Mikey is falling.

I love you.....Mikey!

"Mikey I would never leave you." Frank said. "I love you to much." Frank said again.

"Now lets go to that wedding!" Frank said.

A few hours later they wherer at the wedding and Mikey noticed something very strange.

"Frank, do you take Mikey to be your husband?" The man said. "I do." Frank replied. "Mikey,
do you take Frank to be your husband?" The man asked. Mikey just sat there in silnce looking
at a girl that looked just like that one that was dwon the street.

"Mikey?" The man asked again. "No, I mean yes, I mean I have to go." Mikey yelled. He ran
out the side door and grabed the girl with him. Frank running after Mikey looking worried!

"Mikey?, What in the world are you doing?" Frank asked. "I....I dont know." He exclaimed.
"I am sorry I thought that you where someone else." Mikey said to the women he didnt really
know. "I am sorry Frank, for ruinning all what we had plained for, I dont know what has
gotta into me. I mean I just dont know." Mikey exclaimed. "We would you run out of your own
wedding for a girl that you didn't know?, What? Did you think she was that girl that you met
down the street...Mikwey?" Frank asked. "Huh? Huh?" Frank asked again.

"No" Mikey said. "Then lets go finish the wedding in peace."Frank said. "Okay" Mikey replied.

After the wedding was over...Frank and Mikey you know...Dont you know what I am talking about?
Sex. Yeah..ewww.

and they lived happily ever after....NOT THE END. This is not the end!