Status: Complete.


Chapter One: What had they done to me?

They were everywhere; lurking in the shadows, peering in my window. They saw everything, heard everything. I had no inclination as to who they were; all I was permitted to know was that they craved my fear. It was hard not to give it to them. I trembled with it, an indescribable terror that existed only because of the anticipation of their next arrival. I was certain they would return. They could smell my fright.
The screams began erupting throughout the deserted hallways; they were close now. The painful cries echoed in my head, bouncing inside my skull until it was difficult to think. Whispers, hushed voices that told of panic, sounded from the walls. They’re coming for you.
Dread bubbled from within me. My arms cradled my legs to my chest, and my fingers bit sharply into my legs. My heart beat was erratic, and my breaths came in ragged gasps.
They began spilling into the room, their figures slowly closing in around me. I screamed, a blood-curdling sound spilling from my lips. Hands reached out, gripping me tightly; it felt as though they were pulling me apart. I jerked about in their embrace, desperately yearning to be free of their touch. It did me no good.
I was forced on an iron bed, where my wrists and ankles were bonded with restraints by something akin to leather. They all stared down at me, their dark eyes piercing into me like knives. I screeched and wrenched myself about; their unnerving gaze speared me to the metal table.
A sharp barb imbedded itself in my arm, and anxiety filled me; what were they doing to me? My vision, fuzzy around the edges, began to fade. Blackness tugged at the corners of my eyes. A numbness took over my body, spreading slowly into my limbs. Slowly, their white uniforms began to leave the room.
What had they done to me?
Everything went black.