Family Moments


Bunny kept his mouth shut about the puppies, mostly because he did not want to hurt Jade’s feelings.

She treated the little dingoes like her babies, and if they thought she was overprotective of Jack

Though the Pooka did his best to avoid being anywhere near them, he still found his breaks being spent at the Workshop.

Only the littlest pup seemed to follow him around, whining whenever Bunny hopped up stairs or over furniture to get away.

So, when he arrived one evening to see how things were going, the rabbit was surprised when he was not immediately ‘attacked’.

He did not have to look far to see why.

Jack and Jade were fast asleep on the couch, the latter wrapped in the boy’s arms, as a fire crackled cheerfully in the hearth.

Mia was cuddled into the winter spirit’s side, and Alex was sprawled on the Night Fury’s legs, both fast asleep and dreaming about chasing butterflies.

The grey one, Grace, was curled up between the two teenagers, and blinking big brown eyes at the surprised Pooka.

Recognizing him, she wagged her tail sleepily before settling back down with a yawn.

Bunny would never admit it aloud, but he figured the puppies were pretty cute.

But he’d be damned if Jack ever found out.