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To Be Mortal

Things are Changing

Now, 16 years later, I squirmed at the thought of that day. He had been my first love, if that’s what you wanted to call it. It probably started with a sort of infatuation, and if it ever grew to love I would never know. What only mattered then is how I thought I felt, and at that point I was in love.

The doctor tapped his pen on his clipboard, looking at me with expectant eyes. We sat in an awkward silence, neither of us saying a word. I could have spoken up but… he looked like he was suffering much more than me so… I let it drag on. I was just that nice.

“So.” He began, giving an awkward cough, “You and Jeremy were…”

“Dating; you could say we were dating.”

“Right, okay.” He gave another cough and checked his watch. “Are you ready to continue?”


I woke in a warm bed with strong arms around my bare skin. My eyes fluttered open like black winged butterflies and turned around. I smiled when I saw the handsome, sleeping face of Jeremy.

In my paranormal studies class in high school, we had to study the properties of many different breeds of supernaturals. Vampires included. Apparently, to avoid the sun’s gaze, vampire’s brains automatically released a hormone at sunrise that made them very sleepy during daylight hours. He would be fast asleep for a while longer.

I curled up in his sleeping arms and wriggled my forehead under his chin. I heard him stir and felt him smile.

After a while I pulled myself from his arms and tugged the warm covers off me and let the cool air touch my skin. I gave a long stretch and yawn, and then grabbed my white dress shirt from the floor.

It took me a moment to realize it was not in fact my shirt, but Jer’s. As I noticed before, he did have one a very distinct taste. It was much too big for me and fit me more like a bathrobe than a shirt. I was already walking towards the living room, and despite what I had been taught I was still afraid of waking him if I went back into the room. Besides, it was just Jeremy here; I would be fine walking around without proper clothes on… for now.

I hopped onto the couch and clicked the television with the remote before curling into a little ball on the couch. It opened up to the news and I tucked my hands under my cheek and watched. It was the six-o’clock news! How long had I been sleeping, I mean we only finally went to sleep at like... okay; 7 in the morning; but still!

There was a theme song and Leslie Roberts appeared on the screen, reporting today’s breaking news.

“There has still been no lead to the killer of Amanda Greenwood who was found dead in her apartment three days ago; however evidence does support that this was a vampire attack. This being the thirtieth supernatural related case this week in Ontario alone, the Provincial government has been working with the Canadian supernatural services to find a remedy for the situation.”

The video flicked to a press conference with the premier of Ontario, “People of Ontario… we will not let ourselves be terrorized by these animals. Since civilized man has walked the street so too has these so-called humanoids who claim to be our equals! Who claim to bear us no ill-will or give us danger to our children? Ontario is not the only place in the world that has seen an elevated crime rate with anti-human intentions. I, along with all supernatural service organizations, will not let these terrorists win.”

It went back to the reporter-man sitting at his desk. “Walter Price, a shapeshifter and well-known supernatural speaker gave a speech in London, England today where he lives with his family. Price is famous for his persistent outcry in supernatural rights as well as for his participation in countless protests not just in the UK, but across the world.”

Walter Price, at first looks, was an incredibly ordinary man. He wore the clothing of an ordinary person, spoke the words of an ordinary man but yet the entire human population seemed to detest him. “I know that many of you do not consider beings like me to be people, but whether you like it or not we live on this earth with you. Side by side we grew and evolved together, we conquered worlds and build roads and worshiped gods. There has not been a time in this world that has not been shaped by both human and humanoid blood, sweat and tears. Yes, supernaturals commit crimes, but so do humans. You murder, steal and betray each other just as supernaturals do. It’s because we’re different that we stand out.” Price gave a sigh and let his head fall.

“I know that humans dominate the population 50 to one, but that does not make you better than us. Where supernaturals walk, hate follows. It has for a long while, and it’s time for the discrimination to end for good. For a while there seemed to be a time that science and magic stood hand in hand, when we walked the valley’s hand in hand singing of peace and equality fighting for black rights. Will there always be a different kind? Can we never love each other for who we really are? People just trying to survive in this world?”

“I implore the governments of our world to follow by example and stop the segregation in our world from you and us.”

Price’s face disappeared and the reporter was shown again. “For many years there has been talk of exactly the opposite of this, to form an international agency focusing throughout Canada, the UK, the US, Mexico and most of Europe. General George Paul held a press conference yesterday afternoon to explain the current plans for a safer tomorrow from supernaturals.

The General was a gruff man with a ruffled beard and white hair. “Our goal is to make it easier for police to solve supernatural crimes as well as catch rouge paranormal predators by tracking them through a database. Every non-human will be required to submit for a standard questioning and will be booked into this database. They will be given an id number and everything from samples of their DNA, prints to their friends will be recorded.”

“But, sir, general; who will be doing this book keeping?” a reporter asked.

“If this plan is to work, we plan on forming a new organization, an agency that will consist of agents from all over the world; human and supernaturals alike, all for the cause of keeping the people safe.”

“What do you have to say to Walter Price and all of his supporters?”

“I say that if supernaturals are so alike us, why do they crawl in the dark? Why do they refuse to attend our public schools or vote in our elections or fight with us in our wars? The best way to stop supernatural hate is to join us in our culture. Some humans may lie, cheat and murder; but we sure don’t kill our neighbors for an afternoon snack.”

Back to the reporter, “Price spoke out against General Paul a few hours later with this…”

Back to Price, “The more supernaturals have attempted to integrate with the human population, the more we are pushed back. We can’t fight for our country because supernatural soldiers are never accepted into the armies. We can’t vote in your elections because no politician speaks for our people. We can’t send our children to public schools because they are bullied and no teacher will speak for them. The more we try to integrate with you the more you speak out; it is time for ACTION!” Price hit his podium with a slam of his fists and the crowd around him went silent.

“Charming speaker, really.” A voice exclaimed from the hallway, “With that kind of passion you’d think he was an evil dictator or something.”

I jumped at the voice and turned from the TV, but it was just Jer. He only had his pajama pants on and

“Things are changing…” I muttered, “You don’t think there’ll be a war, do you?”

“Of course not, humans outman us completely.” He said, sitting down on the couch, “Besides; the world has always discriminated against supernaturals. That’s not going to change anytime soon.” It was strange, to think that Jeremy was not even of the same species as me, but he had been technically human at one time; hadn’t he? These thoughts made her realize that if there was a war, they would be on opposite sides.

I moved from my spot and cautiously cuddled into his arms, burying my head under his chin. His arms opened wide to let me in and held me close once I was in his arms. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled, looking up to him and asking, “If there was a war, you would protect me; right Jer?”

“Of course; you’re my girl now, right? Besides, soon enough you won’t need me to protect you.”

“I thought my strength needed work?”

“I said soon, not now.” He smiled at me with a curious look and I snuggled into him tighter. He was strong and soft, like a tightly stuffed teddy bear… with a six-pack.

“Jer…?” I asked.


“Can you… will you make me like you?”

“How so?”

“I’m just thinking… I mean… What if I could be supernatural too?”

“You want to be a Vampire?”

“Yes. I don’t want to outgrow you or something, or die… or… well…”

“Well what?”

“If there was a war… We’d be like Romeo and Juliet, outcast from both sides. And everyone knows how that story ended.”

Jeremy gave a laugh, “You’re thinking way too far, Ava. You’re only seventeen, not even out of high school yet, you have plenty time before you outgrow me.”

“Actually… I’ve already graduated high school; technically.”

“How? Are you super smart or something?”

“No, well, I took lots of extra courses. Some online, some in summer school; anything to keep me out of the house. I ended up getting enough credits to graduate a year early.”

“Wow, have you tried attending University yet?”

“No, I can’t afford it, and I never got good enough grades to qualify for any scholarships.”

“School is so confusing in the 20th century.”

“It’s the 21st century, Jer.”

“I was testing you.”

“Of course you were.”

He sat there for a while, playing with my long curls absentmindedly. “Ava?”


“If there was a war, and I had to leave town… would you come with me?”

“I’d follow you to the moon and back.”

He smiled and kissed me on the head tenderly. I smiled and cuddled deeper into his arms. Happiness washed over me and I closed my eyes. It was a surreal time for me. Easy, simple… It didn’t last very long.


“I have to stop you there, Ava. I really have to be getting back.” Olivier rose from his chair and looked at me firmly. I didn’t know anyone could look at someone firmly, but that might have been the psychologist in him.

He drew a breath and moved his lips as if he was about to say something important, but paused. He raised a hand and pointed to me, “I like you Ava.”

I smirked and crossed my legs on the chair I sat on and leaned back, “I don’t usually have that effect on people, Doctor.” My lips twitched with slight movement, “Anything specific?”

“You’re fishing for compliments, aren’t you?”


“You took a world that always hurt you and hurt it.” I gave an involuntary flinch, but I don’t think he noticed. “I can’t say that was a good thing, but I can’t say I completely blame you for your reasoning. I can respect that. Not many people can accomplish what you have.”

“Just go.” I growled, turning from him. I listened as he stood his ground for a moment, but eventually retreated to the end of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
You know that one scene in a story that doesn't really have much to do with the whole plot, but you love anyway to the degree you plan every little detail? This chapter was that for me. I hope you like it, more To Be Mortal to come soon.