Family Moments


It was all a very big misunderstanding.

Sandy, in his own way, had suggested that the Guardians start getting together more often than for emergencies or work.

All of them agreed, and North decided that a monthly ‘family dinner’ was in order.

There was only one problem, though.

None of them had any idea what dragons ate.

Honestly, Jade was the only dragon any of the Guardians had spent more than a few minutes with, and those other encounters were not exactly pleasant.

So North, who was hosting the dinner, asked the only person who could possibly know the answer.

“Jade? She’ll eat pretty much anything.” Jack answered, leaning nonchalantly on his staff. “But she loves fish! We can’t fly over the ocean without her trying to catch something!”

You see, this is where the misunderstanding occurred.

Because while Jack had specified fish, North heard seafood, which is what he relayed to the yeti who were making the meal.

While fish were part of that category, so were crabs, lobster, oysters, and…


With a panic none of them had seen, not even against Pitch, Jade leapt out of her seat at the dinner table at breakneck speeds and was across the room in seconds.

Jack was too busy laughing to explain why.

Bunny poked said eel, as if expecting it to either bite him or turn out to be some sort of ancient evil.

Images flashed over Sandy’s head, and she could only shake her head, glaring at the offending creature with narrowed pupils.

“What is wrong? Eel is good!” North voiced, picking the long sea critter up and offering it again.

A snarl rumbled from Jade’s chest, wings flaring in a threatening manner as she crouched, looking every inch the cornered animal.

Just one more step-

And the Night Fury was off, leaping off walls and whatever spirits got in her way as North chased her, intent on figuring out what the problem was.

Chaos erupted, and Jack was glad he had no real need to breathe considering how hard he was laughing.

An upturned table, a handful of shattered dishes, and a slightly-singed Santa later, all of the Guardians swore to never allow an eel near Jade ever again.