Status: slowly in progress

Age Doesn't Matter When It's Life or Death

But dude, she sat on my car!

“Okay well thank you for your cooperation, we will let you know as soon as we find anything."

Dean and I turned away from Mrs Dawson and made our way down the garden path.
"Well that was a bust!" Dean grumbled angrily.
"Yeah I swept the whole of the upstairs and not so much as a beep. You got any ideas what this could be?"
Mr Dawson had died three days earlier. According to his wife, he started acting strange a couple of weeks before hand and then all of a sudden dropped dead. All clues had led to demonic procession but there was no sulphur around the house or no lighting storms in the area. We had even searched the house for emf in case we had a nasty case of revengeful spirits on our hands but there was nothing, it was squeaky clean. Whoever this was they were good at cleaning their tracks.

As we turn the corner to where we parked the car Dean stopped suddenly.
"Ow" I grumped out at him as I collided with his back. "What the hell man?" I look pass Dean to see a small girl sitting back on the hood of the impala. She could only have been about 18 yet she had this air about her that told you she was not to be messed with.
"Hey! That's not a park bench missy, you better move before I tell your father!" Dean snarled as he started towards her. He really hated anyone touching his car. Running to catch up with him I caught her smirking and laughed to myself. She won't be doing that for much longer. Slowly she uncrossed her legs and jumped off the hood to face them.
"Dean and Sam Winchester! Wow when I saw the car parked up I almost didn't believe it but here you are." She announced sarcastically, throwing her arms out like we were some kind of miracle.
"How do you know who we are?" I asked her.
"Why you are legends of course" she smirked. The way she said it sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. She looked almost amused to be talking to us.
"Well it's all very nice having a fan club and all but we have work to do." Dean said opening the door.
"Is he always this grumpy?" She smiles at me causing my stomach to flip, wooh what was that about?
"Only when someone messes with his car" I laugh back "Who are you?" I ask in a serious tone. There was something about this girl I was missing.
"Gemma" she chirped happily "But more importantly I’m the girl who can help you catch that demon that killed poor old Mr D" With every word her grin grew bigger. Dean quickly jumped out of the car again and grabbed her by the arm.
"How do you know about that?" He growls in her face. With this she turned dead serious staring straight into his green eyes.
"Because I'm a hunter too, just like you"
Dean scoffed "No offence sweetheart but aren't you a little young to be killing devil spawn?"
"Hardly" she spat back "How old were you when daddy put you on the band wagon? 6? 7?" She raises her eyebrows, challenging him. I had to say the girl could hold her own. Without thinking I let out a laugh causing Dean to turn and glare at me.
“What? She has a point! Maybe we should just hear her out” I suggested, earning myself another heart stopping smile. I caught myself before I smiled back; this girl had to be like six years younger than me.
“Are you kidding me? She’s just a kid!”
“Erm…I’m 21 thank you very much!” She retorted, anger clearly bubbling across her face. Shock rippled through me. 21? But she was so small and delicate looking.
“Plus at least I have proof it was a demon unlike you guys, oh and I also have a lead on where it might be. But you know I’m just a kid I don’t know what I’m doing.” I had to admit it fun to watch Dean process this information. If this was a cartoon there would be steam coming out of his ears.
“Come on, get in the car.” I said releasing her from Dean grip and guiding her around to the door.
“Dude come on! You can’t be...” Dean started but I sent him a look to say this discussion was over. Fact of the matter was we needed her information and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let her go up against a demon by herself.