Status: Hope you all enjoy :)

Love of the Legend Killer



It was time. Today's date is March 30, 2003. For those of you who don't know. It's the night of Wrestlemania 19. If you didn't know, Wrestlemania is a huge deal. Tonight, myself and Batista have a shot at the Tag Team titles. We will be facing off against Matt and Jeff Hardy. Two superstars who I have looked up to in the Tag Team division aside from two of the best tag teams in the business, D-Generation-X and Edge and Christian. The Hardys and Batista and I were at the top of the tag team division. We were set to win tonight and Dave and I couldn't be happier.
I was doing pushups in our locker room with the radio blaring. Man in the Box by Alice in Chains was playing. It was safe to say that they were my favorite band. They always got me pumped up and got my blood flowing right before a match.
Right when I was doing my hundreth pushup, the door opened. There he was, my father, "Cowboy" Bob Orton. He was here to support his one and only son. I got up and turned off the radio.
"Hey son. How ya feeling?" he said in his old country type voice.
"I'm alright. Same old same old." I say cocky like.
"You're sittin' on a high horse boy. Being cocky isn't going to get you anywhere in life or this business for this matter. You're good, but just not good enough yet. You're lucky to be getting mentored by two of the best in the business. You just remember that. They're part of the reason you're getting opportunities like this. This is a big deal son. Don't blow it." He said getting in my face.
"Whatever dad. I'm the best around here now. You're just jealous because you were never as good as me. Such a mediocre "wrassler"." I say with an eye roll and move to put on my wrist tape.
I just hear my dad grunt and sigh in frustration as he leaves the room. I then take out a needle, my drug of choice for today which shall be heroin, and a belt. I fill the needle with heroin, put the belt tightly around my arm to make my vein pop up, and enter the needle into my blood stream. The feeling my body gets from this is almost orgasmic. So perfectly amazing. As I soak in the wonderful feeling, I put away the evidence of me doing the drug.
The match was one to put down in the books as one of the greatest tag team matches in WWE history. Myself and Batista owned the Hardys and caused them to both be carried to the back on stretchers. It was such a great feeling now being one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions.
To celebrate the occasion, Ric and Paul decided to take Dave and I out on the town. The guys took us to a club. There were tons of people there, wrestling fans included. When we walked in there were lots of neon lights flashing and the song that was playing was Drop It Like It's Hot by Snoop Dogg. Everyone who was dancing in the club were either grinding or the girls were actually "dropping it like it's hot". We made our way to the bar where Ric and Paul ordered us all some shots of jagermeister. After we all took that, they got us a shot of jack daniels and then we all ordered our own drinks after that. My drink of choice was my favorite, Coors Light. I loved beer more than any other type of alcohol. Ric and Paul proceeded to getting what I call pussy drinks which would be Smirnoff and Dave got a buttery nipple.
We all ended up going our seperate ways for a while. Ric and Paul went to talk to a few gentlemen who just so happened to be huge WWE fans and Dave went after a blonde cocktail waitress. Myself? I decided to just go and explore the club myself. I danced by a few half drunken girls, said hello to a few guys, and signed a few autographs before I made my way over to one of the many velvet type couch booth. On the end of the couch, was probably the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen in my life. I was taken back by her beauty.
I decided that I needed to talk to her instead of just staring. I started to scoot myself closer and closer to the beautiful woman. I see her look over at me and she's kind of puzzled at first but then she gives me a slight smile. A gorgeous smile might I add.
"Excuse me miss? May I ask what a beautiful woman such as yourself is doing sitting down here all alone?" I ask her with a smile.
"My friends are up there dancing but I'm not much of a dancer." she says to me in the cutest voice.
"Oh really? I see we have something in common then because I'm not much of a dancer either" I say.
"Hmmm..Well maybe we'll just have to see what else you and I have in common with each other" she says with a smirk.
"I'm Randy Orton" I say with a smile as I put my hand out.
"Samantha Speno" she says as she shakes my hand "aren't you that wrestler?"
"why yes, yes I am" I say with a smile "In fact, my partner and I just won the tag team titles and we're here to celebrate"
"Wow. Congratulations" she says with a smile.
"Thank you" I say with a smile back.
We went on all night talking about our careers and lives. Samantha was a secretary at a doctor's office and she lived in her own apartment. We talked about likes and dislikes and about the media. She asked me about wrestling and was all ears to hear what I had to say. By the end of the night, I ended up getting her number and she asked me to call her. I went to bed alone in my hotel that room thinking of Samantha Speno.
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