Status: Hope you all enjoy :)

Love of the Legend Killer



Today was the day. It was the day of court. There were two things that were going to be dealt with today in court. Getting me out of jail and getting Brianna in mine and Randy's custody. It was going to be a rough day but Bob and Elaine had gotten the best lawyers money could buy and Camille was going down.
The police led me into the courtroom with my hands behind my back. I looked out and saw Randy. That made my day 100 times better. He looked great. The best he's looked in a long time. I looked his way and he smiled and winked at me making me blush a bit. I loved him.
"All rise. This court is now in session with the honorable Judge Jackson." The judge walked in a had a seat.
Court seemed like it took forever. There were alot of people called to the stand that were witnesses of me getting arrested. Bob, Elaine, Jackson, Nathan, Becky, and some parents that were there as well as myself and Camille. Camille told alot of bullshit to begin with but then the lawyer broke her. She spilled her guts and I was set free and she got arrested.
"As a result of Ms. Reed being arrested, now we will have a custody hearing to see whether Brianna Leigh Orton's father will take her or Mr. and Mrs. Reed will take her, but first we will take a small recess." The judge said as he put down his gavel.
I practically ran and jumped into Randy's arms. It was so great to have him back. It felt so right being back in his arms after so long. It had been four long months since I'd been in his arms.
"I missed you so much, baby" He said to me and kissed me softly.
"I missed you too." I said putting my forehead to his as we stared into each other's eyes. We stayed this way for a few minutes until Bob came up to us.
"Excuse me?" we broke apart. "Randy, I just wanted to tell you that you just need to be brutally honest with the judge. You can win this. We're testifying too. Julie and Mark don't have a leg to stand on. You can count on that."
The judge came back in and called the court back to order. We quickly got down to business. I was the first person that they called to the stand to testify and I talked about how Randy was the best dad in the world and how Brianna and I were very close now. After I was done testifying, they called up the whole Orton family one by one. They all talked about how close they were to her and things of that nature.
When it was time for the Reed family to testify, they didn't have a leg to stand on. Camille had barely ever taken Brianna around them. They really had nothing to say. Finally, they brought Brianna up to the stand. She talked about her daddy with a gleam in her eyes as well as when she started to talk about me. She really did love us and we both loved her deeply. She'd became a part of me. She was like my own child. If we got her to come home with us, I was going to be the best step-mother that she could have.
The end of the hearing was nearing and it was time fore the jury to make their decision. We were all nervous. Randy grabbed my hand from under the table nervously.
"The jury has made a decision. In the case of Brianna Leigh Orton, we have decided that full custody should be given to Randy Orton and Samantha Speno."
We couldn't believe it. We were so happy. Randy hugged me tightly and kissed me. Then, Brianna ran up and jumped into our arms. Our baby was going to be with us now and we couldn't be happier. Brianna wasn't biologically mine but she was mine. She was my daughter even if she didn't come from me. I loved her to pieces.
"I love you, daddy." She said as she hugged and kissed her daddy. She then turned to me. "And I love you too, mommy" She said to me hugging and kissing me. This made tears fall from my eyes. I was so happy to hear her say that. I was finally at a happy place in my life and I wouldn't change this for anything.