Status: Dead.



It was just another normal day.
Ren was reading his newspaper, while Stimpy was being Stimpy.
Ren was in an extra sour mood today, because Stimpy had gotten Ren fired from his job he just recently got, he set their kitchen on fire while trying to make eggs (Damned idiot couldn't keep his eyes off the TV for five minutes.), and he was doing absolutely nothing productive. As Ren desperately searched for a job, the idiot sat around doing nothing but watch TV. He didn't even have the decency to clean his fucking litter box. And trust me, it was in desperate need of a cleaning.
Ren sighed angrily. "You know Stimpy, it's times like this that I REALLY wish you were dead."
"Aww, you don't mean that, Ren," Stimpy said stupidly. "I'm your best friend! Right?"
"I do mean it," Ren said, his voice slowly going from exasperated to insane.
"Really?" Stimpy asked, worry and sadness in his voice.
"REALLY really?"
"Yes, REALLY really..." His hand reached for the drawer.
"REALLY REALLY really?" Stimpy was pouting.
"YES, REALLY!" He yanked out the largest, sharpest knife in the drawer.