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To Be Mortal

Teach Me

Okay, I had to admit. I wasn’t exactly what one would call a ‘good person’. I lied, I cheated, I murdered when I didn’t get my way. It was a kill-or-be-killed world out there and if you were going to live forever you had to do a lot of killing. People thought I was evil, I like to say I’m a survivor. Heroes die young; it’s a fact.

This hadn’t been the first time I’d been locked up; but to be quite honest it was the most boring. Instead of trying to find a way to escape or to even just survive. My time behind bars was usually rather eventful; but here mu days were completely spent sitting in my room, contemplating what they were going to do to me.

They had to have a reason for keeping me alive; it’s not like they could do it forever, they had to know that. I’d escape somehow, and I wasn’t even a viable bargaining piece. Without me the war was over, all my predecessors were dead and there were not nearly enough of my people to keep battling on. They’d go into hiding, bide their time until they were strong enough to fight again. We were doomed. To trade me for anyone that wanted me would be utter stupidity on their part. No, they had a different reason for keeping me alive. It was crucial to find that out as soon as possible.

I assumed that they were expecting me to unknowingly give off the hiding place of my fellows, that I’d use some place from my past to link them to my current life. They’d probably already have sent men to my father’s old home and Jeremy’s apartment. They wouldn’t find anything. Both places were long abandoned after Toronto was destroyed in the war, nothing but blackened rubble. Besides, they were the last two bastards I want to be connected to today.

There had to be another reason for this interrogation. They would have been able to hear all about my childhood and Jeremy from my files at the agency when I was wrote in. I had to give a full report of my human life then, and it would have all been written down and recorded thoroughly; knowing what bureaucrats they were.

It had been a week since Dr. Dubois had last been here, and I was scratching my brain trying to figure out what his motive was. There was definitely something odd about him, almost familiar, beyond that of all my enemies. He was much too friendly. Evil was friendly. I should know, it welcomed me with open arms not as long ago as some people think.

I heard the door open and he appeared, “Think of the devil and he shall appear.” I mumbled to him, running my fingers through my hair before lounging in my chair, “Tell me, doc; why must you like to keep a girl waiting.”

“You’re calling yourself a girl?”

“Well, woman; more like.”

“Of course; but I must insist we get down to business.”

“No more pleasantries? I’m disappointed. You didn’t even answer my question.”

“Poor you.”

“Oh, woe is me.”

“So, you had just started living with Jeremy, correct?”

“Yes, well, not much happened for a while. I spent the nights relaxing, days out in the city. Jeremy was very gentle, kind, he fed off me as gentle as… anyone could believe…”


I couldn’t believe Jeremy had gotten me these beautiful clothes, they fell off my body like meat off a rib bone. I had never been more comfortable in anything before. I may have well been Cinderella the way he spoiled me with jewellery, clothes and my pick of whatever I could possibly desire. It was the first time I had ever owned nice things and the feeling of it all was unbelievably surreal. Even now I was reading some books on the couch in a white dress that looked like he took from an angel because it was so delicate.

Since I had moved in the strangest thing was happening. I was beginning to feel at home in a way I had never experienced before. When I was there I didn’t feel like a bull in a china shop; clumsy and out of place, ruining everything in sight. I was comfortable and warm, I soon realized I liked being here. It wasn’t just the home I was getting more comfortable with either.

For the first time I realized that I had a protector, a white knight from the darkness. Around Jeremy, I felt safe and free from harm. I liked to think that he had warmed up to me too. As I thought of him, he entered from the second floor.

“What’s new?” he asked me as he sauntered in.

“Nothing, I’m just getting a little… bored. See, reading is great and all but I must admit ‘The Art of War’ is an acquired taste.”

“Is that what you’re reading now?”

“No, I’m reading this story called Anne of Green Gables.”

“You should pick it up sometime. You never know when military tactics could come in handy.”

“Really, me in the military; I’d like to see that.”

“The future is a strange thing, Ava. Trust me; dare it be fickle and so it shall be.”

“What does that mean?” I laughed.

“Honestly, I don’t know. It was a phrase a teacher of mine told me years ago.” Jeremy paused for a second before smirking, “Have you ever played Monopoly?”


“No, no, no; dammit!” Jeremy shouted, bowing his head in shame.

“That’ll be 500 dollars, please; sir.” I giggled, holding out my hand as he handed over a mixture of brightly coloured monopoly bills.

He rubbed his forehead with a smile, “You’re sure you’ve never played Monopoly before?”

“I’m sure. You probably can’t tell since I’m totally creaming you.” I laughed again and slowly divided up my bills into their correct slots tucked under the game board.

“Well; that was my last bill. You’ve won.” He sighed, rising from the sofa chair. He checked his watch and sighed, “I’m heading out; business. I’ll be back here around four in the morning.”

“Wait!” I called, jumping up and trotting to him “Can I come?”

Jeremy hesitated, “I don’t think so…” he trailed off, looking for an excuse, “You won’t want to; I’ll be boring.”

“No, no; I do!” I said happily, “We can stop at a diner on our way back, for my supper.” He was still unconvinced, “Please?”

“Oh… well alright; just promise to listen to me.”

“I promise.”

“And don’t talk to anyone.”

“Cross my heart.”

“Good.” He sighed, “Come along then.”


We hopped in his car and he began to drive. I curled up in the back seat and watched the beginning of the Godfather on the TV in the back. It was a long drive, but I wasn’t really paying attention. When we arrived Jeremy opened the door to his car and helped me out daintily. He kept one hand on my arm as he walked me to the door of the bistro where we entered. I quickly understood why.

This was not the kindest of neighborhoods; not far from my old home in fact. Ragged men stumbled in the nearby alleyways and watched us like owls, wide eyes peering from the dark corners. His fingers tightened when one of them took a step towards us and I felt him stiffen. I pressed closer into his strong arms, letting the feeling of his protection keep me calm. The look he gave him made him stumble back into the gutter and the two of us entered the restaurant quickly.

The room was filled with a light smoke that drifted above us on the ceiling in thin clouds and I gave a light cough. It was late so the regular hours had long passed and there were only a few people left inside. There were four men sitting at a table near the back, and the smoke probably came from their cigars. They greeted Jeremy in a language I didn’t understand and he replied in perfect fluency.

“Sit here and wait for me, I should only be a little while.” He said into my ear. I nodded but looked up to him uncertainly. “Don’t worry, it’s all going to be fine.”

Honestly, as I sat there in that smoky room and watched as Jeremy’s voice slowly began raise in an argument, none of which I understood, I began to hear how much uncertainty he really had in his reply.

Suddenly the conversation snapped into English and my eyes widened. Was it in fear? Perhaps; but most likely it was the young man who stood up from the table. I recognized him from that foggy night not that long ago. His eyes glowed like vibrant, yellow moons and I felt my fight-or-flight instincts kick in. What do you think I wanted to do?

“No, no; you give us our money now!” the man beside him gently touched his arm and murmured something soothing. “No, goddammit; this idiot has screwed around with us long enough, papa. He has to pay.”

“Listen, Michael, I have the money. It’s just in my safe house down in Phoenix; I need some time so I can get my friend to pack it up and mail it over here. I’ll have it as soon as possible.”

“Fine, for a price; I want another 5 000 in interest?”

I felt myself inching to the door… while still sitting in my seat. My chair squeaked and I toppled over; just my style. I quickly pushed myself up and felt my back hit the wall. Everyone turned to look at me and I flushed pink. Suddenly, there was a glint in the eye of the young werewolf known as Michael. With werewolf speed he was upon me within seconds, grabbing my wrist and peering at the two puncture wounds over my veins.

“Got yourself a blood bank here, Jeremy?” he asked, bringing his face close to mine. I saw no recognition register in his eyes and I realized he didn’t realize what he had done to me before. “On second thought, give me the girl for an hour and I’ll give you as long as you like.”

Faster than him, Jeremy grabbed his arm and said firmly, “No. She’s mine.”

“Come ‘on, Jer. We’re pals, right? Here; I’m feeling a little generous. Give her to me for 24 hours and we’ll call the debt off.” He turned to me with hungry eyes and I flinched away towards Jeremy. I didn’t dare speak out.

His eyes flashed and for a second I thought he was going to agree. “No. I don’t rent out my nice things and let them get tainted by the likes of you.” He snarled. “You’ll get your money, all of it, when I have it. Understand?”

Even I felt a trickle of fear from hearing his voice. Michael obeyed and let me go and I ran to Jeremy. He took me under his arm and I buried my face in his jacket. His kindness to me, his generosity and gentle nature combined with the intimacy that we shared as he took my blood every night is what kept me alive. It’s what kept me happy. It’s what kept me safe. I found myself retreating to him as my sanctuary. He took me in gladly.

“Come on, Ava.” He said into my hair, I felt him brush my hair behind my ear and he guided me out. “Good day, gentlemen.”

We hopped in his car and he drove off quickly. He took me into a cleaner part of town and outside a diner. We stood outside it but it was closed for the night.

“Damn.” He sighed, “I’m sorry, that took a little longer than I thought it would.”

“It’s fine, I can grab something here.” I said, trotting up to the 24 hour convenience store next door.

“You don’t want to eat chips and pop for dinner, do you?” he said, wrinkling his lip in distaste, “I can get you something from Tim Horton’s or something, there’s one up the road.”

“No, it’s fine; really!” I called, “I know just the thing.” I ran into the store and it gave a ring at my entrance. I hopped out with a small bag of food.

Back at the penthouse it was late. The sun would be rising any minute now, and despite the expensive nearly UV proof windows Jeremy had installed, he was useless past 8am.

I was microwaving my food when Jeremy came into the kitchen, preparing himself for sunrise. I sat on the counter while trying to solve the puzzle on the back of my Lucky Charms cereal box.

The microwave gave a loud buzz and I jumped, falling off the counter to the floor. Well almost to the floor, two strong arms caught my fall and Jeremy helped me back to my feet.

“You should be more careful, you don’t want to hurt yourself there without RCR.”


“Rapid cell regeneration, it’s a property of vampirism.”

“Oh, right. We learned that in Bio last year.”

We stood in an awkward silence for a moment before he pointed to the microwave and asked, “So you going to get that?”

“Oh, right!” I said, opening it up and mixing up the box with a fork.

“So… I was thinking… after that incident with the mutt from the Russell pack… maybe it would be best you started learning some self-defence tactics.”

I blinked, processing his words individually to make sure I heard right. “Like, Karate or Kung Fu?”

“Like judo or something; whatever works for you.”

“Where could I learn something like that.”

“I could teach you.”

“Of course, I do know most of the popular martial arts. Vampires are natural combat artists; with our strength and agility matching few mortals we really can learn at an increase rate of over 75% faster than humans.”


“So, are you up for it?”

“Yes. Teach me.”

“We’ll start tomorrow.”


Olivier Dubois looked at me with a curious tint to his eyes and I narrowed my own in return. He raised his eyebrow slightly before speaking.

“I find it hard to believe that you were so welcoming to Jeremy; a strange vampire you knew little to nothing about. You weren’t even anxious when you found out about his debts with the wolf-mobsters? Or when he told you how gifted he was in the art of harm?”

“At the time, Doc, I had experienced very little personalities to compare him to other than my father. To me the idea of strength and stability was safety, next to my father who was my harm. The idea of martial arts was of protection, not to harm others.”

“You seem to be very thoughtful on this subject.”

“You don’t think that I’ve had enough time to think about the stupid ideas I got when I was 17?”

He shrugged and nodded, “I suppose I can understand that.” He looked at his watch, “Ready to continue?”

“Probably, just give me a sec.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you all for your support; I apologise for the lack of zazz in this chapter but it will all lead to something ;) ;)

If you like the story, have any theories or opinions or just want to say 'hi', I'm just a comment away! I wuv you all.
