Status: Hope you all enjoy :)

Love of the Legend Killer


I had my family's full attention. Little Sammy was in bed, but I had everybody else's attention. My kids and their spouses, Keith and Tracey, Brianna and Blake, Alanna and Eric, John and Olivia, as well as my grandchildren, Carter, Zane, Jacob, and Harley. I was very graphic and detailed but this was what they wanted. They wanted the story of myself and their mother.
"After that day, we were married a couple of months later. Brianna was our flower girl and your mother had just found out she was pregnant with you, Keith. Life wasn't always easy for us but we made it through. Your mother was the strongest woman I knew and I don't know how she ever put up with all my bullshit but she did. I see alot of your mother in Alanna and Sammy as well as you Brianna. Even though she wasn't your biological mother, she loved you like her own. Your mother had a heart of gold that I know each of you saw that everyday you were with your mother. She was a fighter too. She had cancer for 10 years and she did everything she did normally all the way up to the day she died." I said with tears in my eyes as I grabbed a picture of Samantha from my table right beside my chair. "There will never be a woman as amazing as Samantha Marie Speno-Orton was." I said with tears falling down my face. I couldn't believe my other half was gone. She was my rock. She was the one that made me whole. She's the reason I've lived. She turned me away from my addictions and I thank the good Lord above for sending her to me.
"Mom was a really great woman. She took care of me when my real mom didn't. I could remember as a little girl being at home with Camille and just wishing I could be with Samantha. She was a remarkable woman. Most people wouldn't really care about the illegitimate child of their lover, but no, Samantha took me in as her own. She was my true mom. You and mom did such an awesome job with us kids. Thank you dad. Thank you for meeting mom and saving me from Camille back then. She was also such an amazing grandmother to Harley and Jacob. Thank you for being the best parents to myself, Keith, John, and Alanna." She smiled at me and kissed my head. That really meant alot to hear that from my first born. she was right. She took over the mother spot after everything went south with Camille.
"I agree with Bri here dad." Keith said. "Mom was the best woman we knew. She took care of us more than she took care of herself. Made sure we had everything even if she had nothing. Made sure Sammy was safe and worrying about her all the time. She was the greatest grandmother and mother ever. Nobody could ever take mom's place." Keith said with a smile. Little Sammy was always Samantha's pride and joy. Don't get me wrong, she loved all of her grandchildren but Sammy was her only granddaughter and she had an amazing relationship with her.
"I can remember the time when I was just wanting to be a rebellious teenage, getting in trouble all the time, getting in fights, all of that stuff and mom was always there. You were more of the hard ass that said if we got ourselves in trouble, it was our responsibility to get out of it. Mom had other ideas." John said with a smile. " She would come and bail me out and lecture me then my form of punishment was being her makeup model" He chuckled. "Her being the makeup artist of WWE had it's pros and cons. I hated when she made me do that and in front of all the wrestlers! It was ridiculous but I did learn my lesson. Mom knew what she was doing. Now, I expect Olivia to give Carter the same punishment " He said with a chuckle as he ruffled my oldest grandson's shoulder length brown hair. Samantha loved Carter's hair and when his mother tried cutting it, Samantha would have a big fit, which is why it's still long.
"I remember all the wonderful things mom did. All the charity work, all she did for us, I don't know how she did it. I don't know how she raised us four kids with you being on the road all the time and with her being a part-time makeup artist on the show. I can remember all of us coming to the show with her and we'd drive her as well as the other wrestlers nuts. We'd be getting into everything and asking millions of questions and everything." Alanna smiled. "I remember this one time when John was about 10 or so, he went up to the Big Show one day and asked him why he was so big and hairy but why did his junk look so small." She laughed as all of us did. "Mom put on an act in front of him where she looked pissed but when we got in the car she laughed so hard I thought she'd pee her pants. Just little things like that were what made mom the woman she was. So amazing and such an amazing grandmother to Zane." My youngest daughter smiled. All of these stories that my children told made me smile. I'm glad their mother had such a great affect on their lives as she did mine.
After all of this took place, my family decided to go to bed leaving me up. I had too much on my mind to sleep. Samantha was the only thing on my mind. I wished she was here with myself, our children, and our grandchildren. She had been way too young to die. It just killed me to think she was no longer on this earth. I could still smell the scent of her perfume, still hear her voice, her laugh, her singing, her humming, everything. I got up from the chair I was sitting in and put on my shoes and coat. I then made my way to our backyard which had a huge oak tree that she and I were married under. I walked under it and looked at her headstone. I decided it was best that I bury her under the place she loved the most. I looked at the headstone and sighed.
'Loving Mother, Wife, and Grandmother. Forever in our hearts.'
On the bottom it had a family portrait of myself, her, and all our children and grandchildren. On the back of the tombstone was the lyrics to the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin which was the song that was played at her funeral by her request.
I sighed and laid down beside where she rested. I took a deep breath and looked up to the sky.
"Goodnight my love, I'll see you soon." I said with tears in my eyes as I fell asleep next to the one who owned my heart.
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Alright guys! Thank you so very much for reading and everything! I have truely enjoyed writing this story and I hope you've enjoyed reading it! Thanks :)