Status: i write, then type. comment with some suggestions if you'd like :D

Livin' Like a King Someday

I Met a boy who never looked so alone

A couple weeks went by and now it's almost my birthday. Yay me... urg.
School's been good but still haven't had any luck making friends except Tony, Jaime and Mike. Once again, today is boring as hell monday and my birthday is on the best day of the week, Friday. First period started and Tony and I sat in our seat at the back of the class room. We chatted about our work and how boring it is. He looked up from our paper, I saw his face freeze with his mouth gaping open.

"Tony, whats wrong?" I asked
No answer. There was someone at the door who I've never seen before. At least, i didnt recognize him at all.

I saw him pull out his phone and press it to his ear. "He's back, Mike. Oh My God He's Back.." Tony hung up and ran to the front of the room. He jumped on this kid like he hadn't seen him in years.

'Is Tony crying?' I thought in my head again for once. thank you..

The boy at the front of the room looked like he hasn't showered lately. Or even slept at all. His face was tear stained and he looked scared. His shirt was dirty, the ankles of his pants were worn out. But the thing that struck me was his hoodie.The sleeves of his white (well, use to be white) hoodie were covered in blood.

Tony shook me out of my thoughts. "Kellin," he sniffled. "This is Vic." Now it hit me. No wonder he called Mike so excitedly. His brother came back. I was about to say hello but another burts came through the doorway.

"VIC?!" "Mike!!!" The brothers ran to eachother crying. Mike crying with excitement and joy that his brother came home. Vic, probably just happy to see his brother too. Surprisingly our teacher didn't seem to mind any of this. She said Tony and Mike could catch up with Vic in the hall.

"I wonder what happened," i whispered to myself. 'Dammit! Not in school you dumbass!' God get those voices out of my head!

Vic and Tony came back a little before class ended. I decided to make a good first impression on the potentially good looking boy and get up from my seat for him to sit down. It's the least I could do, I mean, it's his anyways.

I got up so he could sit properly. Soon enough the bell rang. Tony had mentioned to Vic that we had some classes together. I saw a small smile escape his lips. It was beautiful. It brought out the deep color in his eyes.

'Ugh, I'm getting too far ahead of myself. I JUST met him! But he is cute..'

The rest of the day went on. I sat next to Vic in our other classes so he wouldn't feel lonely like i have. We talked, actually got along pretty well. I could tell he was trying to hide something though. Every time we didn't have to write something down for class he would grab the sleeve of his hoodie and hide his hands in his lap. I could kind of take a guess of why because i used to do that before i learned that i need to clean it up so it doesnt look worse than it should. I only had one thought though. "How and most of all why would such a beautiful boy like you hurt yourself?" 'Oh Shit...'

"Huh?" Vic asked sounding a bit thrown off.

I didn't mean to say that out loud. Oh no.. "Uhm.. sorry i was just reminded of something." I covered. It was 6th period and i had probably just ruined what could've been a great friendship before it even started!

"Oh, okay." He looked up and smiled at me.

Vic and i learned a bit about eachother in the rest of the time being. I wanted to ask him so bad what the big deal was this morning and why did he leave. But it's way too early for me to invade on his privacy. I'm not entirely sure why i wanted to know so bad, I just did.

I learned that Vic sings and plays guitar, Mike is his younger brother and his dream is to be in a band someday. "Do you mind if i join you?!" i said a little too excitedly. "Well, I mean uhm, if thats ok with you of course.. I wanna be in a band too."

"Sure, man. That'd be great! Hey so i know we just met n'all but, you've gotten pretty close with Tony and them, right?"

"Yeah, i guess you could say that hah. They've been really nice to me since i got here."

"That's cool, so anyway. I was Wondering if you'd like to hang out with us after school."

"I'd love that Vic" i had a huge smile on my face. "Though wouldn't you want to see your family? i heard you were gone for a while." His face dropped. Maybe i shouldn't have asked that..

'He's never gonna want to be your friend now, Kellin. You're such a fucking idiot, Goddamit stop talking or die.'

These damn voices just wont leave... "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be." Vic said. I meant it more for my voices but it did also apply to him.

We just sat awkwardly til the end of class together. When the bell rang, we stood up and i followed Vic and Mike out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
i forgot to mention: these marks ' ' will be Kellin and Vic's thoughts. and I'm altering lyrics to make them fit with the story

SOOOOO They met! what do you think? Next chapter will be up sometime tonight or tomorrow. Also, next chapter is in Vic's POV