Status: slowly in progress

Age Doesn't Matter When It's Life or Death

You know you really shouldn't eavesdrop!

"A night club?"
"Yeah you know, there’s a bar, drinking, dancing" I raised my eyebrows at him as a smirk crossed my face. I had to admit it was fun to wind Dean up. And the fact I was only 21 seemed to bug him even more! To tell you the truth I was only 19 but I knew they would never have let me come along. I had hunted this fucking demon for two weeks now and I would be damned if they just came in and finished the job. No I was seeing this one to the end. The only thing was I had no way of killing a demon without trapping it first.
"I know what a night club is! But why would a demon go there though?" Dean growled at me.
"Actually Dean it makes sense, its jam packed full of potential bodies to process and everyone’s drunk so they won’t notice a big cloud of black smoke hanging above them until it’s too late." Sam interrupted; I looked over to throw him a grateful smile only to be hit with those big blue eyes. My heart skipped as a big grin spread across his face. Don't get me wrong, both of the Winchester brothers were very easy on the eyes, but there was something about Sam. Probably something to do with fact he didn’t treat like I was three!
"Fine, whatever. Let’s just go get the bastard!" Dean shoved himself off of the motel bed and I couldn’t help but laugh.
"Dean it’s like 9 in the evening, no-one is going to be there yet."
"Great so what are we supposed to do until then?"
"Well I don’t know about you boys but I'm going to take a shower." With that I jumped up and made my way into their bathroom. Stripping down quickly, I turned on the water and waited for it to run warm. I turned and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Standing there in my underwear, I scanned my eyes over my reflection. I stood there as my fingers slowly traced over every scar with my fingers. Scars from battles, traps and fight. My hands froze as I came to my biggest one. The one that started it all, it spread from under my left breast right across to my right hip. I had had it for 2 years now and it still hadn’t faded one bit. My fingers shook as they ran over the red ugly mark. My eyes watering as the memories threaten to invade. The sound of my name snaps me out of it and I realize I could just about hear the brothers talking through in the other room. I crept up to the bathroom door and put my ear up against it to listen.
"How do we know we can trust her, Sammy?"
"Dean, calm down! We have the whole room salted if she was a demon then we would know by now.”
“Okay then what if she is working for a demon?”
“Have you seen her? If a demon was going to get someone to do their dirty work then it would be someone with a bit more muscle don’t you think?”
“Ugh, I don’t know about this”
“Dean, it will be okay.”
“You’re only saying that because you think she is hot, which is weird by the way”
“I do not…..okay I do but how is it weird?”
“Come on, you don’t believe that bullcrap she’s spreading about being 21 do you?”
“She’s a little young so what?”
“I have two words for you…Jail. Bait”
I heard Sam’s low chuckle through the door “You’re just pissed because she start on your car and found the demon before you.”
“Dude, she could have dented my baby!”
I chuckled to myself, dented it? How heavy did they think I was? All of a sudden the door flew open causing me to tumble forwards. A strong pair of arms wrapped around my bare waist as I looked up to see Sam smiling down at me. Slowly he straightened me up and let go rather reluctantly. I watched the smirk spread across his face as he scanned me up and down reminding me I was in nothing but my underwear.
“Anyone ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop?” Dean grinned.
“Yeah well maybe you shouldn’t talk about someone behind their back!” I grumped, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. Turning on my heel I took cover in the bathroom letting the door slam behind me. I paused only to strip completely before jumping into the hot shower to try and wash off the embarrassment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, so this is only designed to be a short story (probably about 5 chapters) but we will see how it goes.
I hope you guys are in enjoying it! A special shoutout to my only subscriber!! At least one person is reading this. :D

What do you think about Sam and Gemma? Should they get together or just become friends? Let me know!
Also I will try and update as often as I can but I'm working and studying just now so I'm not sure when I can fit this in :/

Okay so don't forget to subscribe and comment!

Love ya