Status: Was on hiatus, and now well I would really like to finish it! Working hard at it.

Shut Up and Suck It

Breaking In The Hotel Bed


“Alright, as you guys know we have two days off before we have the show to play here Grand Rapids.” Matt started to tell the boys. Jack couldn’t help but smile to himself at the thought of having two whole days in a town to just hang around with Vic. “But this isn’t all going to be fun. Jack, Alex, I need to have you two doing a few interviews. On the phone and in person. AP has sent out someone to meet us. Rian, you have one with Jack as well. Zack we only have two full band interviews so you should be fine.”

“But I was hoping that I would be able to take Vic out on a proper date.” Jack pouted to Matt. “Why is this stop on the tour have to be the ones packed with all the interviews?”

“Because Hopeless decided it.” Matt stated. “The Pierce The Veil guys are not showing up for another day anyway. Vic and Alex have a google live chat on the 16th.”

“I am doing a google live chat?” Alex asked out of the blue. Matt gave him a dirty look.

“Yes, you do. I have been telling you for the last three days.” Matt answered. Alex just gave him a blank look. “I should have known that you were not listening.”

The interviews on the 15th of October dragged on forever for Jack. Vic and he were texting all day as the rest of Piece The Veil decided that they wanted to spend it in Cleveland. Almost every interview had a question about their love lives. Alex, Rian, and Zack easily talked about their second halves, but Jack was stuck saying that he was single and had some people back home on call. Making everyone laugh. Jack kept saying that he was sorry and that Vic would have to understand if he ever decided to read or watch the interviews. Thankfully it seemed that not one of the interviewers wanted to bring up the photo.

“VIC!” Jack called running in the hotel lobby and into his boyfriend’s arms. Mike following in after him. “It was killer today. I don’t understand why everyone wants to know about our love lives.” Jack planted a kiss on Vic’s lips before he could answer. Mike cleared his throat.

“As much as I would like to watch you guys make out. It would be great if we got into your hotel room. We are staying at a different hotel, so we only have a limited amount of time.” Mike said.

“Our tour manager wants us all to stay together. But we have all tomorrow! Until at least Alex and I have our google hang out.” Vic answered. Lacing his fingers together with Jack’s. Jack couldn’t help but smile, once they were in the hotel room they wouldn’t have to be so secret. Not that what he did in the lobby was low key but he looked around. No one was following them.

“That’s awful. And here I thought that we could be able to break in the hotel bed.” Jack answered as they got into the elevator. Mike rolled his eyes. Vic just gave Jack a kiss and a small playful smack to the ass.

“I think that we have enough time to do that. Mike can go hang out with the rest of the band. And Alex is able to get out of the room too right?” Vic purred. Looking at Mike for an answer.

“If you guys want to fuck. Fine, I can go find the others. I think that this hotel as a bar.” Mike said. Vic gave him a smile.

“I will give Alex the heads up.” Jack was now getting excited. Calling Alex. “Hey, Alex. I’m bring Vic up to the room. We are on the floor now. Think that you could leave for a few hours? And take Mike with you? No they are staying in a different hotel so you can come back to the room tonight. But I can’t promise it won’t be a little messy. Got it. Thanks.”

Dropping off Mike at Zack and Rian’s room, Jack and Vic passed Alex in the hallway.

“Remember what I said Jack. I am serious. And Vic a pleasure to see you again.” Alex told him with a smirk. “Don’t make him limp too bad.”

“ALEEEEEXXXX.” Jack whined. Alex just kept walking and entered the other guys room.

Jack opening up his hotel room. It wasn’t long before Jack had Vic on his lips as soon as the door closed and clicked shut. Vic moaning as Jack’s hands ran up and down his sides. Jack’s lips moving to his jaw. Vic’s eyelids closing in pleasure as his head moved back, Jack kissing softly on his neck.

Vic took some control then pushing Jack backwards until he hit one of the queen sized beds with the back of his knees. Jack’s arms wrapped around Vic as they both fell, not bothering to break the kiss. It was a blessing for them both that they were not in the small area of the bunks or the quarters of the back rooms of their buses.


“Jack.” Vic moaned as he started working on taking off Jack’s shirt. Not wanting to break the kiss but having to in order to get the shirt over Jack’s head. As soon as Jack’s bare torso was under him. Vic made quick work of moving his lips to Jack’s stomach. His hands moving to Jack’s ribs, rubbing slow circles. A quick buck up of Jack’s hips caused him to growl. Vic was already hard, and Jack was only making him harder.

“Vic, please. Take off your shirt.” Jack choked out between moans. Vic had moved one of his hands under Jack’s pants. Rubbing Jack’s member slowly. Removing his hand caused Jack to whine but Jack stopped as Vic started working on his belt buckle. Jack’s eyes were clouded over. Hands moving to the back of Vic’s head and pulling him close to kiss him.

“Jack.” Vic panted. “I need to be able to have some focus to get us out of these clothes.”

Jack wasn’t having any of this business anymore. Moving straight to Vic’s belt. Both of them getting off their pants in record time. Jack flipped them over. Causing Vic to give a small yelp of surprise. Jack grinded down into him, changing Vic’s yelp to a groan of pleasure. One of Jack’s hands moving to Vic’s dick, pumping it.

“Vic, would it be ok if I rode you?” Jack asked. His eyes looking pleading into Vic’s.

“Fuck Jack, I would love that.” Vic answered. Moaning again as Jack flicked his wrist. Jack couldn’t help but grin. Vic groaned when Jack pulled his hand away from Vic’s dick to start stretching himself. Vic watched, eyes taking in the way Jack was panting and the look of pleasure on his face.

“Get the lube? It’s on the bedside table.” Jack moaned. Vic used all his will power to look to the side. Getting the lube quick and pouring some out onto his hand and taking his own dick. Pumping it a few times to Jack’s moans. Jack’s hands moved to Vic’s chest, as he lowered himself onto Vic’s member. His face twisting before he let out a loud scream of Vic’s name. Vic almost came then. Jack waited only a few seconds before he started to move up and down. Vic’s name and a few fucks spilling from his mouth. Hair hanging in his eyes. Vic’s head tossed back as he moaned Jack’s name. Fingers hard holding onto Jack’s hips, with Jack’s finger nails leaving lines down Vic’s chest.

“Vic, touch me.” Jack said lowly, his voice full of need. Vic growled in pleasure as he started to move his hand up and down Jack’s dick. His own hips starting to snap up once or twice. Causing Jack to scream loudly.

“I love it would you scream Jack.” Vic growl. Causing Jack to cum all over them. Vic cumming shortly after. Both of them riding out their orgasms with passionate kisses. Jack lifting off of Vic’s dick as he licked his own cum off of Vic’s chest.

“That was amazing Jack. We must do it again.” Vic said. Jack smiled, curled up into Vic’s side.

“We really do.” Jack answered.
♠ ♠ ♠
[didnt get the proof reading] Has it really been almost 4 months? Freaking crazy.. I am so sorry guys. Things just got so intense. But I am back, and I am hoping to get back to one chapter a day out! But anyway here is the hotel sexy time that i was talking about. I hope you liked it! It is also slightly a filler because i gave them two days off in the tour i created for this. Also as a side note... I am going to house party tour.. And i have meet and greets for both Pierce The Veil and All Time Low. Along with standing side stage for ATL. Pretty exciting! Thanks so much for sticking with me, it seriously means the whole world to me! - Alyxx