Status: Hope you all enjoy :)

Love of the Legend Killer



It's been about a month since Sam joined me on the road. It's been a hard battle but I'm fighting my demons. I haven't had any narcotics for about two and a half weeks, I haven't drank any alcohol at all since she's joined me, and I haven't had any sex in about a week. I have a feeling I'm making great progress and Samantha is very proud. Everyday Sam and I wake up and have a routine. We wake up and both get dressed in sweats then we go for a jog, after the jog we go and eat a healthy breakfast, then after that we go to the hotel gym, then after that we get ready to start our day. It keeps us in good shape and keeps my mind off of my demons.
Samantha has become a huge part of my life over the past few weeks. She's saving me from myself and all I'm going through and I truely don't deserve her. The truth was is that Sam has just become a part of me. She's my biggest fan.
Today we're traveling down to Atlanta, Georgia on a bus for SummerSlam. Tonight, Dave and I are going against Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle with our titles on the line. Brock and Kurt were scheduled to win that night and it pissed me off. Good part about it? I'm going to be in the running for the Intercontinental Championship soon. I was stoked about that.
I was torn from my thoughts and blasting music from my ipod by Sam shaking my arm. I took the ear buds out of my ear and looked over at her gorgeous face. She had the look of sleep in her eyes which made her even more gorgeous.
"Randy, we're almost there baby." she said to me with a smile.
"Alright sweetheart, thank you." I said with a smile.
"Willpower." She said with a smile as she grabbed my hand.
"Willpower." I smiled back at her and kissed her hand.
"Hey Sam. I was wondering if you were up for a girl's night. Me, You, Amy, Nora, Torrie, and Carlene." asked Trish who was beside us. She was asking for a night out with Sam, her, Lita, Molly Holly, Torrie Wilson, and Jazz.
"I think you should go. It'll be fun." I say in a low tone to her.
"I don't know Trish. I mean, I can't just leave Randy. He needs me." She says. She is incredible.
"I'll be fine sweetie. You go have fun with Trish and the girls." I say with a smile.
"You sure?" she asks.
"Of course. I'll just order myself some room service and rent a movie or something" I say.
"Sounds good Trish. What are you guys going to do?" Sam asks.
"Girl stuff. Ya know. Mani Pedis, out to dinner, clubbing. You know" Trish says to her.
"Sounds like fun Trish. Thanks" Sam says back to her with a smile.
A few hours later, it was show time. I was getting game for my match. I was dressed in my red tights with silver and black writing on them and my normal boots and pads. I was in my locker room alone, getting my mind straight. I had the radio blasting to Woman by Wolfmother and I was stretching myself out. Focused on the match, I read over my life bible verse, thanks to Samantha. Phillipians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
"Hey big boy. ready for the match?" I hear from a distance. It's Sam. I turn down my music.
"Oh yeah. I'm ready to lose my title." I say with a chuckle. I see her smile.
"I'm so proud of you Randy. I'm proud of you and all the progress you've made over the past few weeks. A couple weeks ago you would have been pissed to have lost your title, but now you're laughing." She says with a grin.
"All because of you sweetheart. You've changed me completely. Thank you so much." I smile down at her as we're both getting closer to each other.
"You don't have to thank me, baby. You were a friend in need. I couldn't just leave you." She said smiling as we continued to close the space between us.
"Oh really? you know anyone else would have, but I'm so glad you didn't baby." I said smiling as we finally got close to each other with no space between us. Samantha put my arms around her waist then she put her arms around my neck and put her forehead to mine.
"Never." she whispered to me as she looked into my eyes. I was inches away from her plump lips when Dave Batista barged in. Samantha backed off quickly. Damn.
"Oh damn. I'm sorry man." He said.
"Uh. it's okay man. it's fine." I say.
"Good luck Randy." Sam says giving me a one armed hug.
"Thanks Sam." I say back.
"Good luck Dave." she says as she gives him one too then leaves.
"Dude I'm sorry I swear" Dave says.
"It doesn't matter. What's up dude?" I say to him.
"She's changed you hasn't she?" Dave says.
"Yeah. She has." I say with a nod.
"Good. I'm glad to finally see the good Randy." Dave says with a smile.
"Thanks man. Good luck tonight. Keep yourself as safe as possible and I'll try to give you as much time in the ring as possible man. Batista needs some action. Selfish old Orton needs to stop hogging the spotlight." I say with a grin.
"Thanks man. See you out there." he says back then he leaves to go finish getting ready.
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