Status: Hope you all enjoy :)

Love of the Legend Killer



Two months have gone by since Wrestlemania. Samantha and I have talked one the phone a couple times but not too major. I'm thinking it's probably just a thing where I talk to the girl a few times and then we stop talking, no biggie. Right now, all of us who are signed to the RAW brand of the WWE are on a plane headed back to the place where Wrestlemania took place which is Seattle, Washington. Tonight I have a one on one match with the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, a guy whom I have looked up to since I was a kid. I remember all the times when I would go to shows with my dad and meet all the wrestlers. Out of all the guys backstage, Shawn was by far the coolest towards me. It will be a complete honor tonight to wrestle with him.
I was taken from my thoughts and the music of Alice in Chains blaring in my ears by Paul shaking me.
"Hey Randy. We're here man." He said.
"Oh okay thanks buddy" I said as I gathered my stuff together and got up walking with Paul. "So how is Stephanie doing?"
"She's doing pretty good man. Sucks that I hardly ever get to see her though." Paul said with disappointment in his voice.
"Thinking of making a committment soon?" I asked.
"Marriage? eh. I don't really know yet man. I mean Vince has been very. I don't know. In the middle of us lately if you get what I mean" he says with a sigh as he grabbed his luggage from the baggage area.
"Fuck what Vince says man. You love her and she loves you. That should be all that matters."
"You know what. You're right Randall. I shouldn't care. We're both crazy about each other and we both want to spend the rest of our lives together. When I get home for vacation. I'm asking Stephanie Marie McMahon to marry me." he said with a grin.
"Alright man. Congrats." I said smiling.
"What about you Randall? You thinking about getting you a girl soon?" Paul asked.
"Nah man. I'm good with my life." I say cockily.
"Man. Sex, drugs, and alcohol aren't all you're gonna want for the rest of your life. Sex with no strings attached doesn't matter and you're just gonna get burnt out or killed by the drugs and alcohol." he said.
"Man. You just don't know what you're talking about. You sound like every fucking body else. Fuck you all. It's my life. Not yours." I say with a huff and I walk off from him pissed off.
Why did everyone else think they could get into my fucking business all the damn time? It's none of their damn concern. This is my life. Not theirs. If I wanted their opinion, I WOULD HAVE FUCKING ASKED FOR IT!
I go and get onto the bus that the company has for us to ride on to our hotel. I decided to take a seat to myself. I don't need any fucking advice from anyone right now. I look around to see if anyone is looking and when I see that they aren't I take out a small piece of a straw and a small bag of cocaine. I put the straw up into my nose and put it down into the white powder then sniff it up into my nose. The feeling of the cocaine entering my nose burns, but it's the good kind of burning feeling. The cocaine makes my body feel utterly fantastic. I loved all drugs though. Heroin was my favorite.
I put away the remains of the cocaine and I put my headphones on. I decide to put in the WWE themes cd and listen to it on the way to the hotel.
Before I knew it we pulled up to the Hilton hotel. Vince only reserves the best hotels for his superstars and divas. All of us started to pile out of the bus and we all went and got our keys for our rooms. My room number was 233. I get on the elevator and head up to the fourth floor where my room is.
I walk into my room, put my bags down, and plop down on my bed. I'd never felt so tired in my life. I guess it had to do with the fact that I didn't have a second of sleep last night.
I started to drift off as I heard my cell phone go off. I opened my eyes and looked at the caller ID. Dave Batista.
"Hello?" I said as I picked it up.
"Hey man. You up to go to the same club with me, the Hardys, Adam, and Jay?" he asked.
"Ummm. Sure. When will you guys be going?" I asked.
"Be ready in twenty minutes. We'll meet you down in the lobby."
"Alright dude. See you then." I said as I hung up.
I got up from the bed and started the shower. I took off all my clothes and hopped into the hot water. I washed myself with Axe. My favorite brand of fragrent stuff.
After seven minutes in the shower, I get out and dry myself off. I then go and pick out a pair of dressy jeans, a black button up shirt, and some black Harley-Davidson boots. I brushed my teeth, gelled my hair, and sprayed myself with axe body spray and I was out the door.
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I hope you all enjoyed. Next Chapter will be the club scene. Give me some feedback :)