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To Be Mortal


“So, you went with Jeremy… why?”

“I was young, stupid and desperate. I really can’t stress the fact that I felt like I had no other option. Even in retrospect, I probably didn’t. I had no money, no friends… I was even dumb enough to forget any identification so getting a job, finding a home, welfare; even if I knew how to obtain them it would have been so difficult. He offered me something that I couldn’t refuse.”

Oliver flipped through his files once more before speaking again, “We have little records of you while living with him.”

“I’d expect that. I was totally off the grid. Jeremy took care of that for me.”

He wrote something down on his board then continued, “We don’t have a last name for Jeremy… do you know it?”

“Perhaps, but that’s not important. He had plenty of fake names, knowing the real one would be pointless.”

“I suppose, but when it comes to Jeremy’s past; nothing. In fact, it’s probably even possible he was born by a different name… would you fill in the blanks for us?”

“I thought we were going to talk about me?”

“We both know talking about Jeremy is talking about you.”

“I don’t want to tell you about Jeremy.”

“Okay, then.”


Oliver paused, “So let’s get back to where we left off.”

“Where was that, again?”

“Jeremy had just taken you into his penthouse.”

“Right, well…”


When we arrived to his home, he led to me to a room. I was so exhausted, I don’t remember much. All I can remember is falling into the bed and sleeping, not even having the strength to get under the covers.

In the morning I awoke to hear… nothing. I wiped my face and slowly woke from my sleep. Strangely I noticed I was in a beautiful room. My bedframe was a modern black theme, a shiny wood texture. The sheets were pure white, whiter than I thought fabric could even be. It was practically a cloud. However, the windows had really thick black curtains, they were nice but not much light got through.

The room was sleek, with a matching dresser, vanity and bedside table. I walked over and opened the drawer. I gasped to see it was full of clothes; nice clothes.

“I got them for you last night. You didn’t have any luggage and it’s not like you can go back to get any.”

I turned and saw Jeremy, he was smiling down at me and I realized just how tall he was. “How do you know that?”

“I don’t know, maybe the fact that you were crying ‘can’t go back’ in your sleep… repeatedly…”


“Anyways, try them on.”

I turned to the drawer and bit my lip. You’d think that with all I had been through all these years I’d have been afraid or angry; but sometimes I think just maybe I inherited enough of my mother to have a little hope left in me before I… cracked. “Oh, I don’t know which! They’re all so pretty!”

Jeremy walked up beside me and pulled out a delicate blue dress; it was light and soft. He gave it to me and cocked his head with a smile, “What about this one? I picked it out specially.”

I took it in my hands and marvelled at its beauty. “Okay…” I waited for him to leave. . . . “Okay, shoo!” he grinned and I heard him walk down the hall, leaving a closed door behind him.

Once he was gone I tried on the dress, and a strange feeling came upon me. Almost relief, like the troubles and worries of my life became foggy and distant; completely behind me. I saw a hairbrush on my vanity and sat down. I pretended I was in one of those cliché movies and slowly watched myself brush my hair. For the first time in my life I felt… normal… or at least more normal than I ever had before.

I heard a knock on my door and Jeremy peeked through. He looked at me rather strangely, like a dog at a piece of meat. I smiled to him and he smiled back, again with the half-smiling. My heart whirred in my chest and I blushed vibrantly. He walked to me and sat down on my bed, “I’m sorry, but you must be rather confused. Most people would be demanding me for answers.”

I giggled, “Oh, you do this often?”

“Oh, yes; all of the time.”

I smiled and looked back to my reflection. I rubbed my palm, where there was still a bandage over my burn. “I guess… I guess I’d just like to enjoy the bliss of ignorance before reality steps in.” my smile faltered and I looked down to the hairbrush in my hands.

“Hey, don’t worry, explanations can wait.” He patted me on the hand and walked from my room, “I’m off to bed, you’re free to explore the apartment. I’ll talk to you tonight.”

He left my room and I furrowed my eyebrows, “But… it’s the middle of the day…” I said to myself. He had already gone.

I stayed in my room for a while, I tried on some of the other dresses, all of them beautiful, and I looked at everything else. I was a little afraid to leave, I felt like a princess, like my whole life had been a dream until now. I was afraid if I left my room I’d discover that that wasn’t the dream, this was, and I’d wake up back in my father’s house.

Eventually, I caved. I crept from the room slowly, like a cat inspecting its new home. It turned out my fears were entirely irrational. For an apartment, it was huge. Two floors tall, there was an extensive kitchen that was sleek and shiny; as if it had not even been used before. There was a huge living room with furniture that looked like it came from a mansion. A huge grand piano sat beside a beautiful, tinted glass window wall in front of a huge balcony overlooking the city. I stood outside and felt the soft wind on my skin. The sun shone brightly in the sky and reflected against the CN tower on the horizon.

I stood out there for a while, just… living. I let my brain let go and forget the fact I was in a strange man’s house with no escape who would probably repeat the same things that happened on the streets by my house over a year ago. I didn’t care. I couldn’t care. Every moment I could remember I was tense, fearful, waiting for the next bad thing to happen. I was going to take every minute I could of peace.

The sky became dimmer and I trotted up to the second floor. There was a closed door and I peeked in to see Jeremy sleeping in his bed; or at least I sort of saw him. It was pitch black, there were no windows at all. My cheeks heated and I moved on.

There was a media room, and I had to stop myself from squealing. The television was gigantic and the sofa looked so inviting. He had a few video game consoles and a DVD player. There was even a computer, but I couldn’t figure out how to turn it on. The only other place I could use them were at school, and even then I avoided them.

This place, this home was so magnificent. I was starving so I fixed a quick snack and then just… I just relaxed. I

I saw the sun setting and went to watch it outside. That’s when Jeremy came out from his room. He found me standing on the balcony and he watched me for a long time before asking, “Explanation time?”

I turned to face him and shrugged, “It’s gotta happen sometime, I suppose.”

He took my hand and led me towards the living room. He had me sit on the beautiful sofa in front of the electric fireplace.

“So, conditions of your stay rest on three things.”

I nodded, “Okay…”

“I need the house cleaned every night, the phone and door answered during the day while I am asleep and… something else; something that could be a deal breaker.” His expression changed and I tilted my head in slight confusion.

He looked at me with cold, serious eyes, and they flashed red.

“Oh, y… you’re a vampire.” I said, biting my lip and feeling my face turn red.

“The government is tracking vampire attacks like terrorists, and it’s getting harder and harder to keep my actions unknown to them. I need a willing host.”

I looked at my hands and tried to think, I bit my lip but was unable to speak.

“You don’t have to, but I have much to offer you. For someone with nothing, it could save you.”

“Does it hurt?”

“No, no; of course not, it will be as painless as pricking your finger on a sewing needle.”

My heart beat quickly and I fiddled with my thumbs, “So…”

“Here; would you like me to show you?” he asked, he knelt in front of me and took my hand. I nodded and closed my eyes.

A few moments passed and I asked, “Um… Have you started yet?”

“I’m already done.” Opened my eyes and realized all I had were two very small dots on my wrist.

“Oh. Well...” I said, thinking deeply.

“Well… I have to go. You can leave or stay, I’ll be back later.” So he left me there.


“I think our time is up.”

“I didn’t realize I was even paying you.”

“You’re not; but they are.” He smirked, “So let’s get this straight, you accepted to live with a strange vampire you met off the street?”

“I thought we covered this?”

“Then repeat it.”


“Just answer the question.”

“Well, I’ve always been brave.”

“That’s beyond bravery, that’s stupidity.”

“I was a kid; I was scared and stupid. What would you expect?”

“I don’t know; fear?”

“Thanks for the compliment. I like compliments.” I said dryly.

“Just saying…”

“I thought you were out of time.”

“This part is free.” He smirked then sighed, “But I do need to go. I’ll be back.”

Oliver left and I watched him curiously. There was something about him that was… strange. Most humans had one of two reactions to me, fear or hatred. He had neither. He almost… respected me. I had to wonder if that was as a result of his knowledge of supernaturals or if… no; impossible.

I shook my head and lay back on my bed. I had to figure him out somehow.
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