Status: Was on hiatus, and now well I would really like to finish it! Working hard at it.

Shut Up and Suck It

Returning The Favor


Waking up with Vic’s head buried into his shoulder was one of the only things that made Jack like waking up in the morning. Normally he would groan and try to not get woken up by all the rest of the band and crew attempting to get him out of his bunk. The show last night in Clifton Park was one that really got his energy up and ready for more. They hadn’t been there in a while so the crowd was as wild and putting their heart into it. Jack was hoping that their show in Allentown, PA was going to be just as awesome. It was crazy when they went in the fall.

“Hey, I got to get up.” Jack whispered, nudging Vic’s check with his nose. Vic only gave a groan in protest and clung onto Jack tighter. “Vic, it’s not like I won’t coming back. Someone still owes me something for that shower scene.”

“Fine, but you need to come right back. It’s only 5 am.” Vic said in his sleepy voice as Jack moved over him to get out.

Jack moved to the bathroom as quietly as he could. Finishing up, he walked out into the main front area to get one of the cookies that were left out on the counter. Only to find a very stressed Alex staring at the computer screen in front of him.

“Are you ok?” Jack asked, his eyes full of concern.

“Yeah, I am just looking up this thing about Mars and…” Alex started but Jack just cut him off.

“Alex, seriously, go get some sleep. The planets will be fine until later.” Jack said before going back to his bunk shaking his head. “Vic, you have to move. You are taking up with whole space.”

Grumbling and moving, Vic made way for Jack to join him in the bunk. Jack instantly got cuddled back up to when he was settled in. Jack laughed slightly as Vic death hold on his body tightened.

“Jack, JACK! Wake up! We have the bus to ourselves!” Jack was pulled out of his dream as Vic was on his hips. Vic lips connected to his.

“Vic, what time is it?” Jack said after Vic pulled away. His voice was heavy and he really didn’t want to get up.

“It’s only 9 am. We got like an hour to ourselves. I was thinking that I could return the favor now. When you brought it up when you said that earlier I was thinking about it.” Vic told Jack, Jack’s eyes went wide open. Vic’s shy smile was on his face as Jack just looked at him with wonder. “Think we could move to the back room?”

“Yeah, as soon as you get off me.” Jack said with a smirk. Vic grinned back and got off his now wide awake boyfriend.

Vic took Jack by the hand and lead him into the back lounge, the door barely being closed before Vic’s lips were on Jack’s. Jack kissed back hungrily, he was enjoying the way that Vic was taking charge. Jack allowed Vic to push him onto the couch without too much force. Vic’s hands on Jack’s bare chest as he moved to Jack’s neck and chest. This was one of the moments where Jack liked the fact that he only wore a pair of pj pants to bed. Vic rubbed up against him. Causing Jack to moan in pleasure.

“Vic, stop teasing, plea..ughhh.” Jack was moaning as Vic’s lips and tongue moved all over his shoulders, neck and chest. A moan escaping him every once in a while. A needy deep moan. Vic moved one of his hands under Jack’s waistband, slowly stroking Jack’s member as he left love marks on his neck.

“What do you want me to do?” Vic asked in a low lustful growl. Giving a sharp nip to Jack’s skin. Hand moving along his member slowly.

“I want…. You…. Inside… of… me… now...” Jack said in a breathy voice. Barely along to put the words together in a sentence.

At once Vic stopped rubbing Jack and put his hand into his pocket. His clothes now on the floor. Pulling out a bottle of lube, Vic smirked as he slowly teased himself, coating his own problem with the slippery liquid. Jack’s moans became louder as Vic slipped a finger into his tight ass. Slight pain hisses every once in a while but Vic managed to hit Jack’s prostate. Jack’s head snapped back, a very loud moan erupting from the back of his throat.

“Enough… now..” Jack was a begging mess under Vic.

“As you wish.” Vic whispered into his ear. His tongue flicking out to lick the shell. Lining himself up, Vic slowly entered Jack’s body. Jack hissed but Vic kissed his lips. Trying to make the pain not as much for Jack. Stopping when he was all the way in, Vic waited for Jack to let him know that he was ready for him to move. After a few more pants and kisses, Jack gave a nod. Vic pulled out before slamming right back into Jack. Jack’s finger nails clawing Vic’s back as a moan slipped from his lips. Vic could help but moan himself. Picking up his pace into a steady rhythm, Vic then started to pump Jack in time with his thrusts. After a few moments of exploring, Vic hit Jack’s prostate again. A scream of pleasure coming from Jack’s lips. Vic’s low moan joining in.

“It’s so hot that you are loud Jack.” Vic moaned, hungrily attacking his lips with kisses and bites on his neck. “Make noise for me.”

Jack complied, moaning like a needy whore. Spilling over the edge after a few more thrusts from Vic. Vic followed shortly after with a low deep moan of Jack’s name. Pulling out and cuddling into Jack’s chest as they both panted.

“That was amazing babe.” Jack said, kissing Vic’s head.

“We should really do this more often. But good luck hiding those on stage.” Vic said looking at the purple bruises that littered all of Jack’s upper body.


Walking onto the Pierce The Veil bus Vic was in a very happy mood. The rest of the band confused at Vic’s chipper attitude. Compared to how broken he was when Jack wasn’t talking to him. For Vic everything leading up to the show was a blur. When he got onstage Vic played as hard as ever. Happily stealing glances at Jack, who had taken up his post on the side of the stage to watch his boyfriend.

“Vic, you played amazing!” Jack said, they slipped into the upstairs for a quick kiss before All Time Low had to be on stage. “I guess you must still be pumped from our adventure this morning.”

“I noticed that you still have a little bit of a limp. Let me massage your lower back tonight on the bus.” Vic said with a soft tone. Jack gave a soft pleasure noise at the thought.

“I would love that.” Jack said back. Vic smiled, pulling Jack close to him.

“JACK! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW! YOU HAVE TO GET ON STAGE!” Vic knew at once that it was Matt. Jack gave a light chuckle.

“I will meet you after the show.” Jack said stealing a last kiss before running down the stairs. Vic chuckled. Taking his spot next to the stage with Mike. Mike had gotten into the habit of joining his brother on the side of the stage to watch.

“I seem to notice that Jack is limping slightly and seems unable to jump around as much. I would be right to think that you had something to do with that?” Mike mused with laughter in his voice.

“Yeah. We had a good time this morning. He even let me…..” Vic told his brother and giving him a wink. Mike rolled his eyes.

“No need for details.” Mike said sticking out his tongue and interrupting.

“Jack, you alright man. You seem to be less active tonight.” Alex called in the mic. “Did I get a little too rough in bed this morning?”

“Yeah man, I wont be able to walk alright for days. Why did I let you go in dry?” Jack returned. Causing me to blush when Mike looked at me.

“I used lube.” Vic quietly said, causing Mike to laugh much too hard.

“Mhmmmm. That feels so good Vic.” Jack murmured as Vic rubbed his lower back on the couch of the front room. Tony was over as well, talking to Zack and Alex.

“This isn’t going to more intense is it?” Alex asked. Vic and Jack laughed.

“No Alex, I am much too swore to go for a round 2 tonight. You guys are safe for another day at least.” Jack told them. As comfortable as everyone was with each other, hearing anyone else having sex was just not high on the list.

“One of these times in the future, I DO want them to hear those beautiful sounds you make.” Vic leaned down and whispered into Jack’s ear. Not loud enough for the others to hear. Jack chuckled.

“Whatever you say.” Jack said back, catching Vic’s lips in a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the long wait, i had so much going on! plus i wasnt sure who i wanted to top or how i wanted to do their first sex scene. Turns out, Vic ended up on top. XD Thanks guys for sticking with me! - Alyxx