Mikey is falling.

Does Frank still love me?


"MIKEY!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "What?" Mikey replied. "You have to wake up
and get ready to go to breakfast with Frank" I said. "Okay I just have to but some
clothes on." Mikey said. "Alrighty then." I was so happy for Mikey. I wasnt even going
on the date with a hot guy, and I was still excited. Mikey is like a brother to me.
He is always there for me and I love it! I don't know why anyone wouldn't like Mikey.
I mean he is so cute. *Blushes*.


The phone rang and i ran down stairs to pick it up. "Hello." I said. "Hey is this Amanda?"
The vocie said. "Yeah this is her." She replied. "Well this is Frank, I am calling to tell
Mikey I'm right down the street." "Okay, We will be here." I said.

After a few minutes the door bell rang. It was Frank. "Hey Frank." I yelled. "Come on in,
Mikey is in the bathroom." "Ohhhhh what is he doing. I wanna come" Frank said. GROSS I
thought to myself.

"Okay I'm ready to go now Frank." Mikey said. "Alrighty then, lest go." Frank said.

A few minutes Frank and Mikey are at breakfast.
We have finished our food and I don't know what to talk about! I thought to myself.
I had to say something! I mean it was so quit. Frank was giving me this look like
he was going to hop over the table and have sex with me! WOW! I said to myself. He
is one hot thing!!! YUM YUM! Frank started to climb over the table like he was going
to kiss me. He did. After a few minutes he started to unbutton my pants. It was very
enjoyable. He was going way to far. Frank pushed back and fell. "I'm so sorry
Mikey, it isnt you it is me!" "What about you?" Mikey asked. "I don't know what
I was thinkin.""We are in public." Frank said. "But...but... I was loving it."
MIkey said.


What have I done? I shouldn't have done that. I was so stupid! We are in public Frank.
Frank said to himself. I feel so bad now. Everyone is starring at us. What do I do?

Should I break up with him?

NO! What are you thinking Frank? Your a good couple together. Frank said to himself

I think that I'm going to do what is best for me and Mikey.

I am going to take the chanses!