Status: Was on hiatus, and now well I would really like to finish it! Working hard at it.

Shut Up and Suck It

On the Rocks


After the success of his plan with Jack, Vic walked off the All Time Low bus and started walking towards his own. Knocking on the door after finding it locked for some reason.

“I swear to god if you are another girl looking to fuck one of the members I am personally going to toss your ass out of the venue.” Came a voice on the other side. Vic raised his eyebrow as the door opened, revealing a very annoyed and tired looking driver of the bus.

“I am here to fuck Tony, can you tell him to get his pretty ass out here?” Vic said in a high sweet voice, batting his eyelashes and trying to be girlish.

“Vic, man, sorry about all that. Didn’t think that you would be back so soon.” The driver said with a laugh and a smile.

“Don’t worry about it, been having a lot of people try and get onto the bus?” Vic asked as he passed through the door. Their driver nodded with a roll of his eyes.

“Had to lock the door because a couple just straight up opened the door.” The driver said, “We couldn’t be having that.”

“That could get scary fast. Thanks for looking out for us.” Vic said honestly. The driver just nodded before going to his own post. Seemed to be reading in the seat. The rest of the boys greeted Vic as he changed his clothes, getting ready.

“Did you see that ATL decided to do their Hustler meet and greet as well?” Jamie said, Vic’s ears perked up. That would give him another chance to still kisses and looks with Jack.

“Jamie, you know that you just basically opened the door for them to have their sickening honeymoon phase be on display on for the fans right?” Mike said with an arched eyebrow. Vic’s eyebrows furrowed in thought at Mike’s words.

How would the fans react to this new found relationship between the two? Vic was thinking at the horror if the fans didn’t accept his and Jack’s relationship. The fanbases went hand in hand for the most part but this wasn’t something out of a fan fic. This was their real lives. The idea of losing his fanbase made Vic almost sick. He loved his fans and bands with most of his heart. Pierce the Veil had saved him from himself, losing the band would kill him on the inside.

“Vic, Vic! Are you ok?” Mike called dragging Vic out of his thoughts. Looking into Mike’s worried eyes, he hadn’t released that he had probably looked very sad to everyone else around him.

“I don’t want to lose the band.” Vic bubbled out before he could stop himself. Hand slamming over his lips as soon as he said it. Jamie and Mike just gave him an odd look.

“What do mean lose the band? We are not going anywhere for a long time.” Jamie said confused until horror went across his face. “You are not leaving are you?”

“What no! I am not leaving the band, I was thinking about what if the fans didn’t like the fact that Jack and I are dating. Granted this relationship has only been going on for a little less than a week but I don’t think either one of us want this to become public just yet. I still don’t know if we are going to make it as a couple.” Vic told his friends. They both didn’t know what to say. They had been so sure that Jack and Vic would be ok, but Vic had a point. If the fans didn’t like the fact that the two men were together, it could cause them to lose everything they had.

“Vic, you shouldn’t worry about it. Jack and you seem really happy together. Look how happy you have been over the last few days. The fans love you, and in return I am sure that most of them will remain by our sides. Losing a couple won’t matter in the long run, you can’t please everyone.” Jamie said with confidence in his voice. Vic smiled and nodded.

“You are right. Thanks guys, now let’s go meet up with Tony and get this show on the road.” Vic said, “We got to show our fans how much we love them!”

The meet and greet went better than Vic thought. He managed to get their tour manager to allow them to walk around with the fans like All Time Low does. Even mixing the two meet and greets together in the end. Vic stayed close to Jack for the most part. Not too close, but close enough that light smirks could be given or a passing touch.

“Vic!” Called Alex over to him. Vic gave a confused look as he walked over to Alex.

“What’s up Alex?” Vic questioned, a few fans standing in front of Alex.

“These lively fans were hoping to get a picture with both of us lead singers.” Alex said, motioning to them with his hand. Vic gave a grin.

“Of course they can have one!” Vic said. Posing with Alex and the fans. He was walking over to Tony when he felt arms wrap around his body. A head on his shoulder.

“Hey.” Breathed Jack into his ear. Vic tensed up at first but relaxed into Jack’s touch. Then tensed again and wiggled out of Jack’s grip looking around wildly.

“No, not here. No PDA.” Vic murmured to Jack. Vic’s heart almost broke when he saw the sad look in Jack’s eyes but Jack backed off at once.

“I’m sorry.” Jack said before slipping away. Before Vic could even say a word. Both tour managers where telling them to go backstage. One of the rare moments that Vic avoided the All Time Low dressing room. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to Jack, he just wanted some time to think about everything. What had made Jack want those people to know?

Pierce the Veil’s set arrived and went. Vic put his heart into it but something didn’t seem right. He was so used to Jack standing on the side of the stage, he wasn’t even in the balcony that the bands had access to so they could hang out and watch the others play.

“Jamie, I think that Jack and I could be having our first fight.” Vic told his friend in a high voice that almost broke. Jamie at once took Vic by the hand and dragged him off into the bus.


“Alex I don’t know what came over me.” Jack whined after their set was over and everyone packed up. Making their way to the next venue. Jack didn’t see Vic anywhere near the stage and he disappeared into his bus right after his set.

“It was a simple hug Jack. I don’t know why he would over react. Did you talk about the possibilities of coming out as a couple together? Maybe he just isn’t ready yet. You guys haven’t even really been dating more than a week.” Alex told Jack in a calm voice. Trying to sooth his best friend. They were already heading out to the next venue. It was another night with Vic in his bed, and Jack was having a terrible time sleeping. Only the driver, Alex, and Jack were awake at this time in the morning. Alex was woken by Jack’s mumbles and groans of pain coming from his bunk.

“I just got so jealous when all those girls were flirting with him. I knew that he wouldn’t actually do anything with them, I just wanted them to know that he was mine.” Jack told Alex, curled up in a ball on the couch with Alex sitting across from him in a chair.

“Jack.” Alex said with sad eyes. “This is part of being in the limelight and you know it. Sometimes those fans are going to flirt with him, and until he is ready to let everyone know, you are just going to have to let it happen. You trust Vic don’t you?”

“Of course I trust Vic. He wasn’t even responding to them. I was the one to over react.” Jack said, his head in his hands. Pulling out his phone he wanted to text Vic so bad to let him know that he was sorry. But looking at the clock he saw that it was almost 4 am. No way that Vic would be up, and if he was he was going to be drunk.

-fast forward-

They had arrived at the barren wasteland that was Upstate New York earlier the next day. Jack had passed out on the couch, having Jack move him to his bunk when he got up. Alex had told them that Jack just needed some time to himself.

“Guys?” Jack asked, waking up and looking at the clock on his phone. It was way past the time he knew that he should have been up; he must have missed sound check. Not that he was ever really needed at the sound check anyway. Rubbing his eyes and rolling over, he got out of the bunk. Taking a shower and getting ready he got into the venue with a few minutes to spare on Mayday Parade’s set.

“I see that you managed to get all prepared without us having to get you.” Alex mused. Jack just nodded. He hadn’t seen any of the Pierce the Veil guys and that was concerning him. Every relationship has the ups and downs, but this was still so new, if he couldn’t work things out with Vic now, who knows if they would be able to work it out at all.

“Yeah, just I didn’t have Matt riding my ass. So I didn’t have anyone to annoy with my going
ungodly slow.” Jack teased, causing Matt to give him a dirty look, but a smile. The rest of the band just laughed. “Alex, have you seen Vic around?’

“No, I haven’t.” Alex said, “In fact I haven’t really seen any of the others around as well.” Jack’s face fell; he knew that Vic wouldn’t miss a show, which was something that even he would never do unless he was in the hospital or if the doctor really made sure that he was too sick to do it.

“I got to talk to Vic Alex. I have to fix this soon. I don’t want this to end before it really begins.” Jack almost pleaded with himself. Alex just nodded, a hand on his friend’s shoulder. There wasn’t much Alex could do to help this. Jack and Vic had to do this together.

Jack broke away in time to see that Vic just slipped into the dressing room for Pierce the Veil. Almost to the door, Jack found it being swung open by Tony. A look of disgust came to his face, followed closely by a snarl.

“What is it that you want Barakat?” Tony snarled. Even if Jack was taller, he was still a twig and Tony could easily take him down. Jack flinched when he used his last name. That was never a good sign.

“I simply want to talk to Vic.” Jack asked with his head low. Tony glared at him.

“That is up to him. If he gives it the ok, you can come in.” Tony said before shutting the door in Jack’s face. Jack just stood in front of the door, shifting on his feet waiting for want was going to happen next. He could hear slight yelling and something being broken before Tony returned to the door with a wary look. “You get 10 minutes with him. Then we are busting out the door and removing you by first if we don’t get an everything is ok text from him.”

Jack just nodded as Mike, Jamie, and Tony all walked by him and out the door. Vic sat cold faced on the couch. Looking at Jack with a dead look in his eyes. Jack moved closer to his boyfriend. Unsure of if this was the last time that he would call Vic that.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry about how late this was getting up! I hope you like it! I already got the next part in the works!