Status: slowly in progress

Age Doesn't Matter When It's Life or Death

Watch Your Back

My resistance melted the second Sam’s lips met mine. A small moan escapes me as I felt his tongue dance across mine. No-one had ever made me feel this way; my skin tingled at just the memory of his touch. Sam dug his fingers into my waist, holding me tight. His lips made their way down my neck and sucked gently on my collar bone. I reached up and threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him back to me. This boy was driving me crazy but this was wrong; I couldn’t let myself do this. Slowly I savoured the moment before pulling away.
"No Sam you need to listen. I'm not who you think I am."
"I don't care, this-us- its right. We both know it." Why was he being so stubborn about this? Frustration was building up inside me. I had to find a way to make him back off. Unfortunately that might mean telling him the truth.
"Sam, I..." Suddenly his phone's harsh ringtone cut through the night. Sam stared at me for a minute before sighing and fishing his phone from his pocket.
"Hello?.....Bobby?....Wait, slow down what happened?


Sam’s POV

“Sam is that you?”
"Thank god, I thought you were with Dean! I thought I was going have to kick both your asses!"
"Wait, slow down what happened?"
"Don’t you know? Dean went after the demon by himself!"
"WHAT?" I jumped up away from Gemma.
"Matt called, said he was in the area and that he had found a whole nest of those sons of bitches. When Dean told me he was planning on ganking this thing I tried to warn him but he wouldn't listen. He seemed pissed; did something happen between you two?" I groaned, running my hand though my hair. Damn it Dean, why did he have to be so hard headed?
"It’s a long story Bobby, I'll catch you up later but first I need to find Dean."
"Okay, just don't do anything stupid. Dean maybe be an idjit but he's still your brother!"
"I know Bobby, I won't. Call you later." I laughed slightly as I hung up. Bobby was right, no matter what we were still brothers. We could figure this out. I turned back to Gemma, who was standing.
"Something wrong?" Her voice sugar sweet in contrast to the pain I heard in it just minutes ago.
"Err, yeah its Dean, we need to head back to the motel."
"But we were in the middle of something. Surely he could wait..." She trailed her fingers up my chest. "Five...small..." with each pause she leaned in closer. “minutes." she purred the word into my ear. I could feel her soft hair against my cheek.
"He's gone after the demon, I'm sorry but I have to leave." I go to leave but her small hand grasps at my arm jerking me back.
"NO!....Erm I mean I come with you! You're going to need back up."
"Yeah sure come on" Something was up with her but I didn’t have time, I had to find Dean.


Gemma’s POV

I watched horrified. How could I let happen to me? No, no, no, no.....


Sam’s POV

We burst through the motel door, salt flying everywhere. I ran the window only to find the impala was gone. Frustrated, I let out a groan.
"Come on, he's going to need back up!"
"Sorry Sammy, I can't let you do that" Gemma moved to stand between the door and me.
"Gemma? What...."
"Sorry Gemma’s not here right now please leave a message after the tone!" I watched as her eyes turned black.
"You son of a bitch!" I spat at her. How could I have let this happen to her? When did this happen to her?
"You know you really should take better care of your girl. It was far too easy to fake a call from Bobby and make you turn your back." My stomach dropped.
"What have you done with Dean?"
"Don't worry, just sent him on a bit of a goose chase. He won't anything more than a couple of human bones to play with."
"Why are you here?" I said desperately trying to think a way to release Gemma without killing her.
"All in good time sweetie, I'm having a lot of fun shifting through her thoughts. Oh the secrets she has! This is better than a soup opera!"
"Let her go or god help me I will rip your fucking head off!"
"Easy tiger, do you want to know why she’s been holding back on you? Why she won’t commit to your little love fest?"
I paused, I did want to know but not like this.
"She likes you. Like a lot! But she scared, scared of your rejection when you find out the truth." She burst in fits of giggles, almost bending over double. "Man, she's fighting back hard. You should be proud this one’s a keeper." It winked at me.
"Let. Her. Go!"
"Now, now. Take it easy, we're just having some fun! You know that Lilith wants your head on a stick and imagine how she will repay me if I'm the one to bring you to her."
"What?" She scoffed. Her surprise was predictable but it was the disappointment, clear across her face, which threw me. Was she hoping for a fight or was Gemma close to breaking through?
"If you let Gemma go I'll come with you."
"Aw isn't that sweet, shame she doesn’t think so." All of a sudden she doubled over in pain.
"Sam doesn’t do it, not for me. Don't!" Gemma shouted through the pain, somehow she had managed to take control again.
"Gemma!" I ran forward to help but she held up her hand to stop me.
"Holy...water!" She croaked out as her body began to jerk. I rush to the bedside as she flew backwards into the dresser. Empty bottles went flying, smashing against the walls.
"BITCH YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONGER THAN ME? YOU ARE JUST A HUMAN!" Her voice shook the entire room. I watched as the pictures fell off the walls and the light started to flicker. I had to do something fast before they ripped this room apart. I picked up the holy water and rushed over. Grabbing her jaw, I tipped her head back and opened her mouth. Her eyes found mine and I could see the agreement in them.
"I’m sorry." I whispered as I poured the water down her throat. Tears sprung to my eyes as her agonised screams filled the room. Just as I was about to lose hope I saw a black cloud erupt from her mouth. It circled the room before smashing its way through the window. Gemma's limp body lay in my arms as I carried her over to Dean’s bed. It had survived the worst of the smashed glass unlike mine, whose bed sheets were ripped and half way across the floor. Slowly I clean all her cuts and removed the shards of glass that were embedded in her skin. Her breathing was shallow and irregular but at least it was still there. Once I was done, I lay down beside her, burying my face in her hair willing her to wake up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh, okay so I know it’s been a while. I’m really sorry but I’ve been super busy with school and stuff. Hope you guys like it! Next one will hopefully be filled with secrets, confessions and tears. And a very special surprise…..but is it a good one? So enjoy!

Please leave your comments, I love hearing from you guys and thanks for reading!
