Status: Hope you all enjoy :)

Love of the Legend Killer


We were all gathered around at the house that Samantha and I once shared. It was myself, my four children and their husbands and wives and my five grandchildren. Reason for this get together being to celebrate the life of the love of my life, Samantha Speno Orton. She had passed away of cancer just one short week ago and yesterday had been the day that we put the one who had my heart into the ground. My wonderful children and grandchildren had been kind enough to stay with me the past few days just to make sure I was going to be okay because truth be told, I was dying inside. My life without Samantha wasn't going to be easy.
The silence and my thoughts were broken by the sound of my youngest granddaughter running into the room and jumping into my lap along with the rest of my family walking into the room behind her.
"Dad, I think it's time you tell us." said my youngest daughter, Alanna.
"Yeah, Dad it's time you tell us the story of how you and mom met and how you got together." said my oldest son, Keith.
"I don't think it's appropriate. Especially for little ears such as little Sammy." I say as I kiss my youngest granddaughter's cheek. She was the daughter of my oldest son, Keith, and his wife, Tracey. They had named her after my late wife and she reminded me so much of her grandmother.
"Alright Sammy, come on sweetie. Off to bed we go." Tracey picks her up off of my lap.
"Night night grandpa. I love you." says my heart.
"Goodnight Sammy. I love you too sweetie." I say as Tracey disappears with little Samantha.
Fifteen minutes later, Tracey reappears into the room.
"Alright Randy, we're ready to hear all about it." says Tracey.
"Alright. Let me see. Where can I start?"


It was the spring of 2003. I was fresh meat in the business as they would call it. What business are you asking? World Wrestling Entertainment. I was a third generation superstar. My grandfather, Bob Orton, and my father, "Cowboy" Bob Orton, were in the "wrassling" business long before I had ever been thought of. Neither of them were huge stars though, but that was what I was aiming to be. I had acquired the nickname "The Legend Killer" and the nickname spoke for itself. I had been wrestling big stars such as "Rowdy" Roddy Pipper, Dusty Rhodes, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, and the list goes on and on. At the moment, I was being mentored by two of the greatest legends that the WWE had to offer, Ric Flair and Triple H. We had formed an alliance along with another rooke in the business named Dave Batista. The alliance was called Evolution and we were just unstoppable.
My career was just amazing at that time, but that wasn't enough to ignore what was going on in my personal life. My personal life had plummeted to a living Hell. I was addicted to sex, drugs, and alcohol. At the time I thought that it was a perfect combination, but looking back, I was just a stupid young man with alot of growing up to do. I was an immature child who was looking for an easy way out of pain. Though the truth was I was a big baby who was seeking attention.
I can recall myself being such a doushebag to the ones around me. The ones I cared for the most were just trying to help me but I just blew them off or resorted to violence which wasn't the answer.
I remember one night, my father came to a show to watch me wrestle. I was fighting against Chris Jericho that night and I lost. After I came backstage, my dad was trying to assure me that it would be okay and that I would get him soon. Instead of agreeing with him, I lost it and I started to take out all my anger on him. I was yelling at him and started to get physical. Before I knew it, the night ended with my dad having a broken nose. Looking back now, I would do anything to take that night along with a few others back as well as I would do anything to have my dad back.
I needed something to pull me through and save me from myself. What I didn't know was soon enough I would be getting what I was hoping for.
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Hope you all enjoyed. Give me some feedback please.