Status: Hope you all enjoy :)

Love of the Legend Killer



It's been about a month since Randy's little incident. He got out of the hospital about a week after he woke up and he's been in rehab ever since . The hospital required either that or he would have to go to jail. Randy chose rehab. He told me to go and move into his house, so I did along with little Brianna. She and I had been bonding alot lately. Camille hated it, but it was what Randy wanted and she always listened to Randy.
I had learned that Brianna loved horses and the color pink and she loved more than anything to watch her daddy fight. That made me happy. I loved hearing her talk about Randy. She really did love her daddy and it made me feel a bit better about breaking up with him when I did. It caused him to become close with his daughter.
Elaine and Bob decided since Brianna loved horses so much that they'd buy her one. They bought her a small black pony that she decided to name her Dixie. She loved Dixie alot. She always wanted to go to Bob and Elaine's to see her and I couldn't argue with that. Randy also thought it was a good idea if I got a puppy. I went out and bought a little yellow lab puppy that Brianna named Tucker. Tucker was such a sweet puppy. He was perfect for the family.
Today was Brianna's last day of Kindergarten and myself along with Bob, Elaine, Jasper, Nathan, Becky, and Jasper and Nathan's girlfriends were going to throw her a huge party for her accomplishment. There were going to be bouncy houses and water slides, balloons, candy, cake, food, a clown, and pony rides on Dixie. It surely wasn't the same without Randy at the party or here at all. All I wanted right now was to be in his arms. We'd never gotten a proper makeup.
"Brianna, c'mon sweetie. We're gonna be late for your graduation!" I called for her.
"Coming Sam!" She yelled and ran down the stairs. She was so adorable in her little cap and gown. Tucker ran up to her and started sniffing her making her giggle.
"You ready sweetie?" I asked.
"Yes ma'am" she replied walking out to the car with me. I put her in her car seat and went and got into the driver's seat. "Are grandma and grandpa and Uncle Nathan and Uncle Jasper and Aunt Becky coming?" she asked me.
"Yes honey. Of course." I smiled looking in the rear view at her. She smiled back.
"Is mommy going to be there?" She asked.
"Yes sweetie. Your mommy wouldn't miss this. She smiled.
We pulled up to her small elementary school and got out. I saw a ton of little kids dressed in caps and gowns standing outside the gym door.
"Good luck sweetie." I said as I kissed her head and started to walk off before I heard a kid speak to Brianna.
"I thought your mommy looked different than that." the kid said.
"She does. That's my daddy's girlfriend." Brianna replied.
"Your daddy has a girlfriend and he's married? That's not right" the kid said back.
"My mommy and daddy aren't married." She replied.
"That's weird. You have a weird family." The kid said.
I was about to go back and say something when I heard the principal speaking over the mic in the gym.
"Alright, we'd like for everyone to take their seats so we can begin." He said. I made my way into the gym to see tons of people. It was packed for sure. I walked up the stairs to the bleachers and made my way to sit beside Elaine.
"Morning Samantha" She said as she hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"Morning Elaine" I smiled and did the same as I looked around her and saw Camille eyeing me like a hawk. I decided not to let this bother me.
The graduation music hit and we all had to stand up. I saw tons of little cuties walk across the gym floor then came Brianna who was the most adorable one there. She was definantly her fathers child with good looks and charm. She looked just like Randy and nothing like Camille and that really made me happy.
After sitting there for two hours, the ceremony was finally over. Now it was party time. When we got to the house, Elaine, Becky, and myself started preparing the food, Bob, Nathan, and Jasper were grilling out and Brianna and her little friends started to play. I loved seeing that little girl happy. She was really growing on me. Tucker also joined in on the fun with the kids.
About an hour into the party, the doorbell rang. I suspected that it was Camille. I went to the door and opened it. It was two cops.
"Ummm...yes, may I help you?" I asked.
"Are you Samantha Speno?" One of them asked me.
"Ummm yes, why?" The other one grabbed me and turned me around putting me against the wall and handcuffing me.
"You are under arrest for the kidnapping of Brianna Leigh Orton. You have the right to remain silent. Whatever you may say may be used against you in the court of law." My eyes widened. What the hell?
"What's going on here fellas?" I could hear Bob's voice as he walked up.
"Ms. Speno is being arrested for the kidnapping of Brianna Orton."
"She didn't kidnap her. Her father is gone right now and her wanted her to take care of her."
"Well we have sources that say she did. You will have a chance to talk that over with the judge. As of right now, Ms. Speno cannot be released on bail." The guy said as he led me out to the cop car. When I got in I looked out and saw little Brianna with tears flowing down her face. When I saw that, I started to do the same.