Mikey is falling.

Amanda comes back

Mikey and Frank's Family are at Mikey's house so that they can spread the good news.

Still Mikey's P.O.V

"Okay everyone have a seat." I said. 'I want to tell you all something." I said.

"Me and Frank are getting married!!" I yelled while looking at Frank. "Oh my, I think that is
so great!" Frank's mom said. I dont know if everyone is alright with that, but i am. I said to myself

"Frank? Lets go up stairs and talk about the wedding" I said. "Okay so what are we going to have?"
I asked Frank. "Well i wont something nice, and cute looking!" Frank said with a smile. "Okay
and so do I!" I said.

As soon as we stoped talking me mom yelled my name!

"MIKEY? GET DOWN HERE!.Someone is here to see you both." My mom yelled.

"Hey Amanda!" Frank and I both said. 'What brought you here?" Frank asked "I heard about the
wedding, so i came." Well thank you Amanda." I said "Okay lets have some dinner.' My mom said.