged him your address. So all I could think to do was to come here.” He said breathlessly.

“Wait, so you think he’s in danger? What exactly are you saying right now?” I asked, still confused.

“I don’t want to make my brother seem like a bad person, but Vic is going through some things. He sorta relies on alcohol to deal with things …” He said, trailing off.

Just then I realized that alcohol has probably caused Vic a lot of problems. This didn’t surprise me as much, considering the fact that he’s committed his life to playing music on stage for a bunch of teenagers.

“He took off from our house after having a huge meltdown, and I’m almost certain he’s doing something he’s going to regret. I honestly have no idea where he could possibly be, but I can’t sit here and not try to look for him. So it would really mean a lot if you helped me.” He said with a pained expression.

I agreed and we headed to his car. The sky was growing darker and clouds were starting to form overhead.

Mike toted me along to all of Vic’s favorite spots he could think of, and had me direct him to where Vic and I would spend time talking at the beach and such. There really wasn’t much time for him to explain why Vic was acting this way, because we were speeding around with our eyes peeled for any sign of Vic. We just wanted to find him and make sure he was safe.

Two unsuccessful hours had passed and the sky had turned pitch black with heavy clouds lining the sky. Mike and I were parked at a bar near their home.

“I just really hope he comes home tonight…” He said in a strained voice. I reached over and rubbed his shoulder while he hunched over the steering wheel of the car in distress.
“It’ll be alright … he’ll be safe.” I said in a worried, shaky voice. The way Mike was acting made me really worry about Vic. If he was acting this way, then Vic could really be in a serious situation. I just wanted for Vic to be okay, even though I was mad at him for what happened this afternoon.

He stared at me with pained eyes and pulled his lips into a half smile. “Thank you. Thank you for agreeing to help me, Rose. I really appreciate it.” He said in a scratchy voice, obviously worn from looking for Vic.

His phone began to buzz loudly in the car’s cup holder, and he quickly pulled the phone to his ear.

“Hello?” He asked.

I could just make out what the person on the other end of the phone was saying.

“Is this Michael Fuentes?” A lady-like voice questioned into his ear.

“This is he, speaking. May I ask who’s calling?”

“This is Julie Sanders speaking on behalf of the Scripps Mercy Hospital located in San Diego, California. Your brother, Victor Fuentes, has been admitted to the Scripps location, and we need you here as soon as possible.”
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Hello, sweethearts! Here's a quick update for you. Sorry it's a little short, but I really wanted to get a chapter up today. Excuse any typos/mistakes, I wrote this all in one sitting, so. I hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks to everyone who has left feedback so far! I really love having you all's opinions on the story. :) Stay tuned!

And as usual, thank you to those of you subscribed to the story! Love you bunches! xo