‹ Prequel: Life After You
Status: You all wanted to know what happened...so here goes....

Fate's Cruel Hand

Fate's Cruel Hand

Jeremy reads the official titled letter and grins. He's scheduled to have his hand x-rayed and depending on the results, the cast will be removed. The thought of finally having the use of his hand back is a sweet success, some good news, finally. The wounds from surgery are healing nicely, although they are still inflamed and pink. He had read on the internet that he could buy a cream that over time fades the scars, but he isn't sure whether it would work or not, despite of the testimonies from happy customers.

Jeremy hobbles into the kitchen and grabs a glass from the draining board, wedged in his fingers that are tightly holding the crutch. Confident that it won't slip from his grasp, he pulls a carton of juice from the refrigerator. If Kelly could see him now she would be forcefully pushing him back to the sofa. It was cute the way she fussed over him, trying to do everything she could to make him comfortable, but it's really starting to irritate him.

Jeremy had always been independent, the kind of guy who did what he wanted when he wanted and enjoyed having his own space, but it feels like he's been staring at the same walls for years.
His mother had been calling him every second day for an update on how he was feeling, even in Australia she was being over protective. Jeremy had talked his mother out of coming over for a few weeks and promised her she could visit when he was basically back to normal, and she accepted this, knowing that he was already in good hands.

He sits down at the kitchen table and rests the heavy cast on the top, lights a cigarette and watches as the smoke curls in the air, like a flag in a strong breeze. He's sick of being unable to do even the smallest things for himself and wishes he could magic away the casts, and the aching feeling in his body. But he knows better than anyone that wishes are only in fairytale's.


"I'm so glad you're back" Mrs Miller says as soon as she is in Kelly's office.

As usual she takes the seat that faces the door, a habit and almost obsession she had participated in for many years.

"I was so sad to hear you were having troubles" she continues.

Kelly thanks the middle-aged woman and gives her a warm and encouraging smile.

"So, where would you like to begin this week?"Kelly looks up from her notes."why don't you start from how you have been since our last session"

Evelyn Wilson nods.

"Things are as good as they are ever going to be now that I'm a widow"

Kelly listens. She had only met the woman a week or two ago and felt so sorry for her because she had lost the love of her life.

"How are you coping? Are you managing to get out of bed in the mornings? Cook for yourself?"

"Everyone's told me that with every new day this emptiness feels better and I just feel worse." She frowns"I miss Brian with all my heart and I keep thinking I'll turn around and he will just be there."

"You were married for over forty years. That's a lot of time to be with someone."Kelly adds.

"I remember our wedding day like it was yesterday" a sad, teary smile"I have been told I'm not acting normal. But who acts normal when the love of their life has passed on?"

Kelly agrees. It would be hard for anyone to carry on as normal when someone you loved passed away. She remembers when her grandmother passed away and how her mother wanted everything to be as normal as possible. It wasn't until she left home she was finally allowed to grieve for her favourite grandmother.

"Have they said what you are doing that isn't normal?"

"I've been a little forgetful recently." The older woman explains."Nothing serious, but everyone thinks I'm losing my marbles. I've forgotten to water the plants or return a phone call and everyone thinks the worst. I know they are only concerned, but I'm fine."

"You said last week that your son, Robert was giving you a hard time. How is that?" Kelly asks.

"Robert is so much like his father and he forgets he can't just say what he thinks. I've tried calling him and visiting him, but he always says he's busy."

"How do you think he's handling the loss of your husband?" Kelly wonders.

"He says he's fine, but I know when he's lying. I've suggested bereavement counselling, but he won't even let me finish my sentence."

"Could it be that Robert doesn't want to accept his father's death?"

"It could be anything I suppose" Mrs Wilson frowns. She doesn't know what to say to her son to make the situation better. "They were never close. Maybe he feels guilty for not showing an interest"

Kelly wraps up the end of the session and thinks about what Evelyn Wilson said about life and death, how it's inevitable and the one sure thing that everyone can truly know. She thinks about the last time she had spoken to her parents, another row when she told them she was involved with someone. As usual, her mother wanted to meet him and Kelly wasn't ready for that. Her parents had demanded to meet the man who was so clearly in their daughter's heart, but now out of love, out of pure judgement.
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How does everyone think this is going?