And the Story Goes Like This

get down her now

CH 1
Amillia walked in her house after school on Monday to see her dad not there. “Thank god maybe some time to myself,” she thinks. She checks the fridge and pantry for a snack. She finds some cookies and a coke. Amillia walks up the stairs to her room, and lays her books down on her bed. She picks up her laptop from off the floor where she left it this morning, cuz she was running late, and logs on to AIM. She sees her friend janey is on so ims her.

Xoxoamilovexoxo: hey

Janeybaby505: hey Ami hows u today?

Xoxoamilovexoxo: good. How bout u?

Janeybaby505: good. How was school & wt did we do in Mrs. Jamisons class I had to lv early.

Xoxoamilovexoxo: school was boring and we went over our paper that we turned n last wk.

Janeybaby505: k so um whats going on this weekend?

Xoxoamilovexoxo: hold on a sec I hear like punk music outside
Janeybaby505: k

Amillia looks out the window to see a moving truck and a guy with spiky looking black hair moving stuff out of the truck. Ami Ims Janey.

Xoxoamilovexoxo: maybe scooping out the cute guy that just moved in next store.

Janeybaby505:sure well g2g c ya this weekend.

JANEYBABY505 has singed out.

Amillia sits on her bed and falls asleep not hearing Steve walk in.
The next thing Amillia hears is “get you ass down here now before I kick your little butt.”
Amillia jumps up and runs down the stairs trying not to fall down them. Seeing her dad standing their looking mad as hell. She looks at him and says, “What did I do know?”
Steve says, “Where’s dinner I thought you where going to cook you piece of shit.”
Ami says, “I’ll cook lasagna tonight, unless you just don’t want that.”
Steve says, “Hell no I don’t want lasagna tonight we had that last week.”
Ami says, “Well what do you want Steve?”
Steve says, “how about um um just get out my face I don’t want to see it.”
Amillia says, “Okay will fix your own dinner!”
Steve turns around and slaps Amillia and walks off.
Amillia tries to hold back tears as she walks to her room. When amillia gets to her room she just yells and sits on her bed crying. She hears really loud punk rock music again and decides to find out where it is coming from tomorrow because it is like 1am right now. Amillia changes into some pjs {}and goes to sleep.
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