Status: slowly in progress

Age Doesn't Matter When It's Life or Death

I'm Not Going Anywhere

"Gemma!" I called after her. Sighing, I turned to Dean who was already packing the trunk.
"What the hell was that about?!" I demanded.
"Sam, she is young and she is reckless, that makes her a liability. I don’t care if you have some kind of weird crush on her, but she has to either do things my way or no way."
"Dean, this isn’t about me! You've seen the things she’s know about demons, she is clearly well trained. At her age, we were going after yellow eyes for goodness sake!"
"Yeah but not everyone is us Sam."
"You know she is just going to go after herself anyways. Why do this?"
"Because we are better hunters than her and we can get to it and kill it before anyone else gets hurt!"
"She's been studying this thing for weeks surely if we want to find it, she is our best hope!"
"Sam, no. You like her, I get that, but you can bed her after the hunt."
"You are such a dick." I walked backwards shaking my head and turned to find Gemma.

I found her sitting on the swings of a kids play park two blocks over. Slowly I walked over and joined her on the swing.
"Look about Dean..." I started.
"Sam, please don’t! I really don’t want to talk about Dean right now." Her voice sounded so small and defenceless. For the first time since meeting her, she seemed almost vulnerably.
"Okay I won’t." She looked up, finally meeting my gaze.
"Sam, I'm sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you like that, in the club, it was reckless and unprofessional" Her voice turned so formal so fast, it made my head spin.
"I'm not."
"I'm not sorry" And I wasn't. "I know you don’t want to talk about Dean, but he's not the only thing we need to talk about." I was pushing it but I had to figure out what was going on here.
"Why do we have to talk about it? Talking is just a combination of words that somehow have the power to ruin everything." The sadness laced through her voice pulled at my heart. I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms and make her forget whatever horrible experience that made her think this way.
"What are we going to do then? Just pretend it didn’t happen? Because I can’t do that Gemma. I like you. And I don’t want to let, whatever this is, go." I pleaded desperately.
"Sam," She groaned "you don’t even know me."
"I don’t care; I want to get to know you." I got off the swing and stood in front of her, forcing her to look at me. "Gemma, please just let me in. I can help." I watched as she panicked desperately trying to find something to push me away with. Before I could stop her, she found something. Her face lit up for a split second before falling again.
"But I lied, Dean was right. I'm not 21, I'm 19." She admitted in a small voice. Momentarily I was stunned, I had suspected she was a lot younger. I sighed in relief and laughed. She looked up, confusion crossing her cute little face. Smiling, I took her face in my hands, running my thumb over her cheek. "If you think that is going to make me run, then you are mistaken." I barely breathed out, being close to her like this was making my heart beat faster than any hunt ever had. "In fact, I thought you were younger!" I laughed slightly as she pouted at this.
"I'm not that small!" She protested but she was smiling so I knew I was off the hook. I touched forehead to hers and closed my eyes. I could smell her sweet perfume, I drank it in like alcoholic who was given a fine wine after years of being sober. When I opened them again I met Gemma’s stare, filled with all the hunger I was feeling. Without hesitation, I smashed my lips into her causing her to groan deliciously.
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okay so I meant to post this before the weekend but everything got a bit manic so here you :D

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