Family Moments


Jade thought she was rather tolerant of the elves, for the most part.

They always ended up underfoot, or using her as a jungle gym, but she had never felt genuine frustration with the strange little creatures.

But this was the last straw.

A roar shook the very rafters of Santoff Claussen, and North nearly jumped out of his skin, crushing the cookie in his hand to crumbs.

The Russian’s initial thought was to relax, since Jack could calm Jade down…

Until he remembered that Jack was in the southern hemisphere spreading winter.

That’s about when the panic set in.

After all, there was an angry, likely rampaging dragon in his Workshop, and the only person known to calm her had left hours ago!

North contemplated summoning the other Guardians, but berated his own cowardice.

Had he not been the greatest thief lord in the world?

Faced the Nightmare King without fear?

What was a little dragon in light of all that?

Then again, that same dragon had chucked a sixteen-wheeler at said Nightmare King’s face…

Gathering the rapidly-dwindling dregs of his courage, North exited his office and surveyed the battlefield.

Tables were overturned and being used as barricades for the clearly-frightened yeti, toys were scattered harmlessly across the floor, and elves were scattered in screaming masses.

A black blur pounced on one such mass as it scattered, and North admitted that an angry Night Fury was a rather intimidating sight.

Scales rippling like a tumultuous sea, she bared her hooked fangs at the guilty elves, a growl rumbling from her like fast-approaching thunder.

For once, North wished Jack would hurry back.


His shout drew the dragon’s attention, slit pupils feral.


For a moment, the Russian thought he would need to grab his swords, but that was unnecessary.

Slowly, Jade relaxed, scales settling and growl softening into only the slightest rumble as her pupils dilated once more.

This gave him confidence, so North approached, patting her head the way he had seen Jack do.

Her growl was replaced by a purr as the man’s thick fingers rubbed at the sensitive base of her ear horns, and the Night Fury pressed against him in a silent plea for more.

Chuckling, North motioned for the yeti to clean up, smiling as Phil grabbed up the foolish elves that had started this whole ruckus.

Judging by the grunts and exaggerated hand gestures, they were now firmly on the Naughty List.