Picture Perfect

Chapter Three

As he's kissing me, walking me backwards, he pushes the door shut with his foot, then proceeds to kiss me roughly, but passionate. He backs me up to a wall, then stops. "What?" He stares at me, like he's waiting for an answer. "You don't mind me doing this?"

I shake my head no, "Not at all. Actually, I've wanted to do this to you, but i didn't know how you felt about me." He chuckles, "Well then. If you don't mind, then i'm gonna continue to kiss you." "Go right ahead."

And he did, without having to be told twice. We both smile into the kiss, as he moves his lips onto my neck, kissing, sucking and biting, leaving a huge ass purple bruise known as hickey, so everyone would know that i'm his now, and i'd be his for long while.

>A Few Hours Later<
All it took was one kiss. One kiss to seal the deal with Kendall and I. After our 30 minute kissing fest, we sat down and got to know each other better, by playing 20 question. I learned that he has two older brothers, and that he always gets teased for being the baby of the family.

I also learned, that he was kind of named after his grandmother, his middle name being Francis. I told him it was cute. Then I laughed, and he laughed to, but he kept telling me to stop laughing or he'd tickle me. But I didn't, and he eventually found out where i was ticklish at.

Sometimes he'd just stare at me, for no reason, and i'd stare back at him, for no reason. Then he'd walk up to me, and kiss me, and i'd kiss back. One thing that I was sure of, is us being together. It was so surreal, like i almost didn't believe it, like it was a dream.

But he kept kissing me, and telling me that it wasn't a dream, that it was real. And I believed him. At one point, we kissed for 4 minutes straight. After that, he said something that i wasn't expecting to hear outta him. He said "I love you." I was confused for a few seconds, then surprisingly, i said it back. "I love you too."

We were now laying on the couch, watching old episodes of Big Time Rush, {so hilarious} and cuddling. I started to get really sleepy, and my eyelids started fluddering close, so I left 'em like it, and took a nice 3 and 1/2 hour long nap.

So did Kendall. I could tell he was tired. Especially from all of the kissing we {he} were doing.

A few hours later, i woke up and heard him softly snore behind me. He's cute when he's asleep. I slowly and quietly got up, and started to make a batch of coffee, just for him.

>45 Minutes Later<
He woke up instantly, {i'm guessing from the coffee} and smiled. I poured him a cup, and walked over to the couch, and handed it to him. "Hey, sleepyhead." He smiled, "I could say the same for you." I chuckle. "This is really good coffee." "I get that a lot." I get up from the recliner, and sit next to him on the couch.

I can finally say, Kendall Schmidt is and forever will be, my boyfriend. He always know how to make me smile, he knows how to get me to laugh, in just a small tickle fight, which eventually turns into a heated makeout session. He loves me, and I love him. Will all my heart.