The Bride and Her Bloodlust

Chapter 19

I ground my teeth together as Ella wrung her hands tightly. Al had gathered up some young ones to search the city. Even Elgar, the Alpha of the wolf pack, had been stirred and was keeping what little members he had out in the woodlands, searching for the little vampire child and any unwanted witches. Vincent had taken Dana from Eva and intended to look for James at the hunters’ home. I had told them adamantly that James wouldn’t disobey but Vincent was determined to check.

I stayed with Ella, alone in the room, as Eva continued to work. She had offered to aid the search but I didn’t dare let her stop working for a moment. Lucius needed her and her mind was not strong like the average Silver. She would not find him any fast than I would. And James had enough people searching for him. Someone needed to keep caring for my mate.

With her eyes closed tightly, Ella rocked back and forth in a slow motion as Mo rubbed her back in comfort. The chair squeaked gently as she clutched her hands to her chest, trying to keep her fear and tears under control. I had searched the house, seeking out the boy in every room on every floor until I had no choice but to give up.

“He was damned right.”

“Who was? “ Mo asked curiously as Ella looked up miserably.

“James wanted to play with me. He said he wanted me to hunt him and said I wouldn’t be able to find him.” I bared my teeth a little in annoyance as I stared at the huge window that stained an inky black shade from the night. “He was right.”

“He’s playing?”

I shrugged, unsure. “He might be. He’s hiding somewhere, that’s for certain.”

Ella rubbed her eyes hard, wiping away the wet tears. “So he’s not been kidnapped?”

“I doubt it. No witch, regardless of how they hide their scent, would be able to approach this house without detection. We have too many eyes and noses and two Silvers here. We would’ve known something.”

Ella looked a little relieved. “So he’s playing.”

“We just need to figure out where he’s hiding. To be honest, he may have left the house on his own. The child is strong-willed and he has been picking up his stealth skills quickly.”

“But where would he have gone? The hunters house?” Mo murmured to herself.

“I hope not the hunters home but Vincent will find him if he has.” I said calmly. “And Eva would’ve said something by now.”

Mo hummed in agreement, continuing to try and soothe Ella by gently rubbing her back and holding her hand tightly. Ella squeezed her eyes shut, snuffling, as she thought hard, trying to think where James had gone. Nothing disturbed her thoughts, not even the gentle tap at the study door. When no one entered, I strode over and wrenched the thing open, startling the small child behind it.

With bright worried eyes, Pyotr glanced constantly from the floor to my face as he shuffled his feet. “The school.” He forced out.

Ella stirred rapidly at Pytor’s tiny words. “The school? What of it?”

Mo stirred out of her thoughts. “James has been chatty today and quite excitable. He kept mumbling about going back to school and looking forward to it. I thought he was just speaking of the distant future, when the threat blows over.”

I looked down at Pyotr. “Has James gone to the school?”

Very timidly Pyotr nodded his head. Ella, in desperation, rounded on him, storming towards him with the intent to shake information from the terrified boy.

“Why’s he gone there? What’s he doing there?” She demanded in fear.

I held her back easily as Pyotr shied away then fled into the halls with the sound of Livia following him.

“He knows something Susan.” Ella said desperately, clinging onto my arms tightly. “He knows why James went.”

“And we’ll find it out later from James himself. We have all we need to know.” I said calmly. “Stay here. I’ll bring James back for you to scold.”

Ella’s eyes snapped into a glare. “I am coming with you. I want to bring James back myself and you need someone with you.”

I hesitated, not certain if I should let her come, but she was the only person I could bring. I glanced back at Mo, noting how frail she looked. She was ten years older than Ella and it showed. She wouldn’t be able to keep up with me as well as Ella could. Mo seemed to realised my thoughts and smiled gently.

“I am no use to you anymore Susan. Ella is the best option you have. I’ll stay and help Eva with Lucius. She’ll need it now Dana’s gone.”

I nodded firmly once, accepting Mo’s decision and glad someone was still thinking of my sick mate. I turned my gaze on Ella, trying my best to ignore how frail humans were. I just need an extra pair of hands and eyes, someone to watch my back and keep James safe if danger lurked in the school “Just do exactly as I say and make sure James is your only priority. Don’t worry about me.”

Ella promised and I instantly tore through the house, seeking out my suit. Once dressed and armed, I made sure one of my pistols was filled with Matter. Ella waited for me in the main hall with Mo and Eva, dressed in a thick coat and holding tightly onto a torch.

“Susan, be careful. You never know if you’ll find an enemy.” Eva warned me as I approached them. “Vincent has found nothing at the house which worries me.”

“We’ll be fine.” I promised. “Ella will be too. She has my gun and my sword protecting her.”

Eva frowned. “All the same, I have asked my witch to find you. She’ll help you.”

I just about managed to stop the intrigue from showing on my face. The witch was finally making an appearance and I was truly interested to know who she was.

“I’ll contact Alphonse as well, tell him where to go to.” Eva said softly. “I don’t know how far from the school he is though so he may not be the best of help.”

I smiled as much as I allowed my mouth to without feeling stupid. “We won’t need help. Ella and I will bring back James in one piece. He is just playing and seeing if I can find him. I’ll be cautious but I doubt there is anything wrong.”

Eva didn’t look so certain but she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. “I’ll keep your home safe as well as the rest of the young ones and Lucius while you’re gone. No harm shall come to them.”

I nodded in thanks before I looked to my red eyed and determined friend. “Shall we go?”

Ella tightened her grip on the torch. “Let’s get my stupid son back.”

“And yourselves. I would like you all back.” Mo said firmly. “I don’t intend to lose anyone else before I die. Not after Sal.”

Ella smiled and hugged her mentor and friend. “I have Susan so I’ll be safe.”

Mo just grunted and patted my arm in luck. Eva flung the doors open without moving from her spot, letting in the howling wind and stinging rain. Outside wasn’t too cold for me but I could feel Ella’s shivering and hear her clattering of teeth. The storm that had taken the skies was a large one, filled with roaring thunder and beams of lightning. Ella’s car was waiting for us and we quickly bundled inside. As I pulled the door shut, I glanced at the doorway, watching Eva as she waved at us and Mo gaze after us, her arms folded firmly.

Ella turned on the engine and wrenched the gear stick before hurtling off down the drive way, not caring that the roads were wet and muddy. We tore through the city in silence, going as quickly as we could but not so fast as to cause trouble. I could smell Ella’s fear and rage. I could see how tightly she griped the steering wheel and how white her knuckles had become. She was so angry James had left the house but she was scared for him also. I know that she was going to be torn between tears of relief and enraged words when she got her hands on him.

The school was quite large, having been built to house hundreds of students for not only this city but neighbouring towns as well. It stood tall out of red stone and dark blue paint. No lights were on inside but the grounds were a lit from the tall lamppost that were littered everywhere.

Ella parked the car just outside would’ve leapt out of the car instantly if I hadn’t grapped her hand.

“Wait.” I said firmly. “Let me scout ahead and see if I heard anything. And take this.” I shoved my pistol in her hands. “I have filled it with Matter so you have enough for a few rounds but use it wisely.”

Ella stared at the red hued and oddly design pistol, weighing it in her hands tenderly. “It is light.” She said with surprised.

“Witch weapons are usually quite light.” I said softly. “Now wait here. Remember to listen to everything I say and do what I ask without question. If you don’t, it may result in someone’s death.”

“I know. I remember you telling James this often.” She paused. “And now he’s gone and disobeyed you.”

“And he’ll be reprimanded for it. This isn’t a light thing he has gone and done.”

Ella’s eyes looked up at me, full of worry. “I’m sorry for this Susan.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for, only he does.” I tapped the sideboard lightly. “Keep this running until I call you.”

Ella nodded and pushed some of the loose blond strands back under her thick head. “Don’t leave me behind. I want to help you.”

“And I need it. James may just be playing a game but I can’t take the chances. If I run into trouble, I will need someone to guide James to safety.” I said and pushed the door open and slipped out into the rain.

I stayed by the car for a moment, listening. I drowned out the storm’s wails and tried to pick up that soft song of the bracelets. I heard nothing. Slowly I moved away from the car, going down the wet steps, constantly sniffing and listening, letting my Matter writhe in me as I tried to pick up any kind of threat.

I knew that this was probably some kind of game to James, that he was testing me and playing, and it may just be that. Just a game. But I couldn’t be sure. I had to be careful, had to be certain that there was no threat.

After several minutes and still sensing nothing, I returned to the car and knocked on the window. Ella didn’t need to be told that she was needed now. She turned off the engine and hauled herself out of the car and shuffled over to my side.

“I’ll follow you, Susan. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” She promised loudly over the storm.

I smiled at her, pleased she was so aware of the Old World’s ways, and guided her slowly to the building. As I draw closer and walked through the small display of flowers, I heard something. A constant banging. Curious, I began to follow the sound, keeping Ella at a distance. Creeping carefully forward, I went around the main entrance and followed a small path. The banging grew louder and I soon discovered the source. An open door failing around in the wind.

I paused and stared at it, listening out of the song of the Allaways once again. I heard nothing so quickly slipped inside, wanting to get Ella out of the storm. As Ella shook the rain from her coat and wiped it from her face, I stepped into the hall, glaring at the darkness and inhaling the air deeply. Almost at once I could smell him.

“He’s here.”

Ella laughed in relief. “He is?”

I nodded. “I can’t smell or hear anything else. Keep close though.” I ordered and began to trace James’ scent with Ella sticking to me like a second shadow.

We slowly made our way throughout the school, passing numerous classes and offices and hundreds of lockers that lined the halls. The familiar scent of James drew me to the hall though, a room where Ella’s shoes squeaked loudly on the polished surface.

Still scenting no threat, I decided it was safe to shout. “James? James I know you’re in here. Come out now.” I said in a sharp tone.

Ella had separated from me, swinging the light over chairs and tables, as she sought her son. “James, come out. We need to get you home.”

I could smell him. I knew he was in here. Slowly I began to work my way around, trying to seek him out. My senses were on a high and my reactions tightly strung so when Ella screamed, I whirled around and let off a round of bullets around her, trying to protect her.

But Ella began to laugh breathlessly. “He’s here.” She called out.

Annoyed, I made my way over to her, only now hearing James speak.

“Why did Aunt Susan shoot? She’s never done that before in our games.” James asked cautiously, watching me warily as I approached.

“Because she is tense. You went missing and we thought the worst. Of course she’s going to be twitchy when searching for you.” Ella explained, her tone a mixture of relief and lecturing. “Do you realise that panic you have caused the whole Clan?”

James, realising that his game had been too much, hung his head a little. “I told Aunt Susan I was going to hide and she wouldn’t be able to find me.” He pulled a face. “But she found me again. She always finds me.”

But, while Ella was relieved, I was more irritated. “James, you disobeyed me.”

He flinched from the tone. “I know.”

“Why did you then? You know what has happened to Lucius and know there is a threat out there to you and our kind. If you go wandering off you’re going to get yourself caught or killed along with any others who try to look for you. What you have done is beyond stupid and incredibly dangerous.” I said savagely. Ella didn’t mind. She just hugged him as he listened to my scolding.

“You said you wanted to play with me.” He said lamely.

“Within the house. What on earth made you think hiding out in the city was a smart idea?”

“Henry suggested it.”

I froze instantly. “The boy you befriend at school?”

James nodded as he shuffled his feet, not noticing how pale Ella had become. “I thought it was a good idea. Hiding where you wouldn’t think I would hide. It would really see how good at hunting you are.”

Ella looked up at me sharply as I hissed. “We need to leave.” She said, her tone becoming a little panicked.

“Why?” James asked, worried he was now in a lot of trouble. “I didn’t break into the school, I promise. The door was already open. Henry said he would help me.”

My heart was thudding now and my senses were going mad. I tried to listen and focus on everything at once, trying to detect where the enemy was coming from. It was obvious this had been a trap. Who for, I didn’t know, but all I knew was danger was coming and I had to get James and Ella out of here.

“Ella, keep James close and go a different route to where we came from. You head straight for the car and leave with him. Don’t wait for me.” I said sharply.

Ella swallowed thickly and stood slowly, holding James’ hand tightly. “If that’s what you want, okay.”

James looked wildly from his mother to me, trying to understand what was happening. “What’s going on mother? Is there danger?”

Ella didn’t answer, just waited for me to tell her to run. I closed my eyes, trying to listen out for the enemies and determine where Ella should run to. As I strained my ears, trying to ignore the storm outside, I heard the song. Four different versions.

“They’re above. Go out the other door. Now!”

Ella turned and fled, keeping the pistol drawn and dragging James after her. She burst through the other set of doors and tore ahead of me, blindly running in the dark halls for a way out. I shouted directions at her, trying to guide her while listening to the four songs. While three were outside still, one was coming close. Very close.

As an door loomed ahead, a shadow suddenly appeared at the other end of the corridor, where we had come from. I could feel the Matter emanating from the witch and saw the glint of a sword.

“Go Ella! Get James out!” I snarled savagely as the witch suddenly belted towards us. I heard James cry out in fear at the sight and called my name in terror but I was ready.

With my gun holstered, I met the sword with my own with a horrible clash. Matter sparked off in tiny flames and the blade’s whined noisily as we pressed on each other.

The masked witch growled. “We will have our vengeance. We will take what she loves for taking ours.” She witch snarled before pushing off.

I was forced back but wasn’t unbalanced like the witch had wanted. I parried her attacks but I wanted her away from me. I had to be with Ella. She couldn’t go outside while there were three witches out here.

Matter tore at the walls as we avoided each other’s blows, digging deep thin tears in the brick and paint. While the witch was strong, she was very aggressive and angry and kept leaving openings. As she brought her sword down at my face, I blocked it and instantly kicked out at her knee, forcing her to the floor. Shoving the blade back, I brought my foot up to her face with all my strength. She was flung back hard and hurtled down the hall, barely managing to recover her footing. It was now I switched weapons. Drawing my pistol, I filled it with Matter and sent massive bullets down the hall as I quickly made my way backwards. The witch could only deflect or avoid and never found a chance to make her way back to me.

When I heard my name being screamed, I turned, still firing at the witch, and burst out of the doors. Ella and James weren’t far but they were surrounded. Ella kept him close to her chest as she pointed the guns at the three mocking witches.

I ran to her, charging my sword and letting a burst of Matter tear its way towards the recognisable one-armed witch and unloaded my gun at another, forcing her back as my Matter exploded at her feet. Roaring, I bounded at the last and tallest, raising my leg with the intention of smashing my foot into his face. By my foot was met with resistance. The brawny black covered immortal blocked the attack easily and grabbed my ankle.

With narrowed eyes, I snarled. “You’re no witch.” I growled with realisation.

“Nor am I a woman.” A deep voice responded.

I winced as he grabbed my ankle and hurled me away easily. I landed awkwardly on my arm and bit down my moans against the horribly fiery pain. I kept low and my eyes flickered about madly.

Ella was still trapped with James, clutching to him while staring up at the two witches defiantly. I knew the third would join them in a moment. But it was this scentless immortal who worried me the most. My Matter told me he was old but that was about it. If he wasn’t here, I could stand a chance in getting Ella and James out. But he was and I couldn’t help the icy stab of defeat tear at my stomach.

But I would try. I would die before I’d let any harm come to my sister and nephew.

Rising, I stood with sword and gun in hand, scowling and hissing at the approaching immortal.

“Ella! I’ll get you and James home to Alphonse or die trying, don’t you worry!” I shouted to her, trying to give her hope.

The immortal came slowly at first then suddenly he was charging. I avoided most of his attacks or deflected them, dancing about him and keeping myself away from his deadly claws as best as I could. When a witch drew to close to Ella and James, I would fire a round of bullets at them, peppering the ground as I failed to hit their heads. But then the immortal would quickly grab my attention.

As I ducked down to hide from his claws, I turned and whipped out my blade. He just about missed the tip but he couldn’t avoid the burst of Matter. It tore into him, gouging out a line of flesh that created a burst of blood. Ignoring the warm metallic blood that spattered on my face, I scrabbled onto my feet, just as Ella fired my pistol.

A witch was flung back as her arm flew free and Ella wailed as the power of the shot broke her wrist. I tore towards her, letting out a wave of Matter that slipped through the concrete, momentarily stopping the approach of the other two as they cried their dead sister’s name in outrage.

As I draw close to Ella and James, intending to slay both those witches for daring to harm them, the immortal grabbed my collar. He yanked me back hard and flung me hard into the ground. Not letting me have any time to recover, his fist smashed into my face, rattling my head hard. He did it over and over, breaking my nose and teeth with blood sticking to his fists until I heard Ella’s cry.

As his fist came down again, I grabbed it and squeezed hard as I brought up my knew. The immortal grunted in pain as the force shattered the bone with blood and flesh bursting out. I then drew my fist and punched him in the face, forcing him away from me. I leapt onto my feet, ignoring that blood flowing from my face and the fact I couldn’t see from one eye, and saw Ella frozen stiff with James firmly behind her. The third witch had re-appeared and was holding her gun at Ella’s face.

“Ella!” I shouted with tears and blood covering me. “For god’s sake, run!”

I knew it was hopeless though. As I bounded forward, letting off my own bullet to soar towards the witch, she simply moved her hand out of the way and aimed at Ella’s chest. With a loud echoing bang, Ella jolted as the Matter bullet tore through her. James was yelling, crying out his for Ella as she collapsed beside him.

With rage and pain filling me, I roared, baring my fangs and tore towards the witches. The separated as I swung my sword savagely at them, letting my Matter fly madly. The witches kept their distance but refused to flee. They kept trying to get to me but a bullet would find their air by the ear or the flesh of their shoulder and didn’t dare get close.

“James! I’m getting you out of here!” I snarled.

James, crying and clutching on to his mother, stared up at me. “I’m sorry Aunt Susan.” He wailed. “I won’t disobey again, I promise. Just save mummy.”

I glanced at Ella and knew instantly it was too late. She was barely breathing and blood was soaking through her coat and seeping out of her nose. She was staring at nothing and her life was fading rapidly. I could barely hear her heartbeat.

My throat burned with sobs as I watched my dear friend die. Fury raged for the witch who shot her. Gnashing my teeth, I hissed savagely and intended to bare on the wary witches in front of me. But something came up behind me. The immortal bore down on me, roaring, and smashed me in the face with his only fist.

The blow hurt and I stumbled onto my knees, only to turn and growl and swipe my sword at him. He was faster though, no longer holding back after smashing his arm. His single claw was quick as a snake, tearing at the suit and making me wear down my Matter. I swiped and avoided as much as a could, but my body was weakening.

The sun was rising.

As I was pushed away from James, the first witch, the bloody bitch who shot Ella, decided to help the immortal. She came tearing in, making me having to defend myself from blade, claw and bullet. Very quickly attacks were getting in. Nails and blade were slowly getting their way through my suit.

I glanced at James when I heard him cry out and my heart froze when I saw him biting at the other witches. They were gathering him up, intending to take him.

I couldn’t let that happen.

Trying my best to ignore the sluggishness of the rising sun, I whirled about, slashing and hacking, trying to force my way between the two. I deflected an attack from the witch, shoved her aside, and tried to get to James as he put up a fight as best as he could as he was dragged away, but the immortal stepped in front of me, kneeing me in my stomach.

Winded and exhausted, I fell to my knees, coughing hard with blood dribbling from my face. Breathing was hard. My lungs rattled and my limbs screamed and my wounds burned. Everything hurt.

I looked up at saw James over the taller witch’s shoulder, reaching out for me, crying as he called for Ella and me. I grunted and snarled, trying to get myself to stand. Just as I weakly stood, a fist smashed against the back of my head, sending me to the floor. My weapons clattered to the floor helplessly.

“Guntram. You should go.” The witch said over me as she pressed her blade against my neck. “The sun is rising.”

The immortal grunted but slowly began to shuffle away. “Deal with her then.”

I looked up at Ella who lay away from me. She was no longer with me. But I would join her soon. I would join my family.

I closed my eyes, breathing hard, as the witch grabbed my hair, forcing me onto my knees. “Time to go, Black Blood.” The witch snarled.

I felt defeat strong in my chest, bitter and black. That was until life burst in front of me. A witch was suddenly in front of me, her hair burning bright, and she swiped at the witch who held me, forcing her back as she wailed in pain. My saviour made quick work in chasing off both Guntram and the witch, biting their heels with bullets and Matter. When they melted away, she instantly hurried to me, holding my shoulders and staring at me with worried green eyes.

“I am here now, Susan. You’re safe.”

“No.” I forced out with blood dribbling from my mouth. “Leave me. They have James. Find him.”

Anger flittered over the witch’s face but she nodded. Without another word, she left me and vanished, chasing after James’ captors. I prayed she would find them, to fix my failure.

With a terrible amount of effort and tears running down my cheeks, I crawled over to Ella as quickly as I could. It was hard. I both hurt and felt nothing at the same time. I wrapped my arms around Ella’s neck and placed my head next to her face, staring at her lifeless eyes. The shine in them had gone, the laughter and gentleness. She was dead. I had failed her. She was gone. My sister.

Crying, the sun rose, numbing my body and sending me to the darkness of sleep and away from the agony and rage that clogged my throat, making me wish that witch had killed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Extra chapter out a day late due to ill health yesterday and determination to get a ruddy part out this week. Shall be doing an extra part next week hopefully. So four parts overall for both stories. Shall be a challenge.