Status: Please comment and let me know what you think! :)

The Muffin Man

The Bakery

“I have been thinking…” Henry began as he ate a bit of his chocolate chip muffin.

“That can’t be a good thing.” Emma said half joking. In the time she had been in Storybrook she had
only seen Henry socialize with other people when he was going to school or to see his Therapist. From what she could tell Henry hardly spent time with anyone. He was always left alone in his house while his mother, Regina attended town council meetings. As the mayor of Stroybrook she had several “obligations” that kept her away from home during the day. At least that was what she told Emma when Emma asked her how Henry was able to run away from home without being noticed. Henry completely alone his closest friend was his Therapist. It was like he was trapped in his own home with nothing but his books of fairytales and his own imagination.

“If we are going to break this curse and pull off Operation Cobra we are going to need some help.” Henry continued once he finished chewing his food.

“Help what kind of help?” Emma questioned nervously. She knew that Henry’s Therapist told her to play along and feed into Henry’s fantasy. The Therapist said that if she were to come along and rip that away from him it would shatter him completely. But how much good could she really be doing if he inevitably was going to learn the truth? Emma felt guilty pretending that his fantasy was real.

“Well…” Henry paused and read Emma’s nervous face. He knew that she was reluctant to move forward with Operation Cobra. He tried to ease her into it and help her see the truth. He tried to show her that magic really does exist, but it did not seem to be helping much. For every point he made Emma found a way to deny what was right in front of her. “We know that Archie is on board with Operation Cobra and now that you are as well we can start to form plans to break the curse. The only problem is Regina.” Henry stated.

“Wait, you told your Therapist about Operation Cobra?” Emma asked as she became a bit embarrassed.

“Sure, Archie is trust worthy. I mean he is Jiminy Cricket after all.” Henry said with a proud smile. “I just think if we could get one more person to realize who they are then we would stand a better chance against Regina.”

“Archie remembers that he is Jiminy Cricket?”

“Well not exactly, but he has told me that he believes in magic and that anything is possible if we just believe and do the right thing.”

Henry took another bite of his muffin when Regina came storming into the bakery. Her dark shoulder length hair blown back by the wind and normally pale face was red with anger. She stomped over to the table where Emma and Henry sat enjoying their muffins. Regina did not even bother to acknowledge anyone else who was in the bakery. Her dark eyes were like daggers pointing directly at Emma.

“What is going on here?” Regina’s voice echoed throughout the small bakery. “Henry, you were supposed to meet me at my office. When you didn’t show I began to panic. I had no idea if something happened to you.” Regina said as she wrapped her arms tightly around Henry’s head. He just rolled his eyes at what he assumed to be her fake concern. “Why don’t you go wait out in the car while I have a talk with Emma.”

Afraid to defy his mother Henry picked up his book bag which carried his large book of fairytales and slid off of the chair he had been sitting on. Regina carefully watched as he hung his head down and slowly shuffled out of the bakery. As soon as the door shut behind him Regina’s eyes snapped back on to Emma. A bit startled she jumped back in her seat then watched at Regina elegantly sat down in the chair Henry had been sitting in. With a faint smile Regina neatly folded a crumpled up napkin on the table. With a final pat she rested the napkin back down and smiled at Emma. Having spent some time in Stroybrook and around Regina, Emma knew that the smiles were all for show. Her eyes gave her away and told Emma that Regina was about to warn her against spending time with Henry.

“Miss Swan, while I am grateful to you for bringing Henry back to me. I hope you realize this does not change our agreement.” Regina said in a very calm tone.

“Agreement? What agreement?”

“The terms of the adoption. When you gave Henry up for adoption you were very clear in stating that you wanted a closed adoption. You wanted nothing to do with Henry and you gave away all of your rights.”

“I am not trying to take him from you, Regina. I am just worried about him. I mean he is eleven years old and clinging to a book of fairytales like it was a life vest.” Emma expressed her concern in hopes that Regina would help do something to take care of Henry. Instead it just seemed to offend her.

Regina’s eyes grew narrow and her hand clinched up into a fist. Her voice rose just a bit and her tone became firmer as she said, “You no longer have the right to worry about Henry. You gave that up when you signed the adoption papers! I can assure you Henry is getting all of the best care. The fact that you would question my parenting values is absurd. ” Regina swiftly stood up. Keeping her eyes locked on Emma like a loaded gun waiting for the trigger to be pulled. “I highly suggest you say your goodbyes and leave town, Miss Swan. It would be best for everyone if you continue on your way.” Then Regina turned her back to Emma and triumphantly marched out of the bakery.

“Better for whom?” Emma mumbled as she sat back and slouched down in her chair.

The bakery was quite after Regina left. Everyone rushed out the moment they saw her barreling in. No one wanted to get caught in the crossfire. To be the victim of Regina’s rage would be a terrible fate. Emma was not trying to provoke her or start any kind of trouble, but it never failed Regina’s radar always seemed to fall on to her. One would think Regina would be happy to have someone else so interested in Henry’s wellbeing. Emma plucked a little pink sugar packet from the container on the table and began flipping it back and forth when someone walked over to her.

Emma turned her head and looked up at the man standing next to her with a plate of muffins in his hand. The man was about average height and had long wavy brown hair. A cheerful and carefree smile graced his scruffy face. He bent down and placed the plate of muffins on the table in front of Emma. She looked from the plate back up to the man who just chuckled as he took a seat a cross from Emma.

“Muffins always seem to make me feel better.” The man said as she waved for Emma to take one.

“Thanks.” Emma said as she studied the man.