Family Moments


The only one Jade told about her new charges was Jack, a sign of the unwavering trust she has for him.

Treating the puppies like she might her own hatchlings, the Night Fury was hesitant to reveal them to the other Guardians.

Understanding this, Jack helped her hide the little creatures in their room at Santoff Claussen.

The black-and-white puppy, a female Jade lovingly named Mia, absolutely loved the winter spirit, hazel eyes lighting up and tail wagging whenever she caught sight of him.

A white male, named Alex, was more attached to Jade, always following her around with these bright blue eyes that did their best to match Jack’s.

The runt of the litter was a mottled-grey female, Grace, who was extremely shy and always stuck close to whichever happened to be in the room.

Jade fed them multiple times a day like clockwork, and the trio steadily gained weight, growing strong enough to romp around and play.

Jack looked into dog breeds-mainly by ‘borrowing’ books from the library-and informed his girlfriend that the puppies were most likely Pit Bulls.

If she had not taken them in, both suspected they either would have starved or, more disheartening, been turned into fighting dogs.

Neither could see the rambunctious, sweet canines being killers.


“Hold still, you!” Jade ordered, giggling as Mia squirmed in her arms, ignoring the baby bottle full of warm formula in favor of the winter spirit that entered through the window.

“There are my girls!” Jack voiced brightly, floating over to kiss his girlfriend hello and take the wagging pup into his arms. “Having lunch, huh?”

Shaking her head in amusement, the girl handed over the bottle and turned to pick up Alex instead, picking up another to feed him instead.

As Mia began to enthusiastically suck down her liquid meal, Jack laughed at the formula that dripped down her chin.

“Jeez, slow down! I’m not gonna take it away!”

The pup ignored him, and he floated cross-legged in the air, watching Alex calmly accept the nutrient-rich milk from the gentle Night Fury.

Grace was napping in the nest of blankets, having been fed first, and Jade occasionally reached out to scratch behind one of the pup’s ears.

The whole sight made him feel warm inside, and Jack nearly jumped as the errant thought She’ll make a great mom flashed through his mind.

But as he watched Jade set the white puppy down beside his younger sister, cooing softly to soothe him to sleep, the winter spirit could not argue with it.

After all, she would be.