Family Moments


“Come on, slowpokes! I have surprise for you!”

Stumbling over her own tail, Jade yawned wide enough to audibly crack her jaw.

With a chuckle, Jack floated past her, just as tired but able to put in less work on moving around.

Scowling cutely, at least in the spirits’ opinion, the dragon-girl picked up her pace and ignored the soreness.

Using so much magic on so little sleep was still weighing on her.

North seemed pretty proud of himself, and opened the hallway door with a flourish.

Both teenagers stared at the room beyond in wonder.

Almost the entire far wall was taken up by a window, with a seat carved into the lower part of the wall that was covered in wonderfully soft cushions and perfect for reading by daylight.

A bed was pressed against the far right wall, only a couple thin sheets folded back on top, and the headboard had intricately-carved snowflakes all around the rim like a crown.

The far left wall had a fireplace, and a large nest of thick blankets-how had they known Jade preferred to sleep in her dragon form?-sat on the rug there, already warmed by the fire.

Looking back at the others, whatever words Jade could think of stuck in her throat at the sight of their happy, proud faces staring back.

Jack was the one who managed to speak, instead.

“This is…for us?”

“Of course it is!” Tooth assured, buzzing up as Sandy put up two thumbs-up in agreement.

“Ya two are family now.” Bunny explained, not quite making eye contact in mild embarrassment. “Couldn’t let ya go ‘round without a home, could we?”

“And always happy to have guests!” North agreed boisterously. “So, what do you think?”

Emotionally overwhelmed, Jade felt herself tear up, and she was not the only one to notice.

“Oi, don’t cry!” Bunny panicked, ears snapping back. “This ain’t something to cry over!”

“Fluffy?” Jack whispered, concerned.

Shaking her head, the Night Fury gave the alarmed Guardians a watery smile in reassurance.

“It’s just…”

Jack heard the rest of that sentence without being told, and pulled the emotional girl into a hug.

No one’s ever been so nice to me.

Not since Jack.