

Gaia was once a beautiful world. A place where the line of legends, fairytales and the mythical was blurred. The world is full of creatures of every kind. Their cultures expanded, flourished and they hurt their own societies. Humans live along side with beasts, they are as equals. None rule the other. Everything is at peace.

Until an Oracle foretells the Cyclopes would demand to spread their land. The question itself would cause war among the separate Kingdoms. The boundaries were set a thousand years ago, and were not meant to change.

Cyclopes are huge beings that do not have control over their emotions. They are like children, with the mindset and the intelligence. Anything could set them off, even a simple turn of phrase. When told their proposal for expansion was denied, they attacked the closet Kingdom to them. The Mortal Kingdom.

The Mortal Kingdom rallied their troops, the centaurs fought bravely but were defeated. The Magik Kingdom gave the Mortals a few Gargoyles to protect their cities, but it only made the Cyclopes angrier. Before long, each Kingdom, most notability the Kingdoms of Mer-Folk and Magikal, had to send their own troops. Even with subgroups within the Kingdoms they were hardly a match.

History says the Mer-Folk were able to step out of the water and persuade the giants to come with them. There the People of the Sea held the Cyclopes on an island in their territory. The rest of the Kingdoms signed a treaty promising while they stay out of Mer-Folk territory the Mer-Folk would watch the Cyclopes and protect the rest of the world.

Another thousand years passed and the treaty was long forgotten. To feed the large kingdoms they created boats to fish in the water for food. Especially for the giant redfish called the Ingens, which is the main source of food for both Mer-Folk and Mortals.

The Mer-Folk conspired against the Kingdoms and do the unthinkable. While their plan hatched into reality in the Mortal Kingdom, the young heir to the throne by the name Scarlett Lily, was just starting to grow up.

The princess is a gentle creature that is loved by all the nations. Her beauty alone was foretold to stop any man in his tracks. But after twenty short years, her life is turned upside down with one encounter.

An encounter with a merman. He alone is the bridge between the world's destruction or salvation. Her life gets twisted in his fate and she must choose.

The world she knows, or the one she loves?

This is Scarlett's story.
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This is an original story. All the characters are my own so do not steal. This story is loosely based on The Little Mermaid, if you haven't noticed.

But nothing but the idea of The Little Mermaid inspired me. I took no other ideas from the movie. The whole plot is based in a fantasy land, but the most common characters are the morals and the mer-folk.

If you have any questions ask me:)