Family Moments


Sandy, due to his silence, had become a great observer.

It was how he knew what dream to give to each child, and which needed an extra-special one.

When he had met Jade that first time, the dream-bringer had known immediately that she was part of the latter category.

There was something in the girl’s eyes, in the way she held herself, that hinted at great pain.

So, the first time Sandy saw her drifting off to sleep, curled up on a couch in Santoff Claussen and flicking away stubborn elves with her tail, he decided it was time for one of those extra-special dreams.

A sprinkle of dream-sand on the girl’s eyes worked it’s magic quickly, and Jade let out a soft breath as her entire body relaxed, tail falling and pinning a hapless elf to the floor.

For once, Sandy stayed to see what dream her mind would make, and found he was only mildly surprised.

Two forms manifested, one that was clearly Jack and the other obviously being Jade in peace-form, flying around in a complicated game of tag.

As the dream progressed, Sandy smiled as the other Guardians joined in, laughing and having fun together.

That was one of his favorite dreams, too.