Status: Dead.



JUNE 7, 2006

Marlin Höek has been accused of murdering Stimpson J Cat on June 6, 2006. He will face trial on the 13th.

JUNE 9, 2006

Marlin Höek, suspected murderer of Stimpson Cat, has escaped the detention center and his current whereabouts are unknown. Please contact us with any information at...

He folded the newspaper and erupted in a fit of laughter.
His evil laugh filled the large, empty room.
"This is perfect...," he hissed.
The demented chihuahua folded the newspaper into a smaller square and tossed it into the fireplace. As he looked around absentmindedly, a photo of him and Stimpy caught his eye.
His heart sank at the image. It was them, over 10 years ago. It was when Stimpy forced Ren to be happy, with his stupid invention.
Ren caught his self almost smiling at the memory, and quickly shook his head.
"No, no...," he said quietly. "I don't miss him... This is what I wanted, to finally get rid of the idiot... Forever."
He choked slightly at the last word. Sure, there were days when he wished he could just shoot Stimpy in the face, but he never thought of life without his best friend in a serious way.
He was nothing but kind to the psychotic chihuahua. And this was how he repaid him... By chopping him to bits...
Before Ren knew what he was doing, he brought a knife up to his neck.
"You... Bastard... It is YOU who should be dead... Not poor... Innocent..." He started to sob. "Stimpy..."
"I'm so sorry..."