Coincidental Love

The Day Things Turned Upside Down

*Beep Beep Beep* My alarm clock rang what seemed like louder than ever! I rolled over and read the time, 7:30. I was so late! I jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of jeans I wore the day before and a ragged old shirt that I have had since the 8th grade. I quickly put on my makeup, and I ran my fingers through my hair. Of course, the only day I am running late my hair would NOT cooperate! My usually naturally straight hair was curly and looked like an af-ro! My brush couldn't even untangle the knots in my hair. I almost ripped out all of my hair trying to get my hair lay down flat. It was no use! I finally just flung my hair up into a bun on the top of my head. I slipped on my shoes and took a good look at myself in the mirror.

Then I heard my mother yell from down stairs, "Faith, get down here!" I huffed, you might as well know now that my mother gets on my very last nerves! "I'm coming," I yelled. My mother, June, is ALWAYS on my case about something! She says I need to get rid of my "attitude." "Faith, we need to talk." "Mom, I'm gonna be late! I don't have time!" I grabbed my bag and my keys and headed for the door. "You better stop right there!" I kept walking, I don't wan't to deal with her shit this morning! "Faith," she called for me from the door, I was already in my car. I had only two minutes to get to school. I backed up and pulled out of my drive way.

Five minutes later, I arrived at school, late of course. I could already tell that today was not going to be my day. I went into the office as soon as I got in the building. "Ah! Ms. Baker, I see you're late... Again!" I sighed, "Yes, Mrs. Johnson, I'm late." "What's your story this time?" "Nothing, I'm just late." "Oh, really?" "Yes." "Fine, here's your note for class." Mrs. Johnson handed me a note that said,"Please excuse Faith Baker for her tardiness, she was in the office. -Mrs. Cindy Johnson." At that moment I thought things were looking up for me, but then I went to first period. Mrs. Hines, my Algebra 2 teacher, didn't buy into the fact that I was "in the office," again this week. She gave me detention for the "sassy remarks" I made when she confronted me about the note. It was total bull shit!

By the time first period was over, I was ready to go home! I slept in my second period class, in return, I found myself having to stay after class and explain my reason for sleeping. I have Mr. Williams for English second period, and usually he is a very laid back kind of guy, but today was different. "Now, Faith, this is not like you, you know to slack off." "Mr. Williams, you know me! You know how hard I work, and the one day I just want to sit and be everyone is on my case!" "Tomorrow is the EOC, you only have two more days of school left." "And that's why I don't understand why you and everyone else are being jerks!" I was done! I picked up my bag and walked away. "Faith! Come on now, don't be like this!" I didn't miss a step, nor did I turn around.

Finally, I made it to lunch, I plopped down in a chair at my usual table. I then proceeded to lay my head down on the table, and everyone could tell something was up, but I really wasn't in the mood for answering questions. I felt someone tap me on my arm. I played it off like I didn't feel it. Two seconds later, I felt constant taping on my shoulder. I finally looked up and said,"What do you want." I found myself looking in to the most sad looking, puppy dog eyes I have ever seen. "What's wrong Faith?" I huffed,"Nothing, Jamie, I'm fine!" Now, you have to understand, Jamie is so very annoying! We have been "friends" since the sixth grade. She just knows how to get under my skin, but most of the time I don't pay her any attention. "Come on, who are you trying to kid? What's wrong?" I took in a deep breath and said, "Look, Jamie, if I wanted you to know what was going on I would tell you now wouldn't I?" She looked at me for a second and then replied,"Well, I guess so." "See." I laid my head back down on the table. Jamie began to whisper to Emily,"She doesn't have to be so over dramatic about it." I looked up. "You wanna know something Jamie, I'm sick of it! I'm sick of YOU and EVERYONE ELSE that are ALL WAYS trying to nose their way in to MY business! I wouldn't have to be so dramatic if you would mind YOUR own damn business and stay the hell away from mine!!" I then got up, grabbed my stuff, and stormed out the door.

As soon as I got outside I let out a sigh of relief. I just want to be alone, but sure enough ,as soon as I sit down at a table, here comes Nick. Nick is the type of guy who can get on your last nerves but you still love him. "Hey there sexy!" I rolled my eyes and then said,"Hey." "What's wrong with you?" I huffed,"Nothing." "You sure?" "No," I admitted. "See, now that's what I thought, what's up?" "Just people, always in my business." "Ooo.. I feel ya. Ever since me and Sarah broke up everyone has been up my ass about it!" "What should we do?" We sat there in complete silence contemplating on what we should do. Finally, Nick said,"Lets just leave." "Leave where?" "This place, school, town, this state, this country." I laughed, yeah right. "How do you suggest we do that?" Nick grabbed my bag and my hand and pulled me into the parking lot. We walked to his truck, hopped in, and left.

We rode out of that hell hole of a town without a destination in mind. "Where do you want to go," Nick asked me. I sat there for a second before I said,"Some where were we can be ourselves and won't be judged by anyone." He smiled and told me he knew just the place.

An hour or so later we arrived at an old, abandoned apartment complex. "What are we doing here," I asked as soon as we pulled in to the parking lot. "We are getting away from a life full of judgement." He jumped out of the truck and ran around to help me out. I managed to get out with out any help. I flowed in Nick's foot steps as we walked down a very dark hall way until we reached a flight of stairs. We looked at each other and then Nick said,"Race ya to the top!" It was on! We both took off in a mad dash to the top.

After what felt like a hundred sets of spiral stair cases later, we reach the roof. The view was less than breath taking, unless you enjoy the sight of a dusty, old, dried up field. Nick did give me what I asked for, there was know way anyone was out here besides the two of us. We both sat out on the roof staring in to the horizon. We sat there for a good while before one of us spoke. "Do you want to talk about it," Nick asked. "Talk about what?" "What happened at school." I looked down and then to my right before I replied,"I'd rather not." "You sure? I'm really good at fixing problems." "Sure you are!" We both laughed. "Speaking of problems, what happened with you and Sarah?" Nick took in a deep breath and then said,"We just weren't right for each other any more, ya know, we changed. I also caught her cheating on me with my best friend to make matters worse." "I'm sorry Nick, I had no idea." "No one knows and that's how I plan to keep it." "I won't tell anyone, are you gonna be okay?" "Yeah, I found someone better than her." "Who is she? How come I haven't met her yet?" He turned and looked at me. "You can't met yourself now can you?" He leaned in close as he closed his eyes and kissed me. I was in complete and utter shock, but I didn't know what to say, or if I should talk at all. He placed his hand on my cheek and tucked a wild hair behind my ear. He then began to lean back in to me. He kissed me again. His lips where so soft. We sat there making out on that roof for longer than I would like to admit.

Mesmerized in the moment, Nick handed me a blunt and we smoked it while every now and then kissing each other. He rolled an other one and we kept smoking until we where high as kites! I enjoyed the dazed feeling being high gave me, my body felt numb. I wasn't for once thinking about what people thought, the only thing that mattered was me. Nick and I ran down the stairs until we found a old room with a bed. I laid across the bed all sprawled out and Nick climbed on top of me. In that moment things felt right, like I was on top of the world and nothing could stop me!

And I was on top of the world until we got pulled over when we were headed back home. The cop knew for the redness in our eyes that we were 100% high! He took us to the station. Nick looked at me when we go to the police station and said,"I'm sorry, this, thisss, is all my fault." I shook my head and said,"No! No, I wanted this, its my fault." The officer walked over to us and asked,"Which one of you would like to call their parents first?" "I would," I said proudly. The officer let me out of the cell and took me to the phone. I dialed my mother's number and waited for her to answer. "Hello?" "Heyy Mom!" "Faith, is that you?" "Yeah, guess what." "What?" "I'm in jail," I laughed, "and you'll never guess why." "Why?" "Because.. I'm high." I dropped the phone and walked back to the officer and he put me back in the cell. I then proceed to lay on the floor and go to sleep.

When I woke up I was still in a daze. I really didn't know where I was. The only thing I saw was my mother towering over me. She grabbed my hand and drug me to the car. She buckled me up in the front seat, walked around,and got in. She didn't say one word to me. "Mom, are you mad?" She signed, but still didn't reply. I leaned back in my seat and fell asleep for the second time.

I guess I never really realized how much trouble I was until later that night. After my long, cold shower, my mother called me into her room. "Look Faith, we need to talk." I really wasn't in much of a mood for talking but after what I did to my mother I think I owe it to her. I sat down on my mother's bed and prepared myself for the worst. "Faith, I am very disappointed in you." "I know Mom!" I huffed, she didn't have to tell me what I already knew. "I have decided that you need to be punished for you actions." I thought to myself, oh really! I never would have guessed! What are you gonna do? Ground me?! "You have two choices. One you can go to military school next year, or two you can go work on your grandparents' farm this summer." I was in a loss for words at that moment. My mother has never been the type for sever punishment, so this took me be TOTAL surprise! "I am NOT going to military school next year!" "Fine then, you will go to the farm this summer!" "NO! I'm not doing that either! What is Dad gonna say about this?" "I've already talked to your father about it. He agrees that you need to change your actions and we feel that this will help you do it." I still was in shock! Even my father has turned against me! "Faith, you need to decide now." "I'm not going to military school." "Okay then, it's settled, you'll be going to your grandparents' the Sunday after school lets out." "Sunday?!" "Yes, Sunday. That gives you all of Saturday to pack and say good bye to your friends." I huffed. There was no way I could get myself out of this one.