Status: Hope you all enjoy :)

Love of the Legend Killer



It was Sunday afternoon and I was in the hotel room laying in the arms of my lover. We were in Chicago tonight and we just got back from the show. Dave was worn out because he had a handicap match tonight. Reason being? Apparently Randy bailed and went on vacation. I probably played a big part in that. I really didn't mean to hurt Randy like I did but I just thought it would be better for him if I weren't in the picture so he could be a better father to Brianna. I still loved Randy, but at the moment, it was time to move on. I was just about to fall asleep to the sound of Dave's snoring when my phone started to vibrate. I got up slowly and looked at the caller I.D. Rebecca Orton. Great. She was probably going to mouth off on me for what I did to Randy.
"Hello?" I said quietly.
"Sam?" She said. I could tell she'd been crying. Uh oh. Something was wrong.
"What is it, Becky?" I asked, worried.
"Randy overdosed on heroine." She said. My heart dropped. The love of my life could be dead right now. Oh God. This was all my damn fault.
I got all the rest of the info from Becky and left without a word. I was too hurt right now. I can't believe I let this happen. I should be holding Randy close to me right now, but instead he may be dead. God. I'm such a heartless bitch. I could feel the warmth of tears falling down my face as I drove to the hospital. At one point, I had to pull over to gather myself because I was crying so hard. As I was beside the road, I looked up, clasped my hands together and prayed hard that Randy would be alright.
Once I got to the hospital, I quickly ran inside. In the waiting room I saw Bob, Elaine, Rebecca, Nathan, Jackson, and Brianna Orton and Nathan and Jackson's girlfriends. They were all trying to comfort each other while keeping themselves together especially since Brianna was there. Becky finally looked up at me with teary, red eyes and got up from the chair she was sitting in.
"Samantha." She said with a sniff.
"Becky, I'm so sorry. I could have prevented this from happening. This is all my fault." I said as I started to break down. Becky hugged me.
"This isn't your fault Sam. It's nobody's fault. Randy does what Randy wants. Randy has never been a happy guy. The happiest I've ever seen him is either when he's with you or when he's with Brianna. He loves you and that little girl more than anything in this world." She said to me with tears in her eyes. I started to cry more at this. She was right. When I first met Randy he was probably the most unhappy man I could meet, I could see it in his eyes. He always did say that I was the most important thing in his life.
The doctor came out from the back and stood in front of us.
"Family of Randy Orton?" He said. Becky pointed around to the whole family including me. Jackson's girlfriend, Ronda, decided to take Brianna to the vending machine so she wouldn't have to hear this about her father.
"We're not exactly sure how the outcome is going to be for right now because Mr. Orton is in such a critical state right now. He hasn't responded to anything that we've done for him. We're trying our best but right now we just have to let God and Randy decide what's best. We're so sorry." He said before he walked out of the room. I fell to my knees right then and there and broke down more than before. Randy was my best friend and love of my life and he may die. This wasn't good. Becky got me up and started to comfort me.
After a few hours of waiting around and coping, I decided to go see Randy. I got up and walked back to his room. When I got back there my heart fell again. I hated seeing him like this hooked up to all those machines. I really wish I could have prevented this. I walked over to Randy's bed and sat beside it. I grabbed his hand and interlocked out fingers. C'mon Randal Keith Orton. Stay with me.
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Hope you enjoyed.