Mikey is falling.

Ohh Frank!

"Chrip Chrip" A bird was chriping from off in the distance and woke Frank up.

Frank walked outside and into the grass to follow a loud laughing noise.
It was coming from the people next to them. The girls happen to look up and they
start cracking up laughing. Frank has no idea what they are laughing at. So he looks
to the left, then the right then looks down. He sees that he is naked........

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Oh my god.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Frank yells as he was overing
himself up and knocking over the tent.

Amanda wakes up and covers her eyes because Frank is screaming in the nude.


"What the hell is going on?!?!?!?!" Mikey asks.
"Frank was screaming OH MY GOD AHH!, and hes is fucking NAKED!" Amanda yells with fear!
"Frank calm down its me Mikey." Mikey said as he was trying to put back up the tent.

On the other had while Mikey was putting up the tent the preps where laughing there
heads off at them!

"Frank please get clothes on so that I can unsheld my eyes" Amanda said.
"Okay I am trying, I walked up there and they where laughing at me!" Frank said as he was
trying to pull up his tight ass pants.

"Well duhh Frank, You where naked! Those are preps too, So what do you expect?"
Amanda asked.

"I dont know, For them not to laugh at me." Frank said in a smart ass way.
"Well that sure the hell isnt going to happen Frank, Now is it?"
"Well now I know not to sleep naked anymore then run outside!"
"Okay good, I am going to make some breakfast now." Amanda said.
"What do you guys want?"
"Eggs, Bacon and toast!!!" Mikey and Frank shooted at the same time in the tent.
"I cant make toast! We dont have a toaster but I will try to."

A few minutes later when breakfast was ready.

"UHHH OH FRANK!" Mikey yelled.
"Oh god, I dont even know if I wanna go in there!"