The Real Definition of a Soldier

Can I Have Some Clothes?

"Where are your undies, shorts and other shit??" I pointed to my dresser. He opened draws picking stuff out and neatly folding it. He turned his head back to me and saw me sitting on my bed smirking at him. "Go get your shower shit together! Hurry!"

"Are you going to leave me any clothes to put on?"

"Thats why I left the bathing suit out. Duh!" I just smiled and got up and went to do his bidding. After I had got my stuff together I put on my bathing suit and covered up in my robe before heading back to my room. T.J. was sitting on my bed with both bags full, my converse, a pair of socks, and a smile on his face. "Off with the robe so I can pack it and we can go."

"Just let me grab a sweatshirt," I said as I put on my shoes.

As I started to walk past him he grabbed my wrist. "I packed them. I got one in the truck for you." He held out his hand for the robe. I gave it too him and he packed it before looking at me. "Wow. You've changed a lot since I left for Hell."

I hit him on the shoulder and grabbed my purse and said lets go. As we got in the truck and I put on the sweat shirt I said, "You had this planned didn't you?"

"Maybe, but I didn't know you would agree. But I was hoping," he said as he pulled out of the drive.
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Hope you enjoy. Keep the comments coming!