‹ Prequel: Life After You
Status: You all wanted to know what happened...so here goes....

Fate's Cruel Hand

Fate's Cruel Hand


A shopping trip with Marilyn was exactly what she needed, especially with taking some time off work, although she did go in three days a week. Kelly felt bad about abandoning her patients, the people who went to her religiously for their sessions and she was rescheduling her appointments. They needed her, but she couldn't bring herself to leave Jeremy alone for more than a few hours. She had seen a change in him, snappy and grumpy, but he always apologised. She knows he is frustrated with being housebound and keeps trying to think of ways to help him. She had encouraged him to start writing again, even if he couldn't write a melody on his guitar. She still had to help him get dressed, wash and go to the bathroom and she knows it embarrasses him to the point of avoiding everything he needs help with.

The girls are laden with shopping bags and decide on lunch at a deli across from one of the big fashion chains.

"Are you going to tell me what's bothering you?" Marilyn asks as she shakes salt over her salad.

"There's nothing bothering me"

"Please" Marilyn replies sarcastically. "I know something's bothering you and you know I won't leave you alone until you tell me. So, spill"

Kelly closes her eyes briefly and suddenly feels tired. She hasn't been sleeping and would sneak downstairs to check on Jeremy. He would always be fine, but for some reason she just needed to check.

"I'm worried about how this accident has affected Jeremy" she says finally. Marilyn nods for her to continue."He's just not the same. He's irritable and snappy most of the time. He doesn't mean it, but it's driving me crazy seeing him so...down"

"Have you tried talking to him? I mean he was your patient, so he will open up to you"

"We don't talk like he's been my patient. It's like we have totally forgotten that and if I try, he clams up" Kelly gives a big sigh of frustration.

"I just don't know how to help him"

Marilyn sets down her fork and rests her chin on her hand.

"When was the last time you had sex?"

Kelly shoots her a look that says she doesn't want to talk to her about this particular subject.

"I'm being serious."Marilyn pushes

Kelly takes a drink of her coffee and looks around. She doesn't want anyone overhearing their conversation for two reasons, one that it's an embarrassing topic and two, people are quick to judge.

"Two or three months. I think" Kelly drops her voice to an almost whisper.

"How often did you normally have sex?"

Kelly tries to focus on a person across the street. If she doesn't she will just go bright red and everyone will know what they are talking over.

"Every day"

"How many times?"

Kelly finally looks at her.

"Three or four times a day."

Marilyn nods. She says that she thinks they are both sexually frustrated.

"How's he been since the accident?"

Kelly breathes a small sigh of relief and thanks whatever God there is that the topic of conversation has changed.

"He's moody. He hates being dependent on someone. He gets quiet and moody when I help him wash or get changed." Kelly explains. "It kills him when I have to help him use the toilet"

"Has he ever...you know?"

It's unlike Marilyn to beat around the bush, but Kelly knows exactly what she's on about.

"All the time"Kelly let's out a frustrated sigh.

"Does he sort it?"

Kelly shakes her head. She tells her friend in the strictest confidence that anytime she touches him or shows him any kind of affection he gets an erection.

"He can't...he can't even take a pee by himself"

"Why don't you help him?" Marilyn suggests with a wink.

"It's not that easy"

"Why not?" She continues to push.

"Because.."She finds her mouth suddenly dry."Because we will both want more and we just can't"

"As long as you're both gentle"
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