Mikey is falling.

Frank wants to go swimming!


Yeah sometimes Mikey and Frank scare me. We try having to live with them.
Being naked all the time. I dont know how i live with it. I just do.
Yeah, I am just useding to listening to moaning and groaing sounds.
Yeah. That guy that came to my tent asking for plantes was a cutie.
Just then my phone rang, I didn't know the number,but I picked it
up anyways.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone wondering who it was.
"Hey, It's Pete Wentz, The guy who did Mikey and Frank's wedding."
"Oh, Hey Uhm it is a suprize that you would call me!"
"Yeah, well I was just calling to ask you guys if you wanna
come and hang with me and my friends?!?!?!"
"Oh, well I dont know. Not this weekend, We are camping right now,
maybe next weekend?!?!"
"Okay, Well that is fine I will just call you durning the week."
"Alright, That sounds good to me, Thanks for asking. Bye now.?"
"Good bye and have a great day Amanda, Tell Mikey and Frank,
Not to have sex to much."
"Oh, that is to late now, They did it once when we got here.Hehe."
"Ha, Okay bye now."

"Hey guys Pete Wentz just called us and asked if we wanna hang out
with him and his friends this weekend.., So what do you say?!?!"
"I say that is okay!" Mikey and Frank yelled at the same time.
"Okay he will...I WANT TO SWIM!" Frank butted in before Amanda was
"Uhm, Okay Frank we will go swimming when I am done talking."
"Okay, he will call us this....I WANNA GO SWIMMING, BLAH___JNSKDNFHSKFJSKU."
Frank butted in again.
"Sorry." Frank said with a sad look on his face.
"Sorry Frankie but, you need to stop butted in, now Pete will call
us this weekend." Amanda said.
"Okay." Mikey said
"Now lets go swimming.