Family Moments


Sometimes, when Jack was out on his rounds and she was restless, Jade would go out to stretch her wings.

She flew all over the world, from the cold tundra of Russia to the warm beaches of California, but always found herself back in Burgess.

Back where it all began.

Summer was coming to an end, showing the first signs of autumn, and she admired the warming leaves surrounding Jack’s lake.

Burgess itself was the same as always, with children running around playing any manner of games and adults passing on the sidewalks in the midst of errands.

Used to staying out of sight, Jade stayed on the rooftops, watching life go by below.

Night was just painting the sky dark blues when an unfamiliar sound caught her attention.

Curious, as was in her nature, Jade crept along the edge of a toy store’s roof, ear horns twitching in an attempt to hear the noise again and pinpoint the source.

This time, she registered the sound and realized what it was.

A whimper.

Worried now, the Night Fury leapt to the next rooftop and dropped into the alley there, green eyes glowing in the dark.

That’s when she found them.

Hidden under an overturned cardboard box were three little puppies, skinny and helpless on the damp, dirty cement.

Jade’s heart twisted painfully as she looked closer and spotted their dead mother within the flimsy shelter, emaciated from feeding her young without proper nourishment.

Tucking in her wings and lowering her stance, the dragon-girl cooed comfortingly as the pups began to whine, afraid.

“It’s alright…” She soothed, staying back to put them at ease. “I’m not gonna hurt you…”

One, a little black-and-white puppy, bravely started crossing the distance between them on shaky legs, tail low and ears back as if expecting to be struck.

The poor thing stopped a foot away, nose twitching curiously, before giving a half-hearted wag of it’s tail.

The sight tore at Jade’s heart.

Picking the little bundle of fur up without a fuss and cradling it close, the dragon-girl carefully approached the others, intent on getting them somewhere safe.

Removing the jacket North insisted she wear, Jade carefully wrapped the trio up to protect from the wind before holding them close and taking off into the night.

She would take care of them, even if no one had done the same for her.