Family Moments


It was three weeks before the Guardians discovered their secret.

North had noticed the constant absences first, since the teenagers were no longer stopping by his office or in the Workshop proper during their free time.

The elves complained about being violently rebuffed from their bedroom, and the yeti noted that Jade was drinking more milk than usual.

Tooth noticed next, since the Night Fury had not shown up to help with organizing like she had promised, and Jack had not visited Baby Tooth in a while.

Bunny found it strange that there were no icy traps lying in wait for him in the Warren, or a large mass of scales napping in the dragon nip.

Not having seen her anywhere in days, even Sandy was concerned, wondering if the scarred teenager was having good dreams.

The Guardians decided it was time to figure out what was going on.


Humming a lullaby, Jade tucked the blankets in, running a hand over the dozing puppies to settle them.

Jack sat on the bed, freezing snowflakes to the ceiling so the sunlight refracted and covered the room in soft rainbows.

A loud knock on the door startled them, cutting off Jade’s lullaby, and both teenagers stared at the door in confusion.

Who in the world…?

“Are you in?” North’s voice boomed through the wooden obstruction. “We’re coming in! We need to talk!”

The teenagers felt their hearts drop like heavy stones.

They were going to come in?!


Jade moved sharply, hiding the puppies with a wing and trying not to look guilty, as Jack jumped up from his bed, forcing a smile as the other Guardians piled in.

“Did we miss something? What’s the special occasion?”

“What have ya two been doing?” Bunny demanded, suspicious.

If Jack thought he could catch the Pooka off-guard, he had another thing coming!

“What Bunny means is, we haven’t seen either of you in a while.” Tooth voiced, fluttering forward on blurred wings. “Is everything alright?”

Sandy seemed to agree, clearly worried as images flashed over his head.

“Of course you can tell us!” North assured, concern apparent in his eyes. “No matter what it is! Even if you two are expressing your love-”

The teenagers flushed at the implication, sputtering to deny it, but the Russian continued as if he had not heard them.

“-Is perfectly fine! You are young! There is nothing to be embarrassed about!”

Covering her blush with one hand, Jade sighed in defeat.

North could be so stubborn

The entire room went silent when a little bark sounded from under her wing.

Jack half-expected to hear a pin drop.

“Sheila, what was that?” Bunny questioned cautiously, ears erect.

“What was what?” Jade replied, nervously trying to play it off. “I didn’t hear anything! Must have been my stomach. It’s time for dinner, isn’t it? We’d better go before the food gets cold-”


North’s authoritative tone dashed away any possible lies, and she wilted guiltily before lifting her wing up.

It was Mia that popped her little head up, studying the newcomers for a moment before yipping and cuddling back down with her siblings.

Bunny looked like he had just seen a ghost, but Tooth was clearly smitten, cooing over how cute they were as Sandy smiled, dream-sand sprinkling over their heads to give the pups good dreams.

“Why did you not tell us?” North wondered, crouching down to let Alex nibble playfully on his thick forefinger.


Jade hesitated, biting her lip and looking to Jack for help.

The winter spirit smiled, much more relaxed now, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders in support.

“I thought you might make me send them back…” She admitted softly, looking like a child that still expected a punishment even after giving a good reason for breaking the rules.

“Why would you think that?” Tooth asked softly, placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder.

“Well…” The Night Fury muttered, gently scratching behind Grace’s ears so she growled in pleasure. “I just…when I saw them…”

The realization hit the four Guardians like a freight train.

Jade had seen herself in the puppies, and she thought they wouldn’t want anything to do with them.

None of them knew what to say.

It was Sandy that came forward, tipping her chin up and giving the girl his brightest smile before patting the girl’s nose.

The gesture brought tears to her eyes, but a shaky smile took root regardless.

She understood, and for now, that was enough.