The Bride and Her Bloodlust

Chapter 24

My body shuddered and bile filled my mouth as I glared at Miriam. She paid no attention to me or the burns that blackened my body or the gashes and holes her knives had done as she strode from the room. I let a hiss slither from my mouth as the door slammed behind her, shutting in the darkness again.

I didn’t move, just let my body sag. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed but Miriam had been several times. She stubbed me, tore me, burned me, broke me then left me to heal so she could do it all over again. I knew I was going to have several scars from this and the burn on my back wasn’t healing well at all. I could feel it stitching itself together awkwardly.

I twitched my head slightly when a timid voice called.

“Are you okay Aunt Susan?” James asked from his corner.

“I’m fine.” I grunted and closed my eyes against the pains of my body.

Too much time had passed. I could smell the weakness of James and his fear. He was forced to watch this and I couldn’t protect him. The chains remained fast no matter how much strength I used. I knew James didn’t have much time left. His skin was paling and often he had coughing and shivering fits. But he put a brave face on and smiled, saying he was okay. He lied to me just like I lied to him.

I wanted to lean back and let my body rest but it was too uncomfortable. I just hunched forward, hissing and breathing evenly as rage boiled. I hated this. I hated being trapped and I hated I still couldn’t figure out how to get James to safety. The boy was so close to me. All I had to do was get rid of the chains and flee with him then hand him back to Al.

I rested for some time and James rambled to me softly. He would sing something Ella taught him or wonder aloud about his father and Pyotr. He never spoke of Harry though. Never.

My eyes snapped open when the door unlocked softly and instinctively curled away. It was too soon for Miriam to return, she hadn’t left enough time for my body to heal. But the scent was different to Miriam even if it was still familiar.

Holding a small light, a tiny girl with cropped blond hair shuffled inside. At first I didn’t register who she was until I saw her limbless left arm. It was the witch who tried to poison Al, the girl I maimed.

I watched warily as she locked the door behind her and turned to face me. She was a pretty girl and her large eyes were filled with doubt and guilt. She glanced away from me and shuffled over to James, instantly riling my anger.

I bared my fangs and hissed savagely. “Get away from him!”

She shushed me lightly and crouched beside James, making me even angrier until I heard a light click. My snarling stopped sharply as she pulled off the chains on James and patted his head gently. She shuffled over to me, pausing sharply like a deer in headlights when voices echoed outside. She remained quite still, her chest the only thing moving, until the voices faded. Only then did she finish her journey over the room.

She dropped something at my feet, a long bag. “Your weapons are inside and so are your clothes.” She whispered.

I scowled at the bag, watching as she unzipped to show she was telling the truth, then flicked my gaze up to her face. “Why are you doing this? I’m the one who hacked your arm off in case you’ve forgotten.”

The girl looked down at the stump and held it lightly. “I know. But what’s happening to you and this boy is worse. James is just a kid. He doesn’t need to die. I kept asking Miriam to leave him but she wouldn’t listen.” She looked sadly at me. “I would bring the antidote for James but it is always with Miriam. I’m not even sure it exists.” That made my mood plummet further until she dropped the key at my feet. “I’d unlock the chains for you but I don’t trust you to not kill me.” She shrugged lightly and looked at the floor sheepishly. “No offence.”

“None taken.”

She scratched her neck lightly. “Right now Miriam is sleeping. Only Guntrum and Nina are awake and patrolling and Lu and Alison are out scouting.” She said softly. “The best way to get out is to go east. The building is big so that should help. The city is due south and a good hours run. You should be safe when you reach the forest. The wolves roam them often and Miriam is wary of the Grey Back. She doesn’t want to upset him needlessly.”

“Can you tell me anything about what is going on?”

“Only that Miriam will be angry when she finds you out of your cell so hurry and go. I am helping you escape, not with destroying my sisters.” The girl said with a weak smile. “I’ll distract Nina. Guntrum doesn’t like me much though.”

She got up and made for the door, only stopping when I called her.

“Your name?”

The girl only smiled and unlocked the door, slipping out quietly. I instantly got to work. I took the key and shakily unlocked the chains. Now free, I instantly crawled over to James. I was pleased to see he could still move but I didn’t like that he burned when I touched him.

“I stayed still, Aunt. Pretended I was sleeping.” He said heavily and coughed hard. Blood was left on his lips. That was not a good sign. “Is that witch really letting us go?”

“I don’t know. It may be another trap but I will try and turn it around if it is. Can you get up onto your feet?”

As if to answer me, he stood up, wobbling only for a minute and held his head from the dizziness. “I can.”

“Good. You need to move as quickly as you can. If we can get to the wolves, they can help us.”

James nodded lightly and I was pleased to see his eyes were as bright as they once were, even if the rest of him was filthy and pale. I tried to stand myself and grunted from the amount of pain that bombarded me. My legs burned and cold stabbing pains riddled my back. I pushed through though and stood as tall as I could.

It was painful to get dressed and armed but I managed to. James listened to the door, keeping watch for anyone who approached. I very aware of how his body shook and how heavy he breathed and even more aware of the blood spraying from his mouth with every cough. Just standing was hard enough for him. Running was going to be impossible.

With effort I pulled the zip up and holstered my weapons. By the end of it, my body was shaking from pain and the wounds were seeping fresh blood and puss. I gently nudged James back, holding his shoulder firmly so he didn’t fall, and pressed my ears to the door. I listened intently, letting my Matter flourish, before I knelt down.

“On my back.” I said sharply.

James wanted to argue, I could sense it, but he had learned his listen about disobeying. He knew not to. It was hard for him but he managed to scrabble onto my back, instantly alerting me to how light he was. I swore he was heavier before.

Without hesitating I opened the door and slipped out into the oak walled hall. It was only now I recognised another scent, one I didn’t recognise. I knew it to be another Family but which I wasn’t sure on. Possibly the Winstons. They were the only Family I knew to live anywhere near my Clan. I slowly registered that this was a Family house that had been taken by the Allaways’. Whether or not the old Family was still alive, I wasn’t sure. I doubted it. The Allaways were enemies of the Families and the Winstons would’ve fought for their home to the death.

I listened carefully, trying to recognise where the voices and sounds were coming from before deciding which way to go. I belted down eat, as the maimed witch instructed, and sought for any kind of exit. I just needed a window, any window, but I rapidly came to realise I in an underground complex. No matter what turning I took, solid oak walls met me and the crimson carpet ran under my feet.

I had to find stairs.

I continued running past doors, old status and old paintings of important witches. I only faintly recognised the Family but enough to confirm my original thought. I turned sharply and instantly spotted a large staircase at the other end of the corridor. Hope lit up and I picked up my pace even though pain shuddered though my body with every step.

I bounded up the stairs, going slowly to not make James sick when he clutched onto my tightly and groaned unhappily. When I reached the top, I was met by cool air and two human men. The seemed utterly shocked to see me and at first didn’t know what to do until I bore down on them.

I held James tightly as I brought up my leg and struck one man with my foot, tossing him back into the room he had just come out of with a crash. The other tried to run but didn’t get far. I hopped forward and grabbed him by the collar and wrenched him back, flinging him onto the floor where his skull met it with a sickening crack. But I missed the last man hidden within the room and a gentle buzzing began to echo about the house.

It was an alarm.

I ran and tore down the hall, my eyes fixated on the blue moonlight spilling though black curtains. I didn’t slow when I heard shouting and a buzz of activity as the Family was alerted, I just sped up.

“James, hold on!” I growled as my boots thudded against the clean carpet.

I came to a sharp stop and, without pausing, bunched up my muscles and jumped. The glass shattered at the impact and danced in the air as I burst outside with incredible speed. I landed easily, thankful the ground wasn’t too far from the window. I wasn’t sure if my legs would withstand a higher fall.

I instantly belted into a run, leaping over the neat garden and its beds flowers and lines of shrubbery. Already I could hear people chasing. I sensed danger everywhere. The maimed girl wouldn’t be of any help now. Miriam would be after me.

I leapt at the high twisted iron fence and pulled myself over with some difficulty. Once landed, I got up and charged off south. The moon was bright and clearly showed me the line of Elgar’s forest but it was further than I had hoped. My body was screaming and inside my suit my skin was horribly sticky from blood and sweat. My Matter was the only thing keeping me going. It pushed away the weakness and gave me strength where I had none. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be enough though, not when the ground exploded close to me.

Matter bullets whizzed passed or hit the ground with a light thud and dust cloud. I was being hunted. Hunted by witches at the peak of their strength, an Ancient vampire and an old Black blood witch. The odds of escaping were not favouring me at all.

I continued to run over the meadow, tearing my way to the forest, screaming in my head for Eva and Lucius and ignoring the wrenching agony of my body. I needed help. I needed it to keep James alive. I didn’t care if I died so long as James got home to Alphonse safe and sound.

I didn’t realise was crying until I felt tears gather at my jaw. They annoyed me. I didn’t care that they were probably caused by the pain, they were a sign of weakness. I hated it. I had to be strong right now.

I hear footsteps growing closer and I knew it was Miriam. There was another with her, one I hadn’t met before, and she was gaining on me fast while Miriam lagged behind. But the craggy border of the forest was looming before me.

I bolted for the trees, speeding up as much as I could while James groaned behind me, muttering that someone was getting close.

I leapt through the brambles and instantly fell. The ground had swept downwards sharply and quite unexpectedly and my footing was lost. James was flung from me as I tumbled down the sharp slope and found myself breathless by the bottom as my wounds bled and screamed.

Gasping for air, I pushed myself up onto my feet and draw my sword sharply as a witch dropped down. Our blades clashed with sparks of Matter hissing in the cold winter air. The brunette witch was quick to overpower me though. I was weak and starved, my body growing weak from the lack of food and blood. Within two savages swipes my sword was knocked from my hands and clattered to the ground.

The witch raised her sword but stopped when Miriam shouted from the top of the cliff. “She needs to live, Nina. I can’t make a parasite of her if she’s dead.” She snapped.

Nina frowned but she sheathed her sword without complaint. That was until a snarling shadow came pelting out of the darkness.

Nina only cried out as the massive bulk of fur and muscle charged into her, knocking her to the floor before it gripped her, wrapping its long clawed fingers around her head easily, and chucked her back up the hill. Miriam stepped aside and let Nina fly by her as the werewolf stood and howled savagely.

A chorus of haunting howls, both near and far, echoed in the forest. I shuffled over to James, taking my shaking and terrified nephew into my arms as I gazed at the great wolf in relief. I knew who it was. Only a Grey Back would grow to such a massive size and the silver fur on his black back shined clearly. It was Elgar, the Alpha of our ally Pack, and I had never been so relieved to see him in my life.

“You will not take these two. They are family to me and by harming them you are making my Pack an enemy.” Elgar snarled.

“Family? You are a wolf and those two are vampires. I don’t see how they are family.”

“My cousin and her niece connect us. I will not allow harm come to them anymore.”

Miriam’s mouth curled back as she bared her fangs and pulled out her sword sharply. “I didn’t want to take you on Whelan but you’re giving me little choice.”

Elgar lowed his body, tore his claws through the earth and savage growl rumbled out of his chest. I wasn’t going to let him fight alone. I knew Elgar was stalling. He was powerful but young, only forty years old. He could still be overpowered by Miriam and her sisters. Without his Pack, he was at his weakest. He couldn’t fight them and win. I pulled James over to a large tree, tucking him between its roots.

“Stay low, James.” I ordered softly and kissed his cheek. James simply nodded and watched worriedly as I stood uneasily and drew my weapons.

“He’s not on his own, Miriam.”

“You are weak right now, not even close to the strength you showed before. You are no threat. Nina is with me, Guntrum is only a minute away and my sisters come quickly. You will be out numbered.”

Elgar grunted out a laugh. “My Pack are few in number but we are strong. And Susan’s Clan seek her.” He growled, pulling his lips back in a smile. “The Silver comes. She has fed. She’s not weak right now.” He paused and raised his snout as droplets of water spattered him. “The wind picks up and rain falls. She’s angry.”

Miriam looked quite calm but I could sense her rage and apprehension. Nina stood beside her, guns drawn, and Guntrum shadowed her with his eyes glowing eerily.

“Will you take on a Silver and Grey with their own blood backing them? Even you cannot withstand us.” He snapped and bared his teeth. “Do you want to die today?”

Miriam scowled and Guntrum hissed but quickly she turned and melted away. Nina paused, watching Elgar cutiously before she followed, leaving us be.

“We should be slautering them.” I said grudgingly as I sat down, letting my body rest and scream.

“Right now, no. The priority was to bring you and James home alive. Hunting and killing them will wait and when we are better prepared.” Elgar said calmly as he stepped heavily towards James. He lowered his great bulk and pressed his wet nose against James’ hot cheek. He inhaled deeply. “You are not well James. But you are safe now. Go to sleep.”

As if James couldn’t help himself, the boy’s eyes sluggishly drooped and his chin knocked against his bloody chest. Soon he was snoring softly.

I watched him carefully as Elgar turned his gaze on to me. “He is dying Susan and I doubt anyone can stop it.”

“Eva can.”

“Not even the Lady can. James has been poisoned with Matter.”

“Matter?” I echoed desperately with numb shock filling me.

“Matter poison isn’t curable. If James was close to being human he would live but he is virtually pure in blood. The Matter is destroying him. I doubt he will live more than another day.”

I stiffened and tore at the floor as I felt misery and despair coming as I stared at my small nephew sleep peacefully a few paces from me. Tears filled my eyes. I had saved James, I had pulled him out of that hellhole, only to lose him to something utterly incurable.

Elgar shuffled closer and he pressed his nose against my forehead. I didn’t push him away and let the wet nose snuffle my skin.

“Sleep too. You are beyond exhausted and your body is ruined. Rest it now.”

I didn’t say a word, just held myself and cried silently for my nephew and baring my teeth in frustration and rage. Elgar held me as I felt the influence of his order. Darkness swam at my vision and I curled into the wolf’s chest, miserable and angry and filled with self-loathing.

I hadn’t saved James. I had only condemned him.