Should've when you could've

Chapter 1

I miss him... I've never felt so alone. My phone pinged softly and it snapped me out of my dreamy gaze.
I didn't feel right. I felt lonely.. Alone, neglected.
"Hey, Flower... Who do you think it is?" I picked my tabby cat up and held her close to me, making her mew gently.
I picked up my phone and opened the text. Then I saw the name. I'm not aware of how long I stared at his name, wishing I felt the same excitement I had a week ago.
My cat mewed again and began pawing at my hand to put the phone down.
'I miss you. Please come to my house. I want you again.'
The sheer words arised anger within me.
He couldn't just drop me and then pick me back up whenever he wanted. That wasn't fair.
I held my phone tightly.
It pinged again but I didn't look. I squeezed Flower who mewed loudly
He could've been the one.. I'd thought he was. But I caught him red handed, sleeping with my best friend. Doing things I thought he only did with me...
I remember when he moved into our school... I liked him so much. I followed him around like a shadow... Heh, now he was the one chasing me!
A tear began to run down my face. I thought he was the one, he made promises. He broke his promises. Liar... I choked back a sob.
"Don't cry... Silly, you don't owe him anything." I whispered to myself, rubbing my eyes with one hand, holding Flower with the other.
It wasn't my fault... I was a good girlfriend. Wasn't I? After he'd slept with my best friend the first time I gave him a second chance... But again? With the same girl... Oh god. He didn't deserve any more chances. How ever much I missed him.
I began to write my text back. He deserved to know how much he'd broken me.
'Don't you understand? Just because you want sex, doesn't mean I'm here for that. I'm not being your back up plan. Not now, not ever, got it?' I replied back, the anger coursing through my veins.
I hid my phone under my bed, that way I wouldn't have to reply. I wasn't going to be there for him when everything got messed up for him.
He controlled me, and now I'm free. He kept me on a leash... like a dog!
I was done acting like I cared. I didn't care if he wanted me or not, I certainly didn't want him!
I'd warned him the first time, if he hurt me again that would be the end.
Hurt me once, shame on you. Hurt me twice? Shame on me.
He had no right to say I hadn't warned him. I really had. I knew him well. I'd told him, "If you hurt girls like that you'll end up with no one. And when you love someone... You'll know how it feels.".
He didn't believe and now here it was, his karma for hurting me.
He was going to miss me. I'd cared for him like a Mother. He'd have no one now.
He should've stayed with me when he had the chance.
I pulled my phone out to check the newest text. And I was happy with the reply. I was grateful I was being strong this time.
'I should have, when I could have...'
He was right. And now, I wasn't his anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whew, I haven't written in ageeees.