Status: Was on hiatus, and now well I would really like to finish it! Working hard at it.

Shut Up and Suck It

Meeting Again

Hearing his alarm go off, Jack lazily dragged himself out of bed. Not really wanting to get up but it was the kick off of the tour tonight at one of his favorite places to play in all of Baltimore, Ram’s Head Live. Getting into the shower Jack decided that he was going to look his best for the show, knowing that later in the tour he is going to be gross and sweaty for most the time. Even if the bus has a shower he wasn't going to be using it as often as the ones at the venues. Blow drying and fluffing his hair Jack went to wait in the living room. He was the last one out of the group to get picked up.

“JACK! JACK! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!” came a screaming man on the other side of the door. Jack couldn't help but smile, there was no doubt that it was Alex. Jack couldn't help but laugh at the excited Alex in front of him and a less excited Matt standing behind. Alex pushed by and took one of the suitcases, Matt taking the other one. Jack just took his little bag and his pillow. Along with blankets so that he wouldn't get cold, sometimes during the fall tours the bus was like death.
Leading the way to the bus Alex place all of Jack’s stuff on the bottom left back bunk right next his own. Jack always was next to Alex’s bunk no matter what. Some thought that it was punishment but Jack honestly felt a lot better knowing that his best friend was right next to him. Placing the bedding on the mattress and stuffing his suitcases where they belonged, Jack just decided to go up front with the others and pregame a little before the sound check and the show itself.

“I see you got the bunk next to Alex again.” Rian lightly teased Jack. Jack couldn't help but laugh.

“Yup, seems that I get to be punished all this tour too. Just like all the other ones.” Jack winked and Alex tried to pout but a grin couldn't help but go across his face.

All of their stuff already unpacked and loaded into the venue, the band did their sound check and went outside to have some time with the fans that had already started to form outside the venue. The show started in only 2 hours. After spending a good hour with the fans and telling them he would be back to meet them after if Matt wasn't going to be a bitch about it, Jack walked back into the venue. Heading to the green room he was surprised by a tackle hug by a man shorter then he was.



Vic was glad to be landing at BWI, being cooped up wasn’t something that Vic really liked. Being in Baltimore already had him feeling like he was ready for the show tonight. Getting their suitcases the boys made their way to the taxi area. Their equipment and bus had arrived in town earlier and was already at Ram’s Head Live for them.

Arriving at the venue all the boys decided that it would be the best to go right to the bus and get everything set for them to head to the show tomorrow in NYC. Mike and Vic picking to have bunks over one another with Jamie and Tony on the opposite side. Vic could hear All Time Low doing their sound check when he walked it. He wanted to be able to work on some new guitar riffs and just hang. Somewhere along the changing of equipment and the changing of what bands are sound checking Vic missed one of his chances of talking to the guys.

“Hey, Mike!” Vic said walking up to his brother. “Do you know where the All Time Low boys went off to? They seemed to disappear somewhere during the switching of sound checks.”

“Yeah, they went out to talk and hang out with the fans that are already waiting outside. We have our meet and greet with fans soon.” Mike said pointing to their tour manager getting everything all set up.

“I miss being able to just hang out with fans without having them have to pay for it.” Vic said gently. A bit of jealously forming at how free ATL was to talk to their fans.

“I know, we all do. Catch up with them, or Jack, after they are done out there and we are done with our meet and greet.” Mike said. The heaviness of his words hit Vic. All of them hated having to have the fans pay to meet them but it was the record company’s doing and they didn't want to have any bad blood.

Vic greeted, cried, laughed, and hugged the fans as they went down the line. Taking pictures and signing various normal and weird items, including little plushie versions of them, they talked to the last fan before disappearing into the green room. Vic got the gifts that they all got and put them in a box. They would sort out and place the items around the bus after the show was over. Vic always wanted to treat the tour gifts that people work so hard on to be placed around the bus so that everyone can see them.

It was a hour to the show. Vic was walking back from the bus when he saw that Jack was heading to the green room. Vic couldn’t stand not greeting his close friend in a normal way. So he jumped onto Jack’s back and gave him a big hug well saying his name.

“Vic!” Jack said with a laugh. Twisting around so that he could return the hug that his friend was giving. “You ready to start getting our drink on and get pumped!”

“You have no idea.” Vic returned with a smirk. As both boys ran off to find the drinks and just ran around like their lives depended on it.
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Thought with how short the first chapter was didn't really give the right feel, so here is chapter 2!