The Bride and Her Bloodlust

Chapter 15

“Please let me go see him.” James begged.

He was on his knees before Ella as she read in Lucius’ study. I was in there, preparing with Al for our next hunt, watching the spectacle with bland boredom. James had been at this for about half an hour now. He was desperate to see his friend having not been to school for a week now.

“No, James. It’s too dangerous.” Ella repeated tiredly.

“But I’ll be okay there. They’ve got a big dog and everything.” He whined. “Please!”

“No. You stay here and play with Pyotr. Is he not your friend?”

James pushed his lower lip out and let his hands flop into his lap. “He is but he’s not Henry. I want to see Henry.”

Ella sighed sharply and snapped the book shut. “You can’t, James. Your Uncle was poisoned and we may lose him. If he can be defeated then there is no way a human family or large dog can protect you. You must stay here, where the Clan can keep you safe.”

I didn’t like her speaking so bluntly of Lucius but she was right. It did calm James a little too. Ella smiled and leant down to hug him as Al approached and ruffled his thick hair.

“Be patient. You can go soon, once this has been sorted out.” Al said firmly.

James nodded glumly, not daring to voice a word against his father’s decision. Al turned to face me as I double checked I had all my weapons safely secured to the belt.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes.” I replied simply.

“Is Uncle really going to die?” James asked me suddenly as he gazed up at me.

“Not if I can help it.” I grumbled and stepped around him. “We’ll be a few hours, Ella.” I said as she caught my eyes.

She smiled, wrinkling her eyes a little. “Just come back safe. And not poisoned.” She added, her eyes flicking to Al and becoming quite firm.

He smiled and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “We’ll come back in one piece.”

Ella nodded and puffed out her cheeks, letting James scrabble onto his feet and pinch Al’s nose. He laughed, brushing away his son’s hand, and rose to walk with me out of the room until the doors flung open.

Eva stood there with Dana hovering over her shoulder as usual, wringing her hands with worry.

“What’s happened?” Al asked as I watched her curiously.

“Another child has gone.” She blurted out. “Viorel just contacted me and he says the Elders are in a fury about it all.”

“Which child?” I asked as Ella drew James close to her chest, keeping him safe in her arms.

“An Ulrich child.”

Al hissed and my eyes narrowed as rage bubbled. The Ulrich Clan were close to us ever since the events with Morrigan and her attempts to force Lucius to choose Clare. They were our ally and friend.

“Was the child one of Clare’s?”

“No, no witch would dare take a child of a Silver, especially one like Vasco. He doesn’t fear killing and becoming lost like many others. It was Clare’s niece, Vivienne.”

I had heard of Vivienne. Clare loved her sister’s twin children as much as her own and often spoke of them. Vivienne was only seven.

“How long ago?”

“A day. Viorel is trying to find her and Vasco and his guard are going to seek her as well. I’m hoping they find her before anything happens.”

“A lot can happen in a day.” Al pointed out darkly.

“But Vasco will be hunting.” Dana said calmly. “Vasco is like a dog, relentless once he has found a scent. He won’t give up looking for her, not until her has her, dead or alive.”

I knew she was right and Vasco would try harder as she was a member of his mate’s Clan but I couldn’t help but doubt it she would be found. These people were brilliant at keeping hidden. It would at least take weeks to find her which would give the Traitor Family more than enough time to take what they needed from Vivienne.

“Witches are also helping. The Crone is doing her best to help and protect us. Hopefully all of them can bring Vivienne back to her Clan safely.”

I wasn’t over confidant but having so many people looking for her, especially Vasco, did give some hope Vivienne would return home alive.

I grabbed Al’s shoulder, making him turn to me. “We should go now.”

“Wait.” Eva said, flapping her hands. “There’s more.”

“More?” Al echoed dread.

“I’ve been monitoring Lucius.” She said, eyeing me warily. Behind her Dana shifted her weight. I was not looking forward to what was coming next. “While the cure did push back the poison for a few moments of time, it is apparent that it has…amplified it.” She said weakly.

My eyes darkened and a soft growl thundered out of my throat. “What do you mean?”

“The poison is eating at Lucius with more vigour.” Eva touched her hair nervously. “I am guessing the time he had left has been halved.”

I felt an ugly twist of rage rip at my stomach and found it very hard not to rip someone’s face off. Al wrapped his arm around me though, squeezing my shoulder in comfort.

“What do you want us to do, Eva?”

“I’ll try my best to keep the poison at bay but there’s no point in working on the cure now.”

That irked me instantly. Al’s grip on me tightened and he held me in place. “No point?” I snarled.

“I can’t create a cure quick enough to entirely counteract the poison and the one that worked with Vincent is only making it worse.” She explained as calmly as she could. I could see the panic, smell the guilt. She wanted to help Lucius and keep us both alive but she was failing. “I’ll focus on keeping Lucius intact instead, to give him more time, and I need you to bring me back the poison that was used. A vial of it; pure and unadulterated. I may be able to do something then.”

I let a savage sigh escape my mouth, trying to force myself to calm. Al was giving me some comfort as he constantly rubbed my arm, reminding me I was among friends and people who wanted to help Lucius.

“How much time does he have left?” Ella asked softly as James remained silent in her arms.

“I’m not sure. A week maybe? Two at most.” She said honestly then smiled softly. “Vincent is going to help you now with your hunts. He may not admit it but he doesn’t want to lose you two as much as myself.”

I nodded in acceptance. Two weeks. Two weeks I had to find a goddamn witch and that poison. I glanced up at Al and noticed how sad his eyes were. He wasn’t expecting us to find it either. His mind was filled with one awful realisation.

Both Lucius and I were going to die.