Status: slowly in progress

Age Doesn't Matter When It's Life or Death

Two words....Jail. Bait!

My fingers still tingled from where I had touched her skin. I knew it wasn’t right but, damn, that girl had it going on. I was intrigued about her scar though, something as big as that tends to have a story behind it.
"God, you smiling like a teenage boy who has just seen his first breast!" Dean scoffed
"I am not!" I replied defensively.
"Whatever you say, pervert." Dean shrugged. "I'm going out for a burger; try not to fuck her while I'm out!" I sighed as he shut the door. I knew Dean was just kidding but I had to admit, just the thought of touching her again was making react in ways I really didn’t want to think about. Dean was also right about her age, there was no way she was 21 but I just couldn’t figure out why she would lie. She wasn’t a demon and no human would work with one unless being blackmailed. The way she acted was way too natural to be a fake, plus I still couldn’t figure out where I knew her from. I was interrupted from my thoughts when Gemma immerged from the bathroom. At that moment I was regretting letting her swing by her motel first. She had changed into short denim shorts and a loose white t-shirt that hung just on her shoulders. She had tied her long blonde hair up to expose a small tattoo on the back of her neck. She turned to face me before I had a chance to look at it. My dropped my eyes to find she was wearing cowboy boots. Fucking cowboy boots! Man, this girl was trying to ruin me. I cleared my throat, "So erm, you ready?" I said, picking up my jacket to avoid eye contact.
"I am but are you?" I looked up, surprised.
"Well, it is a nightclub. It’s going to get hot! You might want skip the plaid shirt for this one." I couldn’t help but smile as she smirked back at me. Apparently she knew a lot about me. Slowly she got up and walked around me, before I realized what she was doing, she ran her hands up my back and grabbed the collar of my shirt. Her hands paused slightly before gently tugging downwards and releasing my arms from the shirt. Her fingers brushing lightly along my skin, leaving a burning trail behind. A soft thud sounded through the room as my shirt and jacket hit the floor. Slowly I turned to find her eyeing my muscles through my grey t-shirt. My eyes travel over her face taking in every detail from her bright blue eyes to her full pink lips. The thought of how sweet her lips looked stuck in my mind, my eyes flicked to meet hers only to find she was staring at my lips as well. The want was clear across her face, which was all the invitation I needed. I leaned in and met my lips to hers. Sparks exploded through me like fireworks, our mouths moving together in prefect harmony. My hands moved by themselves and grabbed her waist hard, pulling her into me. I groaned as her fingers twisted through my hair. Suddenly she jumped back and crossed to the other side of the room leaving me standing there confused. Two seconds later, Dean walked through with three burgers in his hands.
“You two have fun?”
“Fun? No of course not!” I stammered out.
“Okay” Dean said, dragging out the word while giving me a weird look.
I looked over at Gemma just in time to see her roll her eyes. “We were just talking about how both you guys are going to stick out like a sore thumb!” Her body language gave away nothing but there was a slight bit of a British accent come through. It was hardly detectable but completely adorable. I turned to hide my smile from Dean and picked up my clothes. Hesitating for just a second before placing them back in my duffel bag.
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hey sorry for the delay in this, for some reason I just couldnt get it right.
Also I would like to say a big thank you to my 2 subscribers! Haha I know its not a lot but at least someone seems to be reading it! :D

So please comment, subscribe and enjoy!!


Gemma's clubbing outfit :